My First Grow


Active Member
sort of makes me want to do a grow now haha i got all the shit to do it im just lazy lol :joint:
haha i know the feelin but its worth it :) its a lot easier with autos as you dont have to mess around with lights you can just leave them on 4 the hole grow, i wouldnt of been doin it myself if i had to change the light cycle an shit lol as i am also too lazy lol :bigjoint:


Active Member
Hello everyone :eyesmoke:

so i haven't posted for 5 or so days this is because i've been looking for a new job, I had an interveiw with a company a couple of days ago i have to that in my portfolio in tomorrow for them to see my work so i should be working again from tomorrow fingers crossed :)

anyway now to the important stuff :bigjoint:

so while all that was going on i was still taking photos just didn't get a chance to upload them, theres quite a few but here they are:


Active Member
chilli plant.jpg
just a random photo of my chilli plant

this is my mates plant cant remember what it is but it taste lovely an is pretty strong like a normal good weed (nothin special) smell pretty good tho :bigjoint:


Active Member
hay man just been catchin up on ur grow, shes looking good :) what wieghts are you hoping to yeild? im planning on doing some autos any tips? :D


Active Member
cool man yer im happy with how shes goin :) it says anywere from 18g to 32g i hopin more towards 32g lol but im unsure as its my first grow shes gettin fat now though, and autos are very easy to grow they grow on time rather than light cycle which makes things easy esspecially if its your first grow :bigjoint:

give them as much light as you can 24 hours for the whole grow if you can


Active Member
your plant is lookin real nice bro
are you still using the led's?
if so, how many and how strong are they?
thanks man i have got the leds going but there not great theres 225 leds red blue mix but i think there only one watt leds so not that strong she wouldnt of grown if i only used them without cfls too but they were cheap i if you got the money the more pricy leds are better 3 watt leds is wot you want :bigjoint:


Active Member
nice looking, I was worried about how small my easy ryders are but they look on par with yours(at same age, mine are only 2 weeks now) , I think they just grow slow until their roots get out there and then they tale off... everything looking good here, though russian rocket fuel sounds fairly dangerous!


Active Member
thanks mate :) yer these plants stay quite small there in the dwarf family i think they dont grow much bigger than around 18 inches mines about 12 or 13 inches i cant wait to try this russian rocket fuel it does sound funky lol an its starting to smell really fruity now :bigjoint: