Quit Smoking Cigarettes


Active Member
so iv decided to quit smoking cigarettes again or try to anyways

post your quit date and see how long you can go

post your methods and ways youv quit if you have already

lets keep it green fuck cigarettes and its addictive hold on us and paying to die a miserable death

good luck everyone
im going to be trying the patch 21mg step one and plan to work out or hit the heavy bag when it becomes to overwhelming so heres min one again for me
I would suggest this if one your mairred/serious relationship and 2 she hates your smoking

Make a deal where everyday you do not smoke she does some freaky shit to ya. I quit on new years eve and had a amazing next couple of weeks and, I have not smoked since. I was a pack a day smoker for 5 years.
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thats a great idea my wife does most of the freaky stuff i like but theres a few things iv been asking for will have to see thanks for the suggestion

and congratulations on quitting man
Im about to quit after this pack.

Just cold turkey,I work out a lot already so I'll probably just try and go on with my life.
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i believe instead of cigarettes im just gonna buy crack and get addicted to that instead, my friend tom has started smoking it and he reports it as being great!
wish me luck
after working behind the counter selling cigs you start to see what happens to people who smoke them too much. I get 50-60 yr. olds with heavy breathing and raspy voices all the time asking for their smokes. Smoking cigs does a lot of damage, as if you didn't know already. Good luck with your battle my friend
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i believe instead of cigarettes im just gonna buy crack and get addicted to that instead, my friend tom has started smoking it and he reports it as being great!
wish me luck

i was considering crack but thats childs play,go with heroin and meth instead.
yeah Xrtnfx it really takes its toll on your health i dont think ill make it to 60 if i dont quit now thanks for wishing us luck :D i know ill need it
I'm there with you guys... Let's do this! I'm going cold turkey and not looking back. about to puff my last one right now.
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My opinion to quit smoking cigarettes is do not buy them. If someone around you lights up a cigarette, walk away. But most important when you get the urge to smoke a cigarette make yourself busy. For example, mow the lawn, rake the yard, and even clean house. Most important keep your hands busy somewhere else besides putting a cigarette in your mouth. No need for patches, pills or anything else. Its all bad for your health. Do it natural. It can be done. But remember. You have to really want to quit in the first place. I did. I smoked for 35 years.
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good luck bLITzkRIEg420

and thanks for the advice Indicabest i really want to quit if the patch doesnt work by lowering the withdrawl i will be trying cold turkey again and congratulations on quitting after 35 years and cold turkey even that took some serious will power
Ya! Kick that shit guys, it's really not worth it especially for the money. And not to mention the longterm effects it can have on your health.

I smoked my last one saturday and its been 4 days so far...I'm starting to feel good about this.
hahaha.i am quitting ciggys cold turkey as well. you know its not good when you start getting winded during intimate moments. just going to stick to grass.
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wow im surprised at how many people have responded thats great sirwolf seems like im the only pussy thats on the patch but w/e works right?
After smoking cigs for 35 years and quitting many many times, I had a mild heart attack and quit right then and there....That was a year ago and I am tobacco smoke free. I don't recommend my method, however.
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