My girl in saskatchewan, canada


Well-Known Member
Hate to see her get wasted. Oh well its my first grow, live and learn. Next years planning is already taking place, its so far away though! Im going to have to get a autoflowering strain.
yep, or build a small greenhouse... then you can let them finish naturally...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Building a wood frame soon, then will cover with 3 layers of plastic, should this work as a greenhouse to keep her dying from the frost??

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks was planning on making a few holes in the greenhouse that I can cover if wanted. I hope it stays decent weather after first frost, so I can keep her going as long as I can. Thank ill have to use the greenhouse during day? I think I might have to once it gets colder out.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Alright im going to get started on it tomorrow. Huge hail storm just went threw, thankgod I was toking in my backyard watching the storm. Hail started falling, I ran like a mother fucker and covered her up. Saved her from some serious damage. Will tie her down tomorrow a big more too, she is getting tall.


Well-Known Member
Alright im going to get started on it tomorrow. Huge hail storm just went threw, thankgod I was toking in my backyard watching the storm. Hail started falling, I ran like a mother fucker and covered her up. Saved her from some serious damage. Will tie her down tomorrow a big more too, she is getting tall.
alright man, sounds like a plan... let me know how it goes...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Just got home ready to go to sleep, starting raining out more, just sheets of rain. Stupid saskatchewan weather. Oh well. Tomorrow ill start bright and early on the greenhouse.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Not sure if I should make it out of PVC, copper, or wood. Well see tomorrow. Can be hard to find certain parts for pvc and copper, thats why im thinkin wood might be better.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Just finished tying her down a bit, my neighbour seen me, fuck. I dunno if he knows there is a pot plant there, but he seem me working on it today. Oh well. Got the measurments for the wood, also found a place that sells greenhouse plastic. Going to the lumber yard now and getting it all cut and delivered, next the assembling starts. This plant is effing huge, the greenhouse will have to be 6 feet by 6 feet around the base to fit around her. And atleast 5 1/2 feet tall, because the tallest tops on her are clearing 4 ft, im afraid if I make the greenhouse 5ft she might grow to much.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Alright I went with 6 ft, thats not the main top of the greenhouse though, it will be a curved top, ill post pics soon. Dad just flipped out on me though, he doesnt really like me growing in his backyard. Hes tolerated it but its getting way to big. Im not sure what im really going to do. He flipped on me when I showed up with all the wood for the greenhouse. I dunno what im going to do now.


Well-Known Member
tell him its just one plant... no one cares about one plant... no matter where your at... good luck with POPs bro

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I told him you wont be able to see it when the greenhouse is up, hes worried about smell though as hes grown before too. He said years ago when he was in australia he grow a plant that harvested 12lbs! Thats fucking crazy, I would have loved to see that beast. Hes considering it...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
He said yes, as long as I get the greenhouse up soon, neighbours are redoing the outside of there house, just doing the bottom now, once they start working on the top though, they will be able to see it. Better get started.


Well-Known Member
He said yes, as long as I get the greenhouse up soon, neighbours are redoing the outside of there house, just doing the bottom now, once they start working on the top though, they will be able to see it. Better get started.
Right on man.. Awesome... Get her goin brudda...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Got the main top done today along with the base. Building walls tomorrow, only problem is the green house is a decent size, and there is a tomatoe plant in the way on the one side and cucumbers on the other. Fuck. Ill have to do something with that. And ill also need to figure out a way for ventalation.