Okay, so I'm new here and I have been watching videos and reading ebooks and real books for months on the subject of cultivating premium marijuana hydroponically.
Stealth growing is a must for me.
I have very limited funds and space so first off let me start off with the spec's.
I have a 2' x 4' growing space which = out to 8 Square Foot.
I have a low spot in the ceiling of about 4.5 Ft. - 5 Ft. and a high spot of about 7.5' to 8 '.
I am going to set up a drip irrigation system similar to the one used by Mr. Green in the "I Grow Chronic" video for his Vegetative state [if you have not seen the video check it out, its amusing to most].
I am asking that you treat this post as though I know absolutely nothing.
I am hoping to gain some wonderful knowledge and I've chosen this forum to do so because it seems you guys have a pretty good base of knowledge going here.
I have a 2 feet being used including the plywood board and tray for my hydroponics system I am building.
I am going to use mylar wrap on the walls/ceiling.
I am using a FULL SPECTRUM TL Light used for pets/fish.
I am going to build my own Carbon Filter.
I have a mountable fan.
What is most important before I start?
I do not have much money and I need to do this cheap and efficiently [don't we all?
Also, before I invest into this set up, is it possible I can use just the 2 foot tall table with a dirt and pot/bucket set up and grow 4-6 plants under 2 48" full spectrum TL Lamps if I give them the proper drainage/medium/nutrients?
Can I grow myself a half pound from 6 plants in 8-9 weeks using this simple set up?
I need to know so I can decide if I should seriously invest right now.
I'd like to get this simple set up going with 6 plants that are NOT hydro but just indoor and then after this winter I would like to move up to the initial set up I discussed earlier.
I would like to invest around $150-$200 including medium/lights/full set up.
And I would like to grow 4-6 plants [thats all I can do] and get a set up to where I can grow myself 8-10 ounces to last me the next 8-9 weeks of growing another batch.
I smoke on average an ounce a week and a half pound should last me 2 months [theoretically speaking]
So I guess I'm asking of all of your best advice for the first time grower and as I grow as a grower [literally] then so will my techniques and system.
If you guys can help me out I'd appreciate it very much!
Also, I need this to be discrete because of where I live with the laws permitting me from access to my medicine.
I use marijuana strictly for relief of depression/anxiety and severe pains.
Also, I need some good strains, I can grow a Sativa to 4-5 foot in the tall section of the grow room and an Indica up to 3-4 foot in the short section.
Would this make sense?
Also, I am only able to use seeds from bags of street medicine.
I have no way of telling viability, strain, sex, origin, or several other factors until after they have started growing.
What is the absolute cheapest strain for the beginning grower of marijuana who needs to smoke often.
I get used to strains and have to switch up often so if you could suggest a good blend, I would like 2 separate Indica's for the body high and 2 separate Sativa's for the mental alertness and soaring high.
Thanks so much and GOD BLESS!

Stealth growing is a must for me.
I have very limited funds and space so first off let me start off with the spec's.
I have a 2' x 4' growing space which = out to 8 Square Foot.
I have a low spot in the ceiling of about 4.5 Ft. - 5 Ft. and a high spot of about 7.5' to 8 '.
I am going to set up a drip irrigation system similar to the one used by Mr. Green in the "I Grow Chronic" video for his Vegetative state [if you have not seen the video check it out, its amusing to most].
I am asking that you treat this post as though I know absolutely nothing.
I am hoping to gain some wonderful knowledge and I've chosen this forum to do so because it seems you guys have a pretty good base of knowledge going here.
I have a 2 feet being used including the plywood board and tray for my hydroponics system I am building.
I am going to use mylar wrap on the walls/ceiling.
I am using a FULL SPECTRUM TL Light used for pets/fish.
I am going to build my own Carbon Filter.
I have a mountable fan.
What is most important before I start?
I do not have much money and I need to do this cheap and efficiently [don't we all?

Also, before I invest into this set up, is it possible I can use just the 2 foot tall table with a dirt and pot/bucket set up and grow 4-6 plants under 2 48" full spectrum TL Lamps if I give them the proper drainage/medium/nutrients?
Can I grow myself a half pound from 6 plants in 8-9 weeks using this simple set up?
I need to know so I can decide if I should seriously invest right now.
I'd like to get this simple set up going with 6 plants that are NOT hydro but just indoor and then after this winter I would like to move up to the initial set up I discussed earlier.
I would like to invest around $150-$200 including medium/lights/full set up.
And I would like to grow 4-6 plants [thats all I can do] and get a set up to where I can grow myself 8-10 ounces to last me the next 8-9 weeks of growing another batch.
I smoke on average an ounce a week and a half pound should last me 2 months [theoretically speaking]
So I guess I'm asking of all of your best advice for the first time grower and as I grow as a grower [literally] then so will my techniques and system.
If you guys can help me out I'd appreciate it very much!
Also, I need this to be discrete because of where I live with the laws permitting me from access to my medicine.
I use marijuana strictly for relief of depression/anxiety and severe pains.
Also, I need some good strains, I can grow a Sativa to 4-5 foot in the tall section of the grow room and an Indica up to 3-4 foot in the short section.
Would this make sense?
Also, I am only able to use seeds from bags of street medicine.
I have no way of telling viability, strain, sex, origin, or several other factors until after they have started growing.
What is the absolute cheapest strain for the beginning grower of marijuana who needs to smoke often.
I get used to strains and have to switch up often so if you could suggest a good blend, I would like 2 separate Indica's for the body high and 2 separate Sativa's for the mental alertness and soaring high.
Thanks so much and GOD BLESS!