How do you fix an overwatered plant?


Well-Known Member
I saw in a thread where a guy let his dry for 4 days then watered it, recovered within 24 hrs...good luck


Well-Known Member
let it dry right out till harvest day.. maybe a week to 14 days.

it's better to allow the medium to dry out as this causes a plant to go into a drought response. one of the perks of this is that the plant will produce extra trich's to prevent loss of water.
let it dry right out till harvest day.. maybe a week to 14 days.

it's better to allow the medium to dry out as this causes a plant to go into a drought response. one of the perks of this is that the plant will produce extra trich's to prevent loss of water.
I think I figured out the root cause; flushed day before yesterday and the tarp on the floor didn't let all the water that continued to drain out leave the bucket. I took some 1/2 inch boards and set them on those.

I have considered the possibility that I could mistakenly judged end of life cycle as over watering; do the bud leaves start to turn when they are about done? The trichs are mostly cloudy with a few amber.


Well-Known Member
depends how you feed. some people like myself prefer to keep them green till the end. As I grow in 4" pots (that's seed plants, clone, mothers, everything) my plants need water once or twice per day, so i only need to let mine dry out for just a few days.

Indoor growing and you are nature... you may decide to pluck off the buds and leave the plant in tact, leaves and all... then re-veg it and flower it all over again. You may decide to simulate fall and cut the nutrient supply early, get some pretty colours on the leaves. It's all up to you.
I water about every 2-3 days; as I am in 5 gallon buckets.

I've learned a lot through this process; being my first grow and all. The biggest lessons I've learned are to always follow my gut, if it isn't broke don't fix it and the necessity of proper preparation and research.


Active Member
Some pics always tell the story better. Hard to say what it needs without seeing it. Post pics using Insert Image (right under the words Quick Reply. That puts them on this server and keeps it forever with the thread (unlike far too many posts where the pic is no longer available).