Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


Well-Known Member
you know it is the sink when the the plant uses the sink as a source and pulls from the fan leaves...the new source...and they begin to yellow


Well-Known Member
How many times have you seen the question,,,,,,, leaf stems are turning purple, WTF?

I answered one just today

purple stems means the leaf is a sink, green stems means the leaf is a source

purple stems tells us that the plant is mature (as does alternating nodes) and is preparing to flower, like a squirel storing nuts for winter, the plant starts storing nutes to make sure it has them to flower with.

Yet one more reason not to prune leaves :)

and don't confuse this with stems turning red which is the first sign of an N deficiency



Active Member
sweet. we got a good rain over here today, and it just so happened to be watering day! let her sit out for a while and get flushed. i cut off nutes last week. shes getting sooo close!!!!


Well-Known Member
The lights just came back on and this is what they look like after a storm,,,,,,

They love it :)

PS those leaves are bigger than my hand (and I have big hands)



Active Member
gorgeous, shes bouncing back from nap time beautifully!!! whats wrong with the leaf tips though?? looks kinda wrinkly and one looks like its been ripped off


Well-Known Member
gorgeous, shes bouncing back from nap time beautifully!!! whats wrong with the leaf tips though?? looks kinda wrinkly and one looks like its been ripped off
not sure it is just the way it is growing, my thought is has something to do with the fast cell division that they warned me about when using CMH which is why they say add silica, I have been adding half strength and I'm thinking it is time to up it?


Well-Known Member
OHHHHH!! I always thought purple stems were heat stress lol, always hot in my room made sense good to know. So other than final overall size and weight of the plant any beniefits of vegging longer once stems show purple?


Well-Known Member
OHHHHH!! I always thought purple stems were heat stress lol, always hot in my room made sense good to know. So other than final overall size and weight of the plant any beniefits of vegging longer once stems show purple?
I would say no, but am noticing on the guest plant (which is kinda just hangin out waitin) that are a lot more of em, even up around the top


Well-Known Member
I guess this is the mid week update :)

It has been 8 days since they got 1st rain after transplant, this morning they got second rain. I am thinkin I need to increase the countdown on light cycle to 30 instead of 15 cause there is only 17 inches left before they hit the light :)

I drew a red circle in one of the pics to show where I topped #4 8 days ago, 11.5 inches of new growth since :hump:

Took a top down pic of #2, you can only see one cola LOL camera was even with the light.

Thinking of names now that I know sex, #4 is gonna be Tilders Deuce cause she looks so much like Tilders I have already been calling her that

#1 is Udo, after the singer in the Balls to the Wall video

#2 is Kat, cause I have a special friend named Kat and #2 is special

#3 is DD cause she has 2 big double D colas

Upper stems are bigger than a #2 pencil (will try to get a pic soon)

Also did the heat thing again as humidity went up again, turned up to 85 to burn it off then back down to 78, over 25 trips up & down the stairs to make it rain, who knew working in the garden was gonna be good exercise :)



Well-Known Member
You need to get an adapter so you can hook the water hose up to a sink upstairs and run it to the basement. You probably don't use the hose for watering though.


Well-Known Member
You need to get an adapter so you can hook the water hose up to a sink upstairs and run it to the basement. You probably don't use the hose for watering though.
I could actually do that as the slop sink in the laundry room will take a hose, but the exercise is good for me


Well-Known Member
I've been telling everyone for a year now, some have listened :) some have doubts???
I notice some mutated leaves from the CMH. The cell division is better too. I can't deal with the drainage to 'make it rain', but love these CMH's. Checked my tap water today, and it's 7.4, and the local greenhouse is calling back on the K-Trate. Got those Dr. Doom Foggers, and Knockout now, just in cause. Thanks for all the help.


Well-Known Member
I notice some mutated leaves from the CMH. The cell division is better too. I can't deal with the drainage to 'make it rain', but love these CMH's. Checked my tap water today, and it's 7.4, and the local greenhouse is calling back on the K-Trate. Got those Dr. Doom Foggers, and Knockout now, just in cause. Thanks for all the help.
Yeah I upped the silica to see if it helps with the mutations, I got one with a growth on it not sure WTF it is but got my eye on it