Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)


Active Member
Well I was really concerned about my pH... so I went to the hydro store and got a pH pen... pH up and down... get home... lol and my pH was fine... the Bubba Kush was sitting the lowest at 5.8... and the rest were right around 6.5 and 6.8... you think I should throw a dash of pH down into the 6.8 ones?
yea from what ive read during my research hydro shoul hold a ph of 5.5. youve done more hydro then me seeing ive never done it so id say as long as the plant is happy you have no problems.


Active Member
checked the water and pH tonight... all of them were 6.0 except for the bubba kush... that was at 6.8 so I put a splash of pH down in it... Ill check it tomorrow to see where its at...


Active Member
yeah that's what I was thinking... May go pick up some cal-mag later this week... juuust to be sure... I know its an auto so I can only expect so much but ide love to get the biggest buds I can from that dieselryder


Active Member
alright, yeah the stuff I was looking at said like a teaspoon or 2 per gallon, and ive got probably 3 gallons in my dwc so I'll go with one teaspoon, but im not sure what the exact measurements were thats just what I think I read on the back of the bottle...


Active Member
Well its about day 38...

I forgot I need to keep track of that so I can have a better idea about that dieselryder... Im hoping that by the time the Diesel is done flowering my other girls will be bushy enough to take a good amount of clones from, then throw them into flower...

So whats everyones opinion... Keep the original girls from seed as the mothers.... or cut clones grow them out, and flower the plant I took the clone from...
Ive heard its better to keep the plant you grew from seed as the mother, rather than cloning off of clones... any first hand experience out there willing to chime in?
fukn nice hydro grow, little burn on those leaves. i have a indoor soil here and my buddy has outdoor at his pad and theres 2 or 3 seedlings going, were taking cuts of them and mothering the clones so i can let you know how it goes, till then a clone will back up the mother if she gives out after harvest.


Active Member
Yeah I have 2 cuts im trying to clone, but I had issues with the res being too hot at first.. but they've yet to yellow or anything and the appear to be growing... Im just wondering if they plan on rooting... I may have to switch over to a aeroponic or rockwool cloning method. Who knows... I just know Ide really like to get some clones going... I honestly would hate to push my luck by having to order seeds every grow... Im going to order some more, but I see no point in ordering the same seeds If I can just clone what ive already got...


Active Member
i would flower the clones first and see if its a strain that i even want to keep. and if it is id really have a nice bushy plant to take cuttings from. if its not ill just flower it and keep lookin for a keeper strain. i actually want to try and create my own.


Active Member
thanks Irishnig, Yeah although it will take long I suppose Ill take clones and flower those... It seems that would give me a more ideal set up for a continuous flowering set up.

02, im gonna check that grow out when I get off work, ive seen a few posts on those strains and am interested on how it turns out...


Well-Known Member
coast im running into high temps in my cloner res too it suckss... i dont kno what im goin to do the forecast for seattle is suppose to be hot for the next couple weeks too!!! looks like ill be doin the ice bottle technique :(


Active Member
coast im running into high temps in my cloner res too it suckss... i dont kno what im goin to do the forecast for seattle is suppose to be hot for the next couple weeks too!!! looks like ill be doin the ice bottle technique :(
Yeah I dont know if I fucked up, but lets just call it me being extremely irritated but I made fresh cuts on my clones... I think that algae or whatever was growing on them just completely threw away any chance of roots... the just looked like they were rotting... yet upstairs on the leaves everything is as green as could be... had me quite confused...

Needless to say, this week after pay day im going to the hydro store and buying some powerful airpumps and some more airstones and im just going to do a full overhaul on my dwc system. Its working, but I think it would be better with alot more air.

And im going to try to build a good aerocloner... Im not a big fan of aeroponics because I flooded my upstairs last time I tried it... but Ill try again... Im just gonna look for those nice roughneck containers and get that weather stripping and utility claps to close the lid, and use some nice neoprene discs... hopefully that will work well... I kind half assed it on my first attempt so thats probably why It didnt work well...


Active Member
Well I think I lowed the pH too low on that bubba kush... leaves started to curl real bad... so I diluted the water by 50% poured half into another spare bucket and added 50% fresh water... Did the same with the Dieselryder since I think it was still suffering from nute burn...

I dunno what the deal is I keep overshooting these hydro nutes cuz they are concentrated... im going to start cutting the doses in half to see what happens...


Active Member
Has anyone grown dieselryder before? Or just lowryder's in general, I know its a noob thing to ask about yield because it depends on so many factors, but I have no previous experience to go on about budsite to weight ratio... I know I have a few more weeks in flower in it, but from just no experience and looking ide say the most I could get is an ounce... if that... so if anyone could chime in ide appreciate it...