Quit Smoking Cigarettes

good for you dtr, have you been giving yourself any type of rewards? i buy nice glass pipes that i would of never bought back when i was a cigarette smoker.
I failed and am smoking again, 4-5 a day

When my truck broke down an i ran out of weed it was to much stress.

I need to try again around harvest time.

i hear you on the stress factor... i dealt with that by first learning to BREATH, take a nice deep breath through your nose and let it out and you will already feel better. If the situation is too stressful go for a walk and do something violent to a sturdy object. for example if i got really pissed off i would walk into the woods and cut down a nice sized tree with an axe, you know take out all of my aggresion on that damn woody basterd . haha it may sound wierd but it worked for me. just try the breathing and find somewhere to vent i guess.
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congrats DTR, have you picked out a reward yet or just enjoying not spending the money?


the best pipe i ever had while i was a cigarette smoker was a $10 metal one.
I managed to quit 10 years ago this Sept. A pack (more or less) a day so that makes it approx 73,000 cigs I didn't smoke. :hump:
Holy shit, I hadn't ever done that math before.
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Keep it up DTR im in the same boat. This saturday will be 8 weeks for me, I've managed to take only one drag for over 7 weeks. Thats at least 300 cigarettes not smoked or wasted money on.
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Keep it up DTR im in the same boat. This saturday will be 8 weeks for me, I've managed to take only one drag for over 7 weeks. Thats at least 300 cigarettes not smoked or wasted money on.

good to hear. wasn't there another guy that quit about the same time as you and dst?
congrats GreatwhiteNorth, Straight Sativa and sirwolf

thoes are some sweet pieces Kevin the wife got a puppy as kind of a reward but its been more of a pain the puppy beagleXterrier came with kennel cough that turned into penmonuia its better now and going to the bathroom everywhere still not sure what were going to name it yet but she answers to bitch atm lol

bitchrip 001.jpg
haha i would name that thing scraggles,just based on that picture... good to hear all of you guys giving up the habit, keep up the good work
lol scraggles is a good name still debating names

65 days w/o a smoke friday the 13th 2010 just grabbed my lighter while looking for my smokes brainfart but 1300 smokes i havent smoked on friday the 13th creepy
it's been 2 years for me dtr and i still catch myself reaching for my shirt pocket. looks like your dog has a sweet piece of glass, i bet she won't mind sharing with you. i think scraggles fits her.
I always wondered if doing this would work. Keep a pack of cigs on you, empty though, and just keep small joints of some herb inside. When you get the craving, pull out a joint and light up. Maybe it tricks the mind?
i would love to quit.been cig smoker for 7 years.its so fucking hard!i can go like 2 days than my G/F will be a bitch on a bipolar rant and i go strait to the jiffy.im thinking the cig box full of pinner joints would be the way to go for me.that will be my next attempt but im gonna wait for my next harvest in 2 weeks.ill have 3 different strains rolled up in there and thats better than any cig! SuBsCrIbED

anyone ever try chantix??its a scipt.150 a month and no insurance covers it.its supposed to help quiting alot.if the pinner joint plan doesnt work it will be my next option.

really sucks to hear people 2 years off the cigs still reaching for there shirt pockets :/