New Member
Here lemme check it out now. I skimmed it really fast b4
yea man exactly what i said and what you said they are more likely to believe other conspiracys. It's talking like these people are not human and the descriptive writing is written in a tone like explaining the behaviors of a dog or something that can not think for itself.
it doesn't confort me to know that they are poisoning my mother with the risk of breast cancer every time she uses plastic (which is never b/c she doesn't drink out of plastic, nor does she use flouride toothpaste, and we try to stick to non-genetically modified organisms (GMO)) It doesn't make me feel in control that there an elite that fuckin conrtols EVERYTHING! How can that make anyone FEEL GOOD?! ARE U FUCKIN CRAZY OR SOMETING?
omg guess what a bunch of kids dead from vaccines in australlia from today, yup that makes me happy.
I need help because I'm saying things that are true? Why do I need help you are the one that is in denial about the New World Order? Even though it is written under the illuminati sign in latin "Novious Ordoro Seclorum" now go ask any spanish/latin speaking person to go translate that. And then make sure you call him a conspiracy theorist.
thats b/c thats what we are talking about in this thread, if we were in the music thread i would talk to probobly purely about music. What should i talk about ponys right now? no man we are talking about conspiracys in this thread. you need help b/c ur in denial about the new world order.
I'm lost..
what do you think of the fact that conspiracy theories, even if they imply some nefarious order to things, are still COMFORTING in that they make sense out of things, and bring a certain order to them? that they allow you to feel, to even the slightest extent, that you have some control over things, subtly reaffirming your human dignity?
Here want me to present new shit i have yet talked about like the chemtrails they spray on us? should i talk about our feit currency? should i talk about PCP's, should i talk about how olkahoma city was an inside job, should i talk about how 7/7 was an inside job? or Madrid? should i talk about the comming war with Iran? ALL i really want to talk about is how fuckin evil the government is and how we can fuckin take them out of power and get our fuckin freedom back.
None of this COMFORTS ME
This arguement we are having doesn't make me happy, im not getting a thrill out of this, just like you are not getting any thrill out of this. You are seriously in so much denial, that you can agree that there is a nwo, but you saying that the nwo is a dyfunctional thought in my head that makes me happy and comforts me.