Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


Well-Known Member
over 60 views and no post, now don't get me wrong I don't need to have folks say "looking good" and I understand a lot of you are just here to learn and that is a good thing, the more MJ growing in the world the better the world :)

But I have to seriously say that what you are seeing is all about the whole garden, everything dialed in and controlled, done at the right time, waiting for things to happen and learning how to hear the plants tell you what they want/need

I have tried to post as many pics as I can to show you these things so you will have an idea when you see em in your garden

thanks for lurking :)


Well-Known Member
yea man u kno im here...every lesson is well apppreciated!! keep doin wat ur doin dnt lose the motivation as a teacher u have helped me out on this thread and through pm and since your advoce my budz are healthy everything is bac to green and putting on that weight! shes filled with trichs and is connect up the stalk!! still have alot to learn and am doing so through this thread! keep it up and thanks for thaqt advice...she took her first feeeding since the flush yesterday and she reacted beautifully and has never lookd better!!


Well-Known Member
over 60 views and no post, now don't get me wrong I don't need to have folks say "looking good" and I understand a lot of you are just here to learn and that is a good thing, the more MJ growing in the world the better the world :)

But I have to seriously say that what you are seeing is all about the whole garden, everything dialed in and controlled, done at the right time, waiting for things to happen and learning how to hear the plants tell you what they want/need

I have tried to post as many pics as I can to show you these things so you will have an idea when you see em in your garden

thanks for lurking :)
Sorry riddleme, Ive been really busy and been lurking around ur journal, not having time to read the whole thing.. Everything Ive seen looks amazing though.. I know its frustrating when you spend tons of time taking pics and no one says anything.. but it looks to me like you are doing it all like a pro, keep up the good work!! Ill continue lurking till i have less going on.. starting school, moving, working tons, ect. ect.


Well-Known Member
Well, I woulda wrecked your thread with stupid posts waaaay before now if I had noticed it. Always interested in what you are up to . . . .

over 60 views and no post, now don't get me wrong I don't need to have folks say "looking good" and I understand a lot of you are just here to learn and that is a good thing, the more MJ growing in the world the better the world :)

But I have to seriously say that what you are seeing is all about the whole garden, everything dialed in and controlled, done at the right time, waiting for things to happen and learning how to hear the plants tell you what they want/need

I have tried to post as many pics as I can to show you these things so you will have an idea when you see em in your garden

thanks for lurking :)


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks everyone for chiming in, join the conversation, say stupid stuff it's all good, we're just here to have a good time :)

Zink Man

hey man the plants look great thanks for being such a great teacher. I like the comparison pictures its awesome to watch em grow keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, I mostly lurk because when I think of a question I can usually find the answer by going back through your journal, I tend to forget stuff easily now for some stupid reason.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, I mostly lurk because when I think of a question I can usually find the answer by going back through your journal, I tend to forget stuff easily now for some stupid reason.
hey, hey! its not a stupid reason you forget stuff, its pot! :)


Hey Riddle and fellow followers,

Riddle, you da MAN! Thank you for your gifts and setting a great example. Ignorance sucks!

Personally, I have a ton of info with little experience, so I'm thinkin I'm dangerous 8]

I do have a question about light spectrums. CMH and T5 54w 6400k. I can't seem to find a graph for the T5's. I know you posted one for CMH a while back. I have the HydroFarm 4ft fixture, 8 lamps, 450w. Using AgroBrite lamps which are supposed to be tweaked for a more plant friendly spectrum. Any idea how the compare?


Well-Known Member
Hey Riddle and fellow followers,

Riddle, you da MAN! Thank you for your gifts and setting a great example. Ignorance sucks!

Personally, I have a ton of info with little experience, so I'm thinkin I'm dangerous 8]

I do have a question about light spectrums. CMH and T5 54w 6400k. I can't seem to find a graph for the T5's. I know you posted one for CMH a while back. I have the HydroFarm 4ft fixture, 8 lamps, 450w. Using AgroBrite lamps which are supposed to be tweaked for a more plant friendly spectrum. Any idea how the compare?
I know nothing about AgroBrite lamps, and I can't even find a manufacturers website when I google the name..

When it comes to bulbs, I think its always best to buy a bulb from a well known manufacturer, that has lots of experience in the lighting industry(GE, Ushio, Osram, Philips,etc). I imagine there are plenty of no name bulb 'manufacturers' that claim their T5s and other bulbs are the best in the biz, and have been tweaked for plants, but in reality, I think they probably are just rebranding some generic bulb, and jacking the price up on you.

If you want to learn about T5's visit aquatic forums that specialize in corals & underwater plants. They use T5's alot, and know much more about the quality of the brands than you can find around here.

The top two T5's Ive seen recommended on these forums are GE Starcoats & Giesemann, but Giesemann are expensive. I got my GE Starcoats at $7.5 each & free shipping. I had a link where someone used a PAR meter to test them, and the Giesemann, and Starcoats were 1 & 2 out of probably 10-15 bulbs tested. Unfortunately, the site has gone down, so I can't even give you the link to check it out.


Thanks Dave. Well, these came with the fixture and have a HydroFarm logo, made in China (what isn't these days). Actually, these fixtures seem to be pretty popular with growers. I did check an aquarium website a while back, looking for a spectrum graph, but couldn't find anything. Doesn't seem to be an AgroBrite website.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Dave for helpin out as I have not done much in the way of researchin T5's

I do know that the big name manufacturers will send you a spec sheet Par graph upon request
Thanks for all your threads...tons of great info. I was wondering how long you take to complete a rain on one plant? Do you actually ph down to mimic rain water?