ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!


Active Member
well ladies and gents, here's my first journal!!! i'm pretty stoked cuz ive been waiting for the right moment to get this thing started! I WOULD LIKE ANY AND ALL ADVICE!!! i'm like a sponge for this shit right now since i finally get to do it right. before now i was growing 8 ft plants in a 8x4 closet under 400w of light :o pathetic i know!!

but NOW i get to work with some REAL room and REAL light and REAL air flow!! i've got a 12 x 12 flower room with a 9x4 veg closet :) panda film all over the rooms, 440 cfm fan pullin air through a carbon filter and 8" ducting pulling air through my 1000w digi light and straight out to the attick. in the veg room i'm runnin 2 4 tube t5's and that's pretty much it :)

i'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest in 5 gal buckets with perlite on the bottom and about an extra cup and a half mixed into the soil. i'm using botanicare's pureblend pro series w/ liquid karma and cal mag.

i'm extra thrilled cuz the clones i made off my white widow died in a move a long with the white widow mothers so i had nothing to grow with this awesome room set up. luckily i had a friend in another state that hooked me up with some KILLER genetics and healthy, happy clones :)

i'm runnin Grapefruit, Bubble Gum, Widow Haze, and Trainwreck!! here's some pics

please don't hesitate to help as this is my first gro in soil and i'm really nervous about that so cheers to all!!



Hey man grats on the grow. Got a shit ton of questions.

this is my first gro in soil and i'm really nervous
Just out of curiosity have you grown in anything else?

What kind of wattage you runnin on the t5s for the veg room?

What temps are you runnin with the light? Whats your humidity at?

Got any fans inside circulating the air?

I am just curious cuz it looks like an awesome set up. Can't really see much from the pictures though so thought I'd ask. Plants look amazing by the way.


Active Member
Just out of curiosity have you grown in anything else?

What kind of wattage you runnin on the t5s for the veg room?

What temps are you runnin with the light? Whats your humidity at?

Got any fans inside circulating the air?

I am just curious cuz it looks like an awesome set up. Can't really see much from the pictures though so thought I'd ask. Plants look amazing by the way.
thank ya thank ya!! i'm quite the proud parent right now

to answer your questions, yea i did grow in a flood and drain 3x3 tray my first grow (bluemoonshinexpotofgold) and my last 2 grows have been in a 6 spot ebb n gro setup...i was sorely dissapointed with all 3 yields and there was just too much for me to control without knowing a lot about it. plus i just felt it was missing that organic feel to it. after seeing an organic grow my for the first time, i could see the difference before i tasted it...its just closer to the way its SUPPOSED to be. i can compare the 2 like this...i'm a drummer and i hope that any other drummer out there would be able to look at a DW kit and a PDP kit and understand "ok, they are the same company, but one drum sounds so sonic and surreal and the other sounds good, but not near as good as that dw)

as for the wattage on the T5's idk know off the top of my head, i just know they are low wattage and they were gifts. i don't wanna get outta my bed to go look but i'll check tomorrow!

my temps are reading at 77 with light on and 74 with light off. humidity is about 44%...that cfm fan sure is doin the trick with coolin the light :) when i add more lights and run them in with the system it'll b a little warmer and i think that's when i'll have perfect temps

yes i do have an osculating fan on low setting right now

sorry bout the pics, i did it real quick and the camera isn't that great but its what i have to work with right now....

goodnight moon

rock n roll


Active Member
i'm excited for you! I hope I have the opportunity one day to set up a real deal indoor op so i can appreciate the plants growth everyday.

good luck, hope you get visited by dank bear


i'm excited for you! I hope I have the opportunity one day to set up a real deal indoor op so i can appreciate the plants growth everyday.

good luck, hope you get visited by dank bear
I think he is talking about setting up a real deal indoor operation like yours. :)


Active Member
hahahaha! i need to stop readin this shit after hangin out with my bong for six hours lol...i not u


Active Member
so i just reaized i know nothnig about foliar feeding when using soil. i've been givin them a nice spray when the light comes on at 4:20 but idk if i should add any nutes to the spray, how often to spray with nutes and so on and so forth. does anybody have a link with information on the subject?


I don't know about spraying nutes. I was under the impression that you buy a foliar spray that is a distinct product. Are you suggesting adding your nutes for veg to a spray bottle and misting on the plants? Interesting bongsmilie

I got a product called Agrizyme by Golden Grow at the local Hydro store that is supposed to contain enzymes and amino acids. I would try it out but the spray cap isn't working so I gotta figure something else out. Where are all the unused spray bottles when you need em?:???:


Active Member
lol ...idk i just figured whenever i read "foliar feeding" i thought that meant a VERY low ppm of nutes in spray bottle and misting the i not have to spray the plants at all? this is all so confusing lol


Active Member
so here is the perfect example as to the types of questions i need y'alls help on...

i havent watered since i transplanted these babies in on the 8/27 (today is 8/30) so 3 days, and i just checked the moisture and its reading "wet" and my pH in some of the pots is pretty close to 7 (not over, thank god)

when i transplanted, i mixed about a half a tsp of PBlend gro pro for soil into 2 gal of water and i then pH'd the water to about 6.3-6.5

i know i'm not supposed to be adding nutes for a while but it just made sense to give em a lil boost for the transplant and then not give it food, only water, for 30 days then start slow with the nutes. could this be my problem?

and if i am, in fact, running hi pH's, then how could i lower the pH without drowning the plant cuz the soil is still pretty moist 3 days after the transplant :/ any help right now would be great cuz i'd like to do SOMETHING before i hit the hay for the night.


Active Member
anybody think i should top these babies? or monster crop? (breaking of stems i think)<~~~ i've done that before and those fuckin nugs looked INSANE!!

i'd do some LST but i don't really have time...i need to get these suckas rollin...and its weird cuz my last 2 grows i was doin 8 ft wwidows and vegin em for like 2 this is the first time i done anything in soil so i'm thinking 9 smaller plants under 1000w is gonna be better than 3 8 ft plants under 400 w hahahahahahahahahah.....ha


Active Member
so any advice? i haven't given them any water since the transplant 5 days ago cuz my moisture meter is readin wet and my pH is reading about 6.8-7...and the growth on one of my twrecks is startin to spit out 3 blade leaves...should i be worried? tell me what you pH d's think :)



Active Member

its been one week since these babies were transplanted into their new fox farm homes. NOW BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST SOIL GRO...i wasn't quite sure when to water em. apparantly i could have watered them 2 days before i did...i had a guru come out to the house to check up and he said it was way ready to be watered. i had no experience with soil but this stuff was BONE dry but still felt somewhat moisty(?) so i watered em and now they are doin good.

i've got the light about 2 feet up above them and runnin the wattage at 750w for right now. had some leafage fall off one of the plants...wasn't too pretty and sorta scary :/ my temps are averaged at 75-79 daytime and 72 at night with 50%/45% humidity and pH is at about 6.8 with runoff at 6.9

any and all advice please!!!!

o and i got my mother room goin tonight too :)

and also, anybody know why one of my plants leaf tips are curling down? and is it bad?
