My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Can a plant seriously form buds in 6 weeks? I just dont see how its possible, we will see though as this is my first experience growing cannabis.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Another hail storm just went through, she was covered this time though and did well. She is getting big and starting to stink though. Which normally wouldnt be bad but security issues. You can smell it somedays from my deck, which is 20-30 feet away from it. Its really stinky. If I didnt tie her down she would be close to 6 feet now! It would have been cool to see what she looks like if I didnt tie her down and just grew her straight up. I bet she gets more light this way though. Ill take new pics when I feed with my compost tea in a few days.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Oh and approx. 6.1 weeks till first frost. Im going to start building a big box out of some kind of material that can hold heat well that I can put on my girl at night when its close to first frost, so I can try to extend the season a few more days.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Haha my dad just came inside from havin a smoke and said my cannabis plant is getting a bit big haha. He said hes not to sure if it will finish either, but who knows.
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Well-Known Member
nice job, that is a monster of a plant.
and with the tea, you want to add the mollassas right before u use it. i tried to store water mixed mollassas for a couple days in a gallon container and it smelt like shit,with stuff floating around in it, i think it was molding or something.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
This mourning it was feeding time. She was still wet from the rain 2 days ago but my tea was done brewing, and I didnt want to waste it. So I just fed about a 1/4 of the tea right at the base of the plant so she gets some nutrients. Then dumped the rest of the tea into my new compost pile which will be used in the years to come.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
5.5 weeks till first frost. I have a box built that doesnt have 2 sides and a bottom. It fits right over the plant. Ive been using this when it storms out to protect her. When first frost is coming, before it is night I will give her a light watering, fill pales up with boiling water and put caps on them and set them around the plant, put the box over top, and throw some blankets over top. In the mourning just as the sun is rising, I will take the blankets off, then move the pales of water. And hopefully I can extend the season a bit that way.


Well-Known Member
When it gets cold, go with your tent/hot water idea. Just remember that it will probably turn into a daily thing. Leave her out as long as you can without frost destroying it. A lot of different plants don't fully finish up here in Canada before the weather gets the best of them. You should be able to get some type of bud by the time you have to chop.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Damnit I should have forced flowered when she was younger, or got a autoflowering strain. This is my first grow though, and I will learn from it. I would be happy with a small amount of buds from this plant, I hope I can atleast get that.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ill also have no problem putting the tent/hotwater on every night if I have to. It would be nice to extend the season atleast 2 more weeks. I dunno how cold it gets after first frost though. We will see. Ill keep pumping her up with nutrients.


Well-Known Member
You guys think ill get any sort of harvest come time. Even a bit to smoke out of my bong would be nice.
of course you can still smoke under developed buds, you'll get high. you won't get the yeild or the potency, i live in the tropics, i can grow year round, that frost is killer!


Well-Known Member
Ill also have no problem putting the tent/hotwater on every night if I have to. It would be nice to extend the season atleast 2 more weeks. I dunno how cold it gets after first frost though. We will see. Ill keep pumping her up with nutrients.
I think you can probably pull off the two weeks, maybe even more if the weather holds up. I lived in Sask for 4 years, and even after first frost it would still stay fairly mild throughout the days. I don't know how far you could go into October. That seemed to be when it stayed cold and dreary during the day most of the time.


you could try to build a small green house to help keep the frost off it? just use pvc and a plastic drop sheet? a A from or something like a huge box? u could build it over your tomato plant or other plants

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I think ill build a green house type thing out of PVC pipe and some kind of sheet around it. I wouldnt have to keep it on during the day though right? As long as it isnt cold. Im going to build it quick, its getting cold at nights. If I could extend the season atleast 2 more weeks, I will make 7 weeks more growing time, which would be nice.