Iran wont attack the US, why would they start a war they could never finish?!? Sorry darkdestructoid420 but it wont happen, therefore the US government is just being paranoid, maybe they smoked a few too many nuggies over there in the white house.
Also, (sorry didn't see who brought it up) someone said something about N. Korea and their nuclear arms, why the fuck hasn't the US threatened to attack them??!! What's the deal? I know nothing about what goes on over in N. Korea, but I think I know why, America (apparently) has never given a rats ass as to what Kim Jong Il has said he will do or does. And what has he done in response? Nothing.............why can't the US just do the same with Iran for example?? Man this world has no logic! Respond with all out war to one situation but then respond with absolutely nothing in the same situation but coming from a different source. Whats up with that?! Can someone enlighten me?
Also darkdestructoid420, where have you gotten the idea that all muslims are the same?? I highly doubt that all middle eastern govenrments want the death of all non-muslims. Are you just trying to get a kick outta someone??