bubblicous/narkush/ata-tundra gro


Well-Known Member
thanks hooked! i appreciate that. i get about one or two good pics out of every hundred i take. :?

their getting there. i'm on week 9 flower now. the narkush were supposed to be done a week ago, the bubbles and k-train now or in another week. i think the bubbles are looking the ripest of the bunch.


the last 2 shots are beautiful St.!


Well-Known Member
so frustrating. i took a small little sample off the very top bud of the crispy yellow looking narkush just now. and here's the pics under the scope. it occurs to me that the growth on the top of the top cola is gonna show different trich's than the stuff that's older. and farther down the plant? doesn't that make sense? like i've mentioned before the breeder pack says some BS about "our fastest growing strain - 8 weeks! bla bla bla...." but i'm well over 9 weeks and i just can't tell! i see clear cloudy amber all over the place.

may it doesn't really matter all that much. i'm sure it's gonna get me high! :blsmoke:

and that's just the narkush. i'll try to get a bubble sample tonight and send pics.



Well-Known Member
here's some pics from the main cola on the big crispy bubble. i took this sample about half way down from the top.

maybe i'm just impatient, or maybe i have harvested too early in the past, but it seems like from week to week not much changes. i see a few amber patches and a few cloudy but mostly clear....or maybe i don't know what i'm looking for.

there's still new bud growth going on however it's not as vigorous as it was. the leaves are all yellowing slightly. none of them are sucking up water like they used too.....

i suppose i'll be patient and go at least another week on all of them.



Well-Known Member
is narkush the one with the one big, leafier cola? it looks like its starting to ripen, looked orange/green

trying to remember which is which

the last shot i commented on about being 2 beuaty shots, that second one deffinately isnt looking to ready right now, doesnt seem to be ripening


Well-Known Member
here's the big bubble. it's been burnt, or something, for weeks. however the plant is doing ok. the first narkush seems to just keep it's crispiness on top but this bubble is crispy all over.



Well-Known Member
here's both k-trains.



Well-Known Member
narkush#2 looks realllllly close and the all the bubbles look close, could maybe go a week, what are the trichs telling you??

the k-trains look 1-2 weeks off and the other narkush i couldnt tell from the pics


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice hooked. i shoulda got some better close ups. i think i'll chop the narkush in a couple of days or this weekend. i'll check the bubbles at that time. i agree the k-trains aren't ready yet. the trichs confuse me. seems like it depends on where you look on the plant or even where you look on each sample i see different things. patches of all clear in spots and patches with more amber in others.

narkush#2 looks realllllly close and the all the bubbles look close, could maybe go a week, what are the trichs telling you??

the k-trains look 1-2 weeks off and the other narkush i couldnt tell from the pics


Well-Known Member
here's a couple of the top of narkush 2. i got the handheld 20x magnifier out and the trichs look cloudy to me.

tell me...is it normal for the breeder to say 8 weeks but it can take 2 or 3 or 4 weeks longer? i thought maturity was genetically determined???

:-? i certainly don't mind waiting but i'm just all confused.

they do look pretty though! :hump:



Well-Known Member
here's a couple close ups of the big bubble. it's crispiness is alot like the crispy narkush: crispy on top including new leaves but just fine on bottom.

hhhmmmm....sure seems like when i upload pix i have dupes......i'll have to keep an eye on that.

