its illegal not b/c of the smoking aspect. well at least in the 30s.. when the bs laws passed....however the hemp ...industry..paper ,plastic, oil, flower, list goes on and on..the cotton growers back in the 30s realized this...with the invention of a mechanized reaper in the 20s to streamline the brake down of all its usfull things... it would of took en over cotton farms and taken money away from the cotton they pooled all there money ...lobbied the newly formed DEA ..who was a cotton backer and they passed the hemp tax stamp law that didnt actual ban hemp/weed just made it so u have to have a tax stamp.
.to get this passed and hoe they did it without riots from all the hemp growers :they told them they would give them the stamps... however ..they did not give them the stamps.and over night hemp farming was made illegal..even though henry Ford had a hemp plasic car in 1941 and it ran on hemp oil...he envisioned the world running on clean fuel not oil base..then big business took over ..and there u have it... big pharma, big cotton, big lumber ( paper ) and now all the 800K people into the private prison systems soo all the prison companies cna make millions... plus to to mention 43 billion dollars a year the Government spends eradication it..... Its too big of a business and it effects too many of the ceo's pockets/ legislators .its one of the biggest conspiracies .. however its soon being realized..however 73 years later.... trillions of dollars wasted for a plant that is less harmfull then aspirin....
and while your ad the vid... below... weed cures cancer... now thats the BIGGEST reason... it actually attaches to cancer cells and kills them from within..and there has been medical studdies since the 50s.. but everying has been covered up and tossed aside and discredited..
cannabis Cures Cancer - "Run From The Cure" The Rick Simpson Story
Rick Simpson Story After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge. When the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine - leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments - and leaving Rick with unconsitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana!