Evil Buddies
Ganja King
We are intelligent to know that we arent supposed to have cars aeroplanes anything that destroys the earth we live in. I'm not religious but have an open mind. The way we are going there wont be a future for a grandkids.
Everything on earth except us humans live within the cycle of life. We are the only thing that doesnt. We are the cancer of the earth using up all earths resources for technology. We are supposed to live without all of the things that destroy the earth.
I think we should be living different without all the technology the way nature intended us. Smoking weed is one of those things that we should be allowed. If we werent supposed to have it it would be harder to grow or u would need a 100 plants to get an ounce.
We are a bunch of greedy people that are always wanting more never satisfied and love power. When the truth is that we only need food shelter and community sence of togetherness.
I wont go on to much as i aint got the time but i will say if we are to move forward as man we got to go back in able to move forward.
If there is a god that gave us this planet to live if i was god i would be pissed that mans greed and power is consuming the earth and i would take it away.
Everything on earth except us humans live within the cycle of life. We are the only thing that doesnt. We are the cancer of the earth using up all earths resources for technology. We are supposed to live without all of the things that destroy the earth.
I think we should be living different without all the technology the way nature intended us. Smoking weed is one of those things that we should be allowed. If we werent supposed to have it it would be harder to grow or u would need a 100 plants to get an ounce.
We are a bunch of greedy people that are always wanting more never satisfied and love power. When the truth is that we only need food shelter and community sence of togetherness.
I wont go on to much as i aint got the time but i will say if we are to move forward as man we got to go back in able to move forward.
If there is a god that gave us this planet to live if i was god i would be pissed that mans greed and power is consuming the earth and i would take it away.