Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)


Active Member
I was thinking, in an effort to simplify my life... and not have to be messing around with the girls while they're growing I think next grow im going to do a recirculating dwc system.. that way I can have a maintenance res.... should make my life so much easier...


Active Member
Has anyone grown dieselryder before? Or just lowryder's in general, I know its a noob thing to ask about yield because it depends on so many factors, but I have no previous experience to go on about budsite to weight ratio... I know I have a few more weeks in flower in it, but from just no experience and looking ide say the most I could get is an ounce... if that... so if anyone could chime in ide appreciate it...
that sounds about right for an auto plant. diesel ryder is known for having a prodominant main cola with little side branching. if you pull an oz off of it youll be doin good.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, in an effort to simplify my life... and not have to be messing around with the girls while they're growing I think next grow im going to do a recirculating dwc system.. that way I can have a maintenance res.... should make my life so much easier...
Get a under current :) when I have a bedroom to dedicate I'm totally rockin one of those. 1k but worth it for the harvest u can pull with them. DIY setups are nice too...just have lots of O2, good circulation, low water temps and your good.


Active Member
that sounds about right for an auto plant. diesel ryder is known for having a prodominant main cola with little side branching. if you pull an oz off of it youll be doin good.
Im lst'ing her right now to allow the light to evenly hit the budsites below that main cola... do you think I shouldnt and just let that main one fatten up as much as possible or just keep it kinda like a canopy the way I have it now...?


Active Member
Get a under current :) when I have a bedroom to dedicate I'm totally rockin one of those. 1k but worth it for the harvest u can pull with them. DIY setups are nice too...just have lots of O2, good circulation, low water temps and your good.
Yeah I could have ridiculous amounts of bubbles if I use my aquarium pump with its venturi port on it, but It uses 140w of electricity and adds a bit of heat to the water, but if im using a bigger system it might be just enough to keep it at the right temp, still now digging that 140w though, but I would hook it up in the res to pump the water to all of the sites along with oxygenating the water... haha I dont know im just excited to try new things...


Active Member
Im lst'ing her right now to allow the light to evenly hit the budsites below that main cola... do you think I shouldnt and just let that main one fatten up as much as possible or just keep it kinda like a canopy the way I have it now...?
thats all a matter of preference.if you lst your main cola will be a little smaller but your smaller buds get as little bigger. it would be great if you had 2 to try both methods on to find what works best for you. if your already doin lst i would just finish it off the same way.


Active Member
maybe using a ice chest or cooler might help keep the temps down on your res. it would already have a drain in the bottom and some sturdy handles to manuver with aswell.


Active Member
maybe using a ice chest or cooler might help keep the temps down on your res. it would already have a drain in the bottom and some sturdy handles to manuver with aswell.
Ahhh sweet idea I didnt even think about those... yeah those under current systems would be a piece of cake for me to throw together with my experience with aquariums... I may put together a build at a later date.


Active Member
fuckin A... i nuked the bubba kush... I love how the pH down bottle just says to add a little at a time to lower pH... well I checked it today, it was at 3.5 and my poor baby has a bunch of curled and burned leaves... shit went down over night... I switched the water completely out and am hoping for the best :/


Well-Known Member
fuckin A... i nuked the bubba kush... I love how the pH down bottle just says to add a little at a time to lower pH... well I checked it today, it was at 3.5 and my poor baby has a bunch of curled and burned leaves... shit went down over night... I switched the water completely out and am hoping for the best :/
Ph can be a mofo... just found out that my soil plants I was PHing my tap water from 8.5-6 got too low and locked out cal/mag... apparently FFOF is acidic... owell 8.5 ph water from here on out hopefully they're ok. All you can do is hope after u correct the problem.


Active Member
Ph can be a mofo... just found out that my soil plants I was PHing my tap water from 8.5-6 got too low and locked out cal/mag... apparently FFOF is acidic... owell 8.5 ph water from here on out hopefully they're ok. All you can do is hope after u correct the problem.
Do you suggest clipping off the damaged area's to give more light to the rest of the plant, or just let her do her own repair work naturally?


Well-Known Member
Do you suggest clipping off the damaged area's to give more light to the rest of the plant, or just let her do her own repair work naturally?
I prefer to leave it, she will let it fall when all of the usable nutes have been extracted back out of the leaf. Unless it's shading healthier under foliage, then I'd say its 50/50 either way.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem with acidic soil.... when i finally flushed last week my PH runoff was in the high 4s!! bloom nutes will also lower the soil ph drastically i found. ive got all my pots into the 6s ph now. its still low but ill be just watering with my tap water 7.5 ph for the next week. which is nice since i wont have to ph anything and can just straight water and let the ph buffer itself out. personally i cut off all damaged leaves. good luck


Active Member
Yeah, the weight of the dead foilage was blocking off the healthy leaves so i trimmed her up. Im heading off for the weekend, so ill have to see what they look like on sunday when I get back... I had to put them outside again today because of the fucking cable company, which ended up not even coming... Luckily im moving the plants sunday night to my new house so I wont have to worry about anyone coming in or the smell until my roommate moves in mid august, which the dieselryder should be done flowering by then.

And Ill start my aerocloner build when I get into my new house, that way I can go ahead and start flowering the rest of these girls... atleast the Pineapple Express and the Gigabud, I want the bubba kush to make a recovery first...
what are the dimensions of your tent? Im thinking about getting one for my new place... how do you like it?
i have the gl120 its 3'11" x 3'11" x 6'7" tall. you could fit 16 12-16" plants if you used panda bags, inside a 3x3 flood tray. im going to do 6 plants next grow all la or maybe 4 la and 2 G-ape