ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!


Well-Known Member
lookin good.

As for when to water, just weight your pot. If it's light then time to water.

And always make sure you have a bit of run-off when watering/feeding.


Active Member
ya thats what i'm starting to work with...i think its one of those things that you gotta get comfortable with and get better at over time. and ya i've been watering til i see that run off than PULL OUT!!! lol


Active Member
Things are lookin good in my happy green world right now. they are SKYROCKETING!! i'm thinkin about starting to flower on the 15th (one week from now) what do yall think? they've only been in this soil for 12 days...i hope the nutes in foxfarm won't interfere with starting the flowering process as i havent even started feeding nutes at all...

lemme get some advice from yas!!



Active Member
ok so heres my thinking. i'm thinking that i should put these babies into flower in 6 days. i need something comin in asap cuz i'm a little behind my schedule of trying to get 2 harvest in before the end of the year. the little ones around the outside are my little future mothers that i brought out to get some more intense light before i throw the big ones into flower. somebody said my node spacing is tight and short...and i don't know if this is necessarilly a good thing...i would imagine they will stretch out anyways when i flip the light over and wils produce nice sized buds. they are about 12" now and i expect them to grow to at least 20" within 6 days and stretch to about 3 feet for flowering (all these strains have been recorded stretching record lengths)...1000x with 9 plants under 3ft should produce at least a pound right?

another question i have is about the soil. again, its FFOF with some extra perlite mixed question is, since the soil is already loaded with nutes for another 16-18 days of not having to feed any nutes with my water, will the nutes already instilled in soil have any effect on the plant when i turn the lights to 12/12?

lemme kno whatcha think!?!



Well-Known Member
sorry for the stupid question, but are you doing a perpetual grow? are you gonna eventually flower the mother plants?

otherwise I don't think two harvests by January is realistic. Even if you switch the light regimen tomorrow, it will take at least 8-10 weeks to complete flowering, which means mid-end of November. If I were you I would let them veg another 1 week to 10 days then flip the lights. And in the meantime make sure you have a fan blowing directly on the stems to toughen and thicken them up a bit; especially since those strains stretch.

Can't comment on yield yet.

About the soil: I would recommending flushing lightly just once before switching to 12/12, so that you can naturally increase the PK levels in the soil which should speed up the start of flowering. I personally use a light-mix soil as I prefer controlling everything my girls eat n drink ;)

hope this was helpful.


Active Member
hahaha miles! i love of the best shows on tv and it aint even on in the US :)

as for my "perp" cycle...i haven't gotten it started just yet but i got a buddy with clones for me of another strain and i was thinkin bout clonin a few of these and vegin em out in the veg room under a 400w mh i got. i've got a fan blowin on em and as for water and what not...i've just been feeding them water only and what i was told by an expert friend of mine (works for ht) to give them a VERY (1/8 disolve) small solution of a mixture of pro gro and pro bloom and that will give them a jump start on nutes and also prepare them for the switch over. he said to feed em that about 2 days before i switch.

also got my water filter system set up today but i can't take pics cuz my stupid mother in law is here :( ....for the night....phuck


Dude you ask sooo many questions that your posts eerily look like mine :)

Keep askin! I sure do!

What's your time constraints? Moving or what? I am a long ways off till harvest but already counting down the days. I'm ok with taking my time because I know I'll get a better yield in the end.

Did you ever find anything on foliar feeding?

Personally I would cut back on the nutes so its a lot easier to flush later on. If your soil is loaded it's gonna take a lot of water to wash it out and if you don't flush your bud will taste like bud dipped in fertilizer. I guess it doesn't really matter what you do at this point because you can always ween em off later when you are about to flush. Sometimes I think ahead too much. It seriously fucks with my beauty sleep. Good thing I got some herb for that.

If you add any more plants you will be expanding too big for your set up. More lights. More space. Maybe get some flouro's to throw underneath the canopy? That would be bomb.

Not tryin to tell ya how to run your shit bro just suggestions. You are doing a great job so far. Keep it up!

My plants are starting to look like yours :) Maybe we should start a friendly competition! LETS RACE! JK.

Check out my thread if you have time. I'd like to know what you think since you have a bit more experience with the entire process than I do at this point. Link is in my Sig.

Peace brosef.


Active Member
the only way to learn is to just ask i guess. i'm not a book kinda guy...i like getting a thorough explanation to a question i asked ya kno?

as far as time only constraint at this point to is to stock up on enough great herb to last me and my friends til our lungs cant take it. i don't wanna do this forever, but i definitely and getting everything i can out of it for right now.

basically where i want to be in about half a year is a 3 week harvest perp cycle with 3 1000w lights with 3 stages of flowering (3 weeks each) with a 4 week veg period and 2 week cloning period. that way it all works in the power of "3" (3 is a very powerful number in the world btw)

as far as foliar feeding goes...i learned while groing hydro that just some plain water does the trick...very sparingly too. but i haven't felt the urge to spray my plants yet. kinda selfish i kno but they just look so pretty. here in the past couple days i been seein some really skinny kinda yellowish/green leaves popping out instead of full leaves, so i'm thinkin that maybe they are starting to rid the soil of nutes and may have to give a lil nitro boost before i flower on the 15th.

and i wont be adding plants til i get another light...i'm just giving my mothers a lil jump start in there before i put em under the t5's. i'm gettin a 400w mh from my buddy whenever he stops bein a pussy :)

i'll put up some pictures tomorrow cuz i'm fuckin tired tonight. went' to a great show tonight....great music, great buzz, great friends.

yours are lookin like they are comin right along!! blackberry kush is one of my favs...i'm hopin to get a hold of somethin to put in my super fun room :) keep it up!


Active Member
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you will have to excuse me for the sillyness in this post because i got a hold of a q of some bubblegum!!! i'm super happy cuz this is one of the strains that i'm growing at the moment and have a beautiful mother of and the high on this is AMAZING...lemme say it again...A-MA-ZING!!!

heres my new water toys!!! (no rubber duckies at this moment, sorry)
i purchased a rubbermaid bin to hold 2, 5 gal buckets and my water filter. i smoked this stuff before i went to my store and i forgot to pay attention when the guy was telling me about the filter...but the price sounded good and i was imagining clean water to drink when i'm fillin em up! but i can't remember wut it exactly does but it pulls water in from another room and sends it through what looks like a carbon filter and out into my buckets! i got an air pump goin through some air stones in each bucket...yay dual output!!
something i question about this filter is when filled up, the pH is reading 7.4 and the ppm is at 140...i thought it would eliminate a lot of the problems.

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and here we have my super happy healthy mothers under their new 400w mh light in the veg room and the ballast (all used for now) up near the filter so that hot air is getting pulled out. i don't have any sort of ventilation for that light but what can ya do when ur broke :)
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BUBBLEGUM!!! i been referrin to these as my "Batman Plants" cuz the leaves look like they could be kinda like a bat boat or somethin i guess? idk...really really really trippy hi :)
look at that honkin fat leaf
so they have been kinda twisting...all the bubble gum plants are def doin it...and one of my Gfruits are too...but i;m lettin that problem solve itself...also lookin kinda yellow so i'm thinkin its time for a TINY TINY TINY boost of PBgro and PB bloom and very light cal/mag mix cuz i'm gonna flower in 2 days so they need that jump start...then feed em nothin but water the next 3 or 4 waterings and then they will be ready for some upate on the nutes...

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i was at a festival a couple weeks ago and there was a lot of this floatin around and it was pretty good too so again, i'm stoked!!
they look real good...they have the best stalks...i think these are gonna be my biggest yielders :)
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widow haze has been lookin kinda puny...drinkin like a phish though...which is funny cuz thats the word thats written on the bucket...not a huge fan or nothin but def think phish when i think happy music lol
the edges of this plant are starting to curl upward and thinning out...any suggestions?
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group photo!!
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any and all comments welcome!! sorry it was so long winded...i hope it was worth it and i get some feed back cuz i'm kinda nervous :/

one love


Active Member
just fed nutes for the first time last night...taking clones and 12 hours of light for the big ladies...big day! pics later :)
nice man lookin good, and yeah, water when you pot is light, plants like a consistent life, i try to water every 3 to 4 day, unless needed, and i water before or right when the lights go on, i never liked the idea of wet soil in the dark for hours.

What are your temps in there? I have a 400 cfm fan to pull the hot air off my hood and my temps are still in the 90s, you have any temp problems? What type of intake do you have?



Active Member
ya 3 to 4 days seems to be the consistent on watering...i just don't know what to feed it and when...were you feeding them nutes everytime you watered? every other time? and did you mix all the nutes you needed until the next feeding or did you give different nutes alternating with the waterings?

i def agree with the wet soil at night thing...but i don't think it matters cuz if we were all doing this the way nature intended rains at night just as much as during the day...but i do like to feed em in their mornings more so cuz of the fact that breakfast is supposedly the most important meal for the day lol

ive got that 240 cfm fan straight up plugged in to the timer or speed controller....i have one but don't use it cuz why not let it be cleanin that air out...i can't have smells WHAT SO for right now this was the best i could afford but i'm so paranoid that i just leave it runnin constantly.
my temps are actually cooler than i expected...i'm gettin 75 f lights on and 72 off and my humidity is at 45% at night and 39% day...kinda strange...and low humidity both ways...


Well-Known Member
those humidity levels are just fine. Especially once budding starts you wanna keep your night time humidity levels quite low to avoid mold/mildew.