True...I just hate to think what will become of a national model by following the CA one... It's similiar to the effect of the 30's when Dow Chemical decided to take hemp out of business...Same tactics.
Just for clarification, it was DU PONT, not DOW, that was involved with W.R. Hearst, and Anslinger back in the 30's.
I'm a 71 year old "criminal/outlaw" grower by federal and state definitions. I refuse to get involved in the "Medical Marijuana" hoax that is going on in my state. I grow cannabis for my own "pleasure" and consume it at MY discretion, NOT as an "allowed", "prescribed" medication. I do this discreetly now, and will continue to do so AFTER Nov. 2, regardless of which way the vote goes.
No one is going to get to MY grow with the tape measure and tax calculator. In short, NOTHING will change for for me, I'll still be smoking some excellent home-grown for around $30/40 per ounce, with a little to sell off to cover costs.
It seems to me that an awful lot of folks have various agenda for NOT wanting prop 19 to pass, and coming up with some pretty specious arguments to bolster their positions. I would just like to see CA lead the way and repeal the "improper" prohibition of cannabis production & consumption. Good luck & good grow.......BB