topped and now 3 heads?


Well-Known Member
nat had to goto hospital yesterday,and didnt get back till late, the plants were outdoors,in the closet in the garage,and the lite went off,like normal at 9pm, but i didnt get chance to bring them indoors, out of the freezing temps.
when i went to look this morning,i thought they would be all frozen and dead, but they are all alive, and responding to lite, if you know what i mean.
would them, been left, all nite in the closet, in the garage, when it was - 2 deg, last nite, there not dead. as you can see in the pics, but would the cold of harmed,or stressed them?,much,or put them back/stunted?.
hope it didnt, cos my 3 arjans strawberry haze. are my last 3 fem. seeds, hope the stress wont send them hermie?.cos im not using fem seeds,anymore, just these 3 left.
what does anyone think?.


Well-Known Member
They should be fine within 24 hours.
I assumed they were heat stressed but there cold stressed this seems to have the same effect as heat stress on the leaves shape from your pics.
Mine look the same but mine is from heat stress and not letting them sleep at all since they popped:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes i also have had them all on 24/0, then straight to 12/12. thell live. lol
but, how cold can they take before cold starts fucking with them, can plants get used to cold temps?, or wont they just grow.
if they lived out there last nite ,should i just leave them out there,and just rap some big blankets around the closet, in the dark period, would that be ok, or do i need to get them warmer?.


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks....doin' well its Friday.....lifes good! thanks for Nat says.....sounds like they should be fine....cheers!


Well-Known Member
tahoe do you like my topped babys in the pic, in my avitar,with there 2 heads.
lol. the plant,wont have them heads for long,cos im going to pull the little fuckers off in a week or so. ready for thequad then octo dont know what you would call a plant with 16 heads, is they such a word.
think i mite try 1 or 2 till i get to 16 heads, ive got pleanty of small plants, at the moment. i can try for nawt.


Well-Known Member
hey crazy cool...I like it....I am curious myself....topped two of my clones yesterday...and also plan to mutiple top those two while leaving the other two not topped just to document the copmarative growth/form etc. should be interesting....


Well-Known Member
updated pics,all 7 plants are now into 12/12. some 2 weeks and some 3 days. they are a little behind, due to topping 3 days before going to 12 12. due to some bad advice. but they seem ok now.
any veiws anyone:joint:

3 004.jpg

3 001.jpg

3 002.jpg

3 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
I've just topped my plants for the last time yesterday. And the veg goes on but it will be worth it in the long long run in yield. Believe me it seems like it takes for ever. But thats a newbie taking. This is my first hydro.


Well-Known Member
I've just topped my plants for the last time yesterday. And the veg goes on but it will be worth it in the long long run in yield. Believe me it seems like it takes for ever. But thats a newbie taking. This is my first hydro.
is that pic in your avitar, purple kush?.


New Member
Hey very cool looking crazy. They is lookin' healthy :)

Gotta go out and possibly buy a LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later guys.


Well-Known Member
it was a picture on hightimes i think it was purple kush. The Urkel i have is purple kush and skunk#1 hybrid clone only.


Well-Known Member
I think i prefer hydro because you are god and you give exactly what you want and if something isn't right you just flush it and fixit. More or less.


Well-Known Member
the outdoor temps are 0 at the monent, and when i turn the lites out, the temps in the closet,in the garage, have been very low,40 to 50, i know this is too cold, but will it kill them, ive put a heater in the garage, but, i dont like heaters on all nite,out of my sight. will these teps end up killing the plants, or will they get used to the conditions?.
should i bring them indoors, i will if i have to but its a lot, bring all them plants indoors, and back out in the morning. im moving in a week, so these plants have been okish the last 2 nights, will they be ok for another week,or will the plants ,just get ill.