Miss Congeniality would swap spit with the Pope if she thought it would get her back into 1600 Penn Av. She is the MOST insincere candidate ever.
Watch out for Obama. To date all he's said is that he's for "Hope" and "Change." Has he said what he's "hoping" the "changes" will be? Has he said how his "changes" will bring "hope?" Has he said to whom those "changes" will bring "hope?"
I cannot understand how America supports some of these candidates, who are clearly, shiftless lowlife thugs.
Ron paul, 8% and falling. Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger, reality bites.I sound like a warped 45 record, which most people here cannot relate too, but only Ron Paul sounds like a man with a comprensive plan. For RP everything is simple economics 101.
Frankly, I don't give a damn about candidates who hope for change or have so-called experience. Don't tell me your wish list. Show me your plans for our nation's problems.
I cannot understand how America supports some of these candidates, who are clearly, shiftless lowlife thugs.
like I can tell off gate the Gardenknowm and FDD are the biggest chumps in the world who are mean and nasty and like to run over defensless kittens in the road. yes thats right its true i can read them like a bookand a very boring book at that!
I love hillary and obama because they guarantee me that the democrats will once again not be in the white house come January!
You wish! Too bad your wrong. The worst dem got more votes than your guy Thompson,HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~.Word.................
Ron paul, 8% and falling. Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger, reality bites.
please explain?
thank you
people mostly vote on likability and who seems to be the most genuine and honest. this is not the logical way to do it but it may be the best way.
you wanna read a person, and although all my leaning is to the right, i seem to like Barak Obama for some reason, I like John Mcain too, he seems like a good person.
edwards is a straight out bullshiter and laugher in his supporters faces (secretly of coarse)
Hillary is maniacle hustler trying to slither her way to the top no matter what she has to do or say or i even think may let a few die here and there if it would propel her to the pres. if only thats all it took
romney seems ok, still dont really trust him
guliani hes ok but represents the same old same old
Ron Paul, his ideas are crazy to me about getting rid of the FBI & CIA and withdrawing from the world. I think this is the one time we should be engaged all over the world since the time everyone used to talk about is now here. The Nucleur proliforation of more and more unstable societies. only good thing about him is gettin rid of the IRS and marijuana laws, i dont agree they should legalized every drug though this guy he seems like he got a screw lose or is just so old he dont give a fuck no more,
but Obama, he seems real genuine, a good man, somone who would pull over and help.
these are just me reading the people on tv, but usually its very easy to read people. generally of coarse,
like I can tell off gate the Gardenknowm and FDD are the biggest chumps in the world who are mean and nasty and like to run over defensless kittens in the road. yes thats right its true i can read them like a bookand a very boring book at that!
I don't know who i support, but dude... you enthusiasm is really making me wanna look into this guy. Those are some bold statements!
RP supporters are very bold. they rip right through the normally intelligent Sean Hannity. they know no boudries when it comes to making the RIGHT changes, including de-hannitizing the vote that normally would benefit from such education.
At one time I thought Hannity was a good guy. But, he is the definition of self-absorbed. His ego has pushed him into serious narcissistic levels. He has lost credibility.