pizza guy asks me if im high


Active Member
I worked on minimum wage, i never got a tip, i had to use my own car for work related pickups and deliveries and errands, no petrol money, i didn't need that tip. If they are on minimum wage and need the tip, then they are living outside of their means, or the government needs to raise minimum wage. I see no reason to tip someone for doing their job, now if they went out of their way to make the service better, then that might warrant a tip. I mean it's not like he even cooked up the nice pizza for you, just picked up a box and made a delivery, that does not warrant a tip in my books and i would refuse it myself.
Obviously, living on minimum wage, driving and maintaining a car that you use frequently is living outside your means. So either have your pizza cost more so the place can pay their employees more - or just tip


Well-Known Member
I worked on minimum wage, i never got a tip, i had to use my own car for work related pickups and deliveries and errands, no petrol money, i didn't need that tip. If they are on minimum wage and need the tip, then they are living outside of their means, or the government needs to raise minimum wage. I see no reason to tip someone for doing their job, now if they went out of their way to make the service better, then that might warrant a tip. I mean it's not like he even cooked up the nice pizza for you, just picked up a box and made a delivery, that does not warrant a tip in my books and i would refuse it myself.
Damn, that's cold! It's virtually impossible for anyone to live on minimum wage. The govt. did raise it not long ago but they've been behind in raising it now for decades. There are a few jobs that I thought it was pretty much accepted that they work for tips: Waiters/waitresses, bartenders, barbers/hairstylists, skycap/porter, chauffers, and pizza delivery guys. I probably missed a few and I hear what you're saying about tips being out of control. Almost every coffee house I go to has a tip jar now. I don't see the need to tip the chick at the coffee house (unless she's real hot).:hump:


Active Member
As a mechanic - I usually hate tippers. I feel like they expect some kind of special treatment because of it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Obviously, living on minimum wage, driving and maintaining a car that you use frequently is living outside your means. So either have your pizza cost more so the place can pay their employees more - or just tip
How do you work that out? I did exactly that until i recieved a promotion a year down the line. The delivery person has done nothing to warrant a tip, and their personal affairs are not my business. If they need more money they can earn more money. If you can't, then they should do as i have done and scale their lifestyle back.

And what Rob said, most likely a halibut (although it's colours are a little different to what i'be experienced, i'm used to a grey green with a white/oil streaked belly, and was surprised to come across both dextral and sinistral versions of it), the largest floudner i've come across was around 1 foot, and skate, well it's a common type of ray.


New Member
It's a SKATE!! Oh shit !!!. I hate reelin in Skates. Nice BUTT.
I think it's a flounder?
How do you work that out? I did exactly that until i recieved a promotion a year down the line. The delivery person has done nothing to warrant a tip, and their personal affairs are not my business. If they need more money they can earn more money. If you can't, then they should do as i have done and scale their lifestyle back.

And what Rob said, most likely a halibut (although it's colours are a little different to what i'be experienced, i'm used to a grey green with a white/oil streaked belly, and was surprised to come across both dextral and sinistral versions of it), the largest floudner i've come across was around 1 foot, and skate, well it's a common type of ray.
Hence why I said Nice BUTT. It's color is off though, wondering if it's an Atlantic halibut,naw. Maybe just OLD

Skates look kinda simular in the water and put up the same kind of fight.


Well-Known Member
I love how people always have some stupid ass reason to justify not tipping someone who provides them with a service.


New Member
i gotta check into tyhe man vs food sounds awesome an im happy cause i got really high motabolizem so i dont gain weight unless i work out an last time i accidently gave a 30 dollar tip to the same guy so he should be happy
Well shit, he should have been a little more cool about it than since you mega-tipped him before. Maybe he said "Are you high" as if saying "are you stupid" as some do.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I love how people always have some stupid ass reason to justify not tipping someone who provides them with a service.

I have had to shove my hand into fish like that and rip their guts out, cut myself all over, all to save someon the bother when they got home, they never tipped me when they thanked me, i never thought anything of it. I was paid for the job i did and that was in it's description. If i needed more money i either worked hard and got promoted, found anew job, or did something else on the side.

you can not live on minimum wage, sorry its impossible
I have done so so therefore it is not impossible. Minimum wage in the UK is around £5.50 for 19 yr olds or something like that. It is more than sufficient to get by on. One days work can pay for a weeks food if you are taking your situation seriously, in the UK however, nobody bothers, as it's jsut easier to claim job seekers allowance.


Well-Known Member
I have had to shove my hand into fish like that and rip their guts out, cut myself all over, all to save someon the bother when they got home, they never tipped me when they thanked me, i never thought anything of it. I was paid for the job i did and that was in it's description. If i needed more money i either worked hard and got promoted, found anew job, or did something else on the side.

I have done so so therefore it is not impossible. Minimum wage in the UK is around £5.50 for 19 yr olds or something like that. It is more than sufficient to get by on. One days work can pay for a weeks food if you are taking your situation seriously, in the UK however, nobody bothers, as it's jsut easier to claim job seekers allowance.
I think things are a little different here on this side of the pond. I wouldn't say anything is impossible but I would agree that it is virtually impossible to live on minimum wage in this country. In my state you can only get unemployment if you are let go through no fault of your own. If you are fired for just cause or you quit, you can't draw unemployment.:cry:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Hence why I said Nice BUTT. It's color is off though, wondering if it's an Atlantic halibut,naw. Maybe just OLD

Skates look kinda simular in the water and put up the same kind of fight.
Pacific Halibut - Hippoglossus Stenolepis
In this area Skates are pretty lethargic compared to Butt - much like pulling up a soaked blanket whereas a Butt will vigorously head shake & run.
A fish like that on 30 lb test is an excercise in finesse.

Eating this fish in one sitting would be a feat to see.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
In the UK i'm not clear on it, but you basically if you're out of work, and proove by logging on once a week or something, that you are seeking work, then you get beenfits. Living on minimum wage was not fun, but i got by. I should add i refuse to take the dole, if i need the money that badly then there IS work available.