Blue Cheese - A Grow by an Office Working DINK


Well-Known Member
Last night I flushed the ladies with water, to make sure salts are not setting up shop around those pretty roots. I sighed some relief that I was finally done with training under the screen, was all ready to chill, and then remembered the most labor intensive part of flowering with SCROG.

It's not training under the screen; it's cleaning up all the leaf litter as the ladies ripen. The humidity is getting high in the cabinet (up to 80%). Temps are fairly high for mold or mildew to develop, but I need to keep all dead matter out of the space, lest disease rear its ugly head. Now that the buds are set above the screen, much of the foliage is fading below the screen.

So far, things look healthy:Flowering Day 16.jpgFlowering Day 16 Side.jpgFlowering Day 16 Close.jpg

As things look today, I really like Plant #3. The internodes are spaced a bit farther apart (might be more sativa), and the girl keeps branching like crazy. Here is a photo of Plant #3 and Plant #1 for comparison.

No.3 Flowering Day 16.jpgNo.1 Flowering Day 16.jpg

I can't even see the damn internodes on the lower part of Plant#3. Plant #3 is also a bit more lush, though she seems a bit more sensitive to Ph (a possible trait from the Blueberry). Last night's watering was as low as I have gone (5.2), and Plant #3 was the only one that curled its leaves a bit.
Flowering Day 16 Close2.jpg

In case your wondering why I went down to a ph of 5.2, it's because there has been some debate about the best Ph for a Promix passive hydro setup. Most folks agree on 5.8, but I have read good arguments for 5.2-6.2. I thought it best to experiment with plain water, instead of nutes. I'll go back to a ph of 5.8 for the next feeding.

One other note: the biggest complaint I have read about Fox Farm nutes, is that they neglect nitrogen in the flowering cycle (npk 2-8-4). Fortunately, CalMag provides 2 parts nitrogen, so if I include it while flowering, I will have 4-8-4, which seems a bit better.


Well-Known Member
One other thing. I finally wised up and started the dehumidifier in the basement. When I started it, the whole basement was at 80% humidity-- it is now down to 40%, so the cabinet is staying under 50% again.

For those of you interested in mini-dehumidifiers to put in your closet or cabinet, I read very good reviews for this product:

Eva Dry Petite Dehumidifier


Well-Known Member
from a fellow 250 watter growing the blue cheese, im checking in for more pic updates........
A family visit hampered my work with the garden this weekend. I will get somethng up tonight! The buds are forming up nicely, but pictures say it better than my words can.

The biggest news is that adding Cal-Mag to my feeding regimen has added the nitrogen necessary to slow down the leaf drop that I was experiencing last week. I expect to lose all the leaves under the screen, but it was going a bit faster than in the past. I like the Fox Farm line of nutes, but they are known to be a bit light on the nitrogen side, so the 2-0-0 of Cal-Mag makes a difference.

For my next grow I will start the cal mag as soon as I switch over to Tiger Bloom.


Well-Known Member
Less than 3 weeks to go to harvest, and things seem to be going pretty well. There are two factors that my limit the yield a bit, though:

Too Damn Hot - A lot of folks here are having the same issue, so I don't feel so bad. The weather has been hot for an extended number of days, so even the basement ambient air is well over 80 degrees, meaning my cab has a hard time staying below 90.

Sucky Reflector: The reflector I have now is not well suited to hanging just above the buds. It has a large hot spot and is fairly dark around the edges of my screen. I think I may have to live with it until I can build the new grow space and utilize a larger reflector that I recently purchased.

Here's some pics!
Day40 Side.jpgDay40 Top.jpgDay40Bud.jpg


Well-Known Member
They seem to look like they need longer then what you predict... But then again you see them in person and pictures do seem to have an element of deceit.

Now with that aside, super sick Scrog. About your temps... I recommend They have nice prices on their "Cool tubes" one of those along with one of these fans W/ a reducer. So really all together you spend about $150 and issue be gone.

Hope any of this helps, great grow. Will keeping an eye to see how it turns out. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
looking really good from where im sat...that canopy is loaded, should be an enjoyable smoke. i have probably 3 joints left of blue cheese left, really nice smoke....the next harvest cant come soon enough lol


Well-Known Member
They seem to look like they need longer then what you predict... But then again you see them in person and pictures do seem to have an element of deceit.

Now with that aside, super sick Scrog. About your temps... I recommend They have nice prices on their "Cool tubes" one of those along with one of these fans W/ a reducer. So really all together you spend about $150 and issue be gone.

Hope any of this helps, great grow. Will keeping an eye to see how it turns out. :leaf:
Thanks for the input ColaFarmer-- yeah, the estimate might be just a tad optimistic. It will more likely be three weeks or so from now. I am running just a 250w after all. I will go by the trichs, and hopefully they won't lead me wrong.

I did break down this week and purchase a scale-- used to avoid the things out of concern that if I get busted, they could give the false impression that I package the stuff for sale. I really want to know the yield, though, so I picked one up-- damn cheap, they are. I will be sure to post the dried yield per plant.

Thanks for the recommendation on the reflector. I do have an Xtrasun cooled reflector, but after purchasing it, discovered that it is too big for the cab!:wall:

It all is good, though, since I will only be flowering one more gen in the cab before building out a decent space under the stairs. After this month, things should cool down again, so I can get wait until the new space is done instead of buying a cooltube.


Well-Known Member
looking really good from where im sat...that canopy is loaded, should be an enjoyable smoke. i have probably 3 joints left of blue cheese left, really nice smoke....the next harvest cant come soon enough lol

Thanks for checking in Schmoker. I vape, and expect a rip off that will be nicely flavorful, as well. The girls smell pretty pungent, but to my nose is more blueberry than cheese at the moment.


Well-Known Member
very nice looking grow. the bluecheese is one of my favorite smokes.
Nice to have a new visitor. I'm hoping BC will become a favorite as well. I plan to alternate harvests between it and G13-Haze-- a bit of indica for the physical and a bit of sativa for the head.

I understand you recently grew some Blue Cheese-- how long did they take to finish for you?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking in Schmoker. I vape, and expect a rip off that will be nicely flavorful, as well. The girls smell pretty pungent, but to my nose is more blueberry than cheese at the moment.
load me a bowl, i'll be round soon! lol
the blue cheese ive grown doesnt come close to the smell that big buddhas cheese gives off. ive never grown blueberry, only smoked it....i really like bluecheese though so am sure you will have a good smoke on your hands :)


Well-Known Member
Haven't checked in in some time and gotta say it's looking very impressive! Nice and full.
Nice to have you back around, mouthmeetsoap. I just found your journal (nice grow btw), and hope you will put up some new pics soon.

My new grow space will also allow for 3x3-- though I will probably just use 400w for it. I look forward to seeing how the increased penetration will affect bud development.