Inside Conspiracism

yea man exactly what i said and what you said they are more likely to believe other conspiracys. It's talking like these people are not human and the descriptive writing is written in a tone like explaining the behaviors of a dog or something that can not think for itself.
yea man exactly what i said and what you said they are more likely to believe other conspiracys. It's talking like these people are not human and the descriptive writing is written in a tone like explaining the behaviors of a dog or something that can not think for itself.

that captures a microscopic amount of it. what do you think of the studies that show that people are more likely to assign a sensational reason to a sensational event (rather than a mundane event) even given the same evidence?

what do you think of the fact that conspiracy theories, even if they imply some nefarious order to things, are still comforting in that they make sense out of things, and bring a certain order to them? that they allow you to feel, to even the slightest extent, that you have some control over things, subtly reaffirming your human dignity?

what do you think of the fact that by assigning moral reponsibility for these nefarious plots to a specific set of individuals, it is comforting because it takes moral responsibility away from you for what you perceive to be a nefarious plot?

what do you think of the fact that the behaviors you display in compulsively re-telling and proving these things signals some level of mental dysfunction? this is the part that you should really be concerned about, maybe even see one of the free counselors most schools have set up for students and get some therapy
it doesn't confort me to know that they are poisoning my mother with the risk of breast cancer every time she uses plastic (which is never b/c she doesn't drink out of plastic, nor does she use flouride toothpaste, and we try to stick to non-genetically modified organisms (GMO)) It doesn't make me feel in control that there an elite that fuckin conrtols EVERYTHING! How can that make anyone FEEL GOOD?! ARE U FUCKIN CRAZY OR SOMETING?

How does it make me feel better to know we are being fuckin chemicly attacked from every angle, how does it make me feel that they are building swaztica illuminati military bases in American and around the world, how does it make me feel good they took in the NAZI SCIENTISTS THAT CREATED EUGENICS?
it doesn't confort me to know that they are poisoning my mother with the risk of breast cancer every time she uses plastic (which is never b/c she doesn't drink out of plastic, nor does she use flouride toothpaste, and we try to stick to non-genetically modified organisms (GMO)) It doesn't make me feel in control that there an elite that fuckin conrtols EVERYTHING! How can that make anyone FEEL GOOD?! ARE U FUCKIN CRAZY OR SOMETING?

you obviously dd not read the article...or you did and it took you less than three minutes to fully comprehend the several paragraphs of doctorate level text.

if you take nothing else away from this, heed my advice: een if everything you say is true, every little bit of likely are suffering from one or more mental dysfunctions, and would likely benefit greatly from some level of therapy or counseling.
guess 4 kids just died in India from a Vaccine Program today, so they decided to hault the vaccines. Is this conspiracy? vaccines are good for you they don't cause you to die?


And some how this is a conspiracy and makes me happy?

O and guess what a bunch of kids just died in Sweden from vaccines.. Yup that makes me really happy, and its all just a big conspiracy
omg guess what a bunch of kids dead from vaccines in australlia from today, yup that makes me happy.

i didn't say it made you happy. no wonder you believe in even the most absurd and unproven of have very poor reading comprehension. you see what you want to see and that is it. seriously, you need some therapy.
I need help because I'm saying things that are true? Why do I need help you are the one that is in denial about the New World Order? Even though it is written under the illuminati sign in latin "Novious Ordoro Seclorum" now go ask any spanish/latin speaking person to go translate that. And then make sure you call him a conspiracy theorist.
I need help because I'm saying things that are true? Why do I need help you are the one that is in denial about the New World Order? Even though it is written under the illuminati sign in latin "Novious Ordoro Seclorum" now go ask any spanish/latin speaking person to go translate that. And then make sure you call him a conspiracy theorist.

you need help because you can't go one sentence without a conspiracy. just look at what you just wrote....i will paraphrase into what i hear:

"i don't need help, YOU need help because you don't believe on conspiracy x, y, or z. go look at exhibit a, b, or c, but you will still be a sheep and won't believe me"

dude, i understand that you get some kind of kick out of this, you feel like you are part of some privleged group that knows about the grand order behind everything that happens in the world and we are just sheep. you have all the real information and we just drink whatever koolaid the msm or fed gov or super elite illuminati power structure of the nwo feeds us. i get how that gives you some sort of mental comfort to know that YOU have it all figured out, even if it does not make you happy.

but this is not how normal people think. anyone here will tell you that even if EVERY single theory you propose is exactly as you say it is, you still have something not ticking quite right up in your dome. i know that nothing i can say will convince you of this, so i encourage you to take advantage of the free counseling services most universities and colleges offer. you don't have to stop believing in your theories, you just need to get a grip on what are very clearly (to me and others) one or more unhealthy thought patterns.
thats b/c thats what we are talking about in this thread, if we were in the music thread i would talk to probobly purely about music. What should i talk about ponys right now? no man we are talking about conspiracys in this thread. you need help b/c ur in denial about the new world order.
thats b/c thats what we are talking about in this thread, if we were in the music thread i would talk to probobly purely about music. What should i talk about ponys right now? no man we are talking about conspiracys in this thread. you need help b/c ur in denial about the new world order.

show me where i said this. i never said this. you are like a predictable formula. in fact, i am starting to wonder whethr you are some alex jones spambot....i am proud of you for at least going 3 sentences without mentioning nwo or conspiracy. that is improvement.

actually, in this thread, i made it very clear that we ARE NOT talking about conspiracies, but rather the mindset of a conspiracy theorist. it is your inability to make easy distinctions like this that lead me to believe that you are a poor conumer of information and suffer from lack of critical thinking and reading skills.

as far as what we can talk about, how about these points that you glossed over earlier (assumably to avoid cognitive dissonance).

what do you think of the studies that show that people are more likely to assign a sensational reason to a sensational event (rather than a mundane event) even given the same evidence?

what do you think of the fact that conspiracy theories, even if they imply some nefarious order to things, are still comforting in that they make sense out of things, and bring a certain order to them? that they allow you to feel, to even the slightest extent, that you have some control over things, subtly reaffirming your human dignity?

what do you think of the fact that by assigning moral reponsibility for these nefarious plots to a specific set of individuals, it is comforting because it takes moral responsibility away from you for what you perceive to be a nefarious plot?

what do you think of the fact that the behaviors you display in compulsively re-telling and proving these things signals some level of mental dysfunction?
I'm lost..

what do you think of the fact that conspiracy theories, even if they imply some nefarious order to things, are still COMFORTING in that they make sense out of things, and bring a certain order to them? that they allow you to feel, to even the slightest extent, that you have some control over things, subtly reaffirming your human dignity?

Here want me to present new shit i have yet talked about like the chemtrails they spray on us? should i talk about our feit currency? should i talk about PCP's, should i talk about how olkahoma city was an inside job, should i talk about how 7/7 was an inside job? or Madrid? should i talk about the comming war with Iran? ALL i really want to talk about is how fuckin evil the government is and how we can fuckin take them out of power and get our fuckin freedom back.

None of this COMFORTS ME
This arguement we are having doesn't make me happy, im not getting a thrill out of this, just like you are not getting any thrill out of this. You are seriously in so much denial, that you can agree that there is a nwo, but you saying that the nwo is a dyfunctional thought in my head that makes me happy and comforts me.
no you should stop. look man most people live inside this bubble. and care only about whats going on inside that lil bubble. and when you start poking at it, they get all defensive and shit. we're all smokers so we're already on another level and have an idea on some of these things you post. but you post so many threads its hard to debate and you seem to can't even keep up with this thread.
take a step back and use a different approach cause what your doin just aint workin.
I'm lost..

what do you think of the fact that conspiracy theories, even if they imply some nefarious order to things, are still COMFORTING in that they make sense out of things, and bring a certain order to them? that they allow you to feel, to even the slightest extent, that you have some control over things, subtly reaffirming your human dignity?

Here want me to present new shit i have yet talked about like the chemtrails they spray on us? should i talk about our feit currency? should i talk about PCP's, should i talk about how olkahoma city was an inside job, should i talk about how 7/7 was an inside job? or Madrid? should i talk about the comming war with Iran? ALL i really want to talk about is how fuckin evil the government is and how we can fuckin take them out of power and get our fuckin freedom back.

None of this COMFORTS ME

are you seriously unable to go one sentence without a conspiracy? that itself is proof that you are comforted by living in your conspiracy world: people don't do the same thing over and over again unless it gives them some degree of comfort. you retreat to your conspiracy world in every reply because without it, this world would not make any sense to you, this is your attempt to bring order to the seeming randomness of it all. people doin't like random chaos, they like everything to make sense, to be part of some order, some pattern.

if you don't get this simple concept by now, you are even worse than i thought.
This arguement we are having doesn't make me happy, im not getting a thrill out of this, just like you are not getting any thrill out of this. You are seriously in so much denial, that you can agree that there is a nwo, but you saying that the nwo is a dyfunctional thought in my head that makes me happy and comforts me.

dude, what?

i never said the nwo is a dysfunctional thought in your head. what i am saying is that your obsession with conspiracies, your mission to enlighten us, your inability to see outside of your own little conspiracy shell: that is what is dysfunctional.

i am seriously concerned that you are suffering some way or the other and this conspiracy nutshell you live in is a defense mechanism. you can keep the beliefs, just find a healthier way to function in this world. please seek help.
^ i honestly thought that the fact that were all smokers would make this a little bit easier, to expose the people putting us in jail for a plant (cuz the damn racist mother fuckers and that fucker Harry J Anslinger that fuckin demon) i thought the truth would get some of these people to be like wait is this kid telling the truth? I better go AND RESEARCH THIS SHIT TO make sure this kid is just a conpiracy theorist. Thats what an unbrainwashed person would think, are these psycho's really telling the truth? , does aspertame really cause neurological disorders and even cancer?

But no they go straight for the tin foil hat government bullshit they learned from tv and movies, and right away instead of researching they start playing a little lawyer and slave for there masters. like who cares if they sent more troops to iraq after they said that the troops would abort mission.