Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
clinton...whatever. she aint done shit that i know of. RON Mutherfookin PAUL, Dr NO, has stood up for the rights of the people for decades. He has served in the military and supports the constitution. sometimes it isnt about how shitty the competition is, its about who is THE best candidate. learn yaself something and check out youtube.com to look for what a real candidate stands for and sounds like. he doesnt soap box, he doesnt have a script. hes real. hes a real man, and a great leader. i would gladly give up my American citizenship if I could guarantee his victory. its worthless without him anyway.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who i support, but dude... you enthusiasm is really making me wanna look into this guy. Those are some bold statements!


Well-Known Member
check him out. its the only way to be INFORMED!!! dont listen to FOXNews or any news outlet. they will pick the winner if we do that. learn about the candidates and vote for the one that supports what you want. for me thats Dr Paul. we deserve to be free and in the best country. this is why our forefathers wrote the constitution. but with things like the patriot act, the real ID act, the dept of homeland security we are becoming a police state and manipulated. im not trying to lecture but there are a lot of things going on that most people arent aware of. its all part of the manipulation. i dont think washington and jeffrson thought of a 35% tax just for the privilege of being an American. youtube all the candidates. yu can literally see who is fake and rehearsed and who is speaking from their own minds and values. it isnt about making the crowd go YAY!!! its about being an honest person with real values and a finite ideology. RONPAUL2008.com


Well-Known Member
ABC has kept Ron Paul in the debate because internally they predict a major upset in New Hampshire.

Some think New Hampshire will be a third place, perhaps second place finish for Ron Paul.

At least one or perhaps two republicans will quite the race after New Hampshire, because Ron Paul will come from behind and surprise the media.


Well-Known Member
i fucking hope so. i almost cry when i talk about it. you can see me in my blacked out jetta smoking a blunt with my Ron Paul Revolution sticker on the rear window. but its the minds i try to change every day that means something to me. i have honestly changed at least 6 peoples votes. we all need to get this thing going. grass roots. GRASS roots!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, the wheels are blowing off of the Clinton campaign faster than I ever thought possible......
With the debates tonight and NH voters having their say next week....things are heating up...yeee haw! Fascinating theater!

Poor old Hillary was booed twice last night at a significant NH event.....

Hillary was twice booed. The first time was when she said she has always and will continue to work for "change for you.

excerpted from...
Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner - Swampland - TIME


New Member
Iowa, Hillarious 3rd, R.P.5th-6th,. Obamarama 1st, hucksterbee 1st New Hamshire= Obamarama-1st, McPain-1st, Nitwit Romney 2nd, Hilarious 2nd, Edwardo 3rd, Hucksterbee 3rd., R.P. 4th-6th. take it to the bank.


Well-Known Member
Hi med, the ONLY thing certain is that there will be some surprises.
Much of the outcome will hinge on the debates tonight in NH.
Things are really heating up nicely.
I like the sport of politics better than football.
What action!


New Member
Hi med, the ONLY thing certain is that there will be some surprises.
Much of the outcome will hinge on the debates tonight in NH.
Things are really heating up nicely.
I like the sport of politics better than football.
What action!
Yeah, for us guys that think the outcome of this next election may be fairly important, it is a real interesting debacle. Where is the perfect candidate? Oh that's right, the MSM has cast him aside (Kucinich). We may have our differences in political preferences, but overall I believe we both want whats best for us, our kids, and grandkids. There is always that ABB atitude, (anyone but Bush), but we need to do better than that. Your guy Paul would bring some change, and that is good. I don't think for a second that he could accomplish even 20% of his agenda, but he could make a start. My guy (now Obama since Paul is out of it and I don't like Hillary) also will try to change some things. My common sense tells me no matter who wins the primaries, republicans are going to lose the general, unless those pesky voting machines start voting on their own,~LOL~.