Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)


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aight, ill do it just to be safe... but the theory behind the method I think is that when the water splashes the open tissue of the cutting, thats how they take in water... and promote root growth... but like I said Ill mist anyways just to be safe... but anyways heres a pic of the cuttings from last night... they kind of curled up after I cut them but im assuming they are getting water from the bubbling... because heres a pic and they look pretty healthy for being fresh cut.

And heres some pics of the Dieselryder... seems to be coming along pretty well, Im guessing this is about the beginning of the second week of flower or so for it...



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The clones I took still havent even began to droop at all or yellow... is this good? does it mean they'll make it... in all the other pics ive seen peoples clones seem to fall down and wilt and then barely spring back... im on about the 3rd day since I cut them and they look like they are just growing normal as if still attached to the mother!


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The clones I took still havent even began to droop at all or yellow... is this good? does it mean they'll make it... in all the other pics ive seen peoples clones seem to fall down and wilt and then barely spring back... im on about the 3rd day since I cut them and they look like they are just growing normal as if still attached to the mother!
thats a great thing. no wilting or yellowing means they are strong and healthy. keep doin what youre doin


Active Member
Yeah, im stoked that they are looking healthy, cant argue with a healthy plant...

One other question though, since my DieselRyder is going into its flowering stage, should I go ahead and switch the light over to my HPS, I know that it wont throw the girls into flower because im still on my 18/6 cycle, but from what ive read when you use your MH to flower you get more buds, they just arent as good as when done under an HPS, Like flowering with a MH I guess is more growth, and then the HPS spectrum is more quality...

Im not real picky since this will be my first harvest ever and I dont really have anything to go one, but I just wanted to throw that out there to see what you guys thought. MH or HPS for my autoflower, while still vegging the other girls on 18/6


Active Member
Yeah, im stoked that they are looking healthy, cant argue with a healthy plant...

One other question though, since my DieselRyder is going into its flowering stage, should I go ahead and switch the light over to my HPS, I know that it wont throw the girls into flower because im still on my 18/6 cycle, but from what ive read when you use your MH to flower you get more buds, they just arent as good as when done under an HPS, Like flowering with a MH I guess is more growth, and then the HPS spectrum is more quality...

Im not real picky since this will be my first harvest ever and I dont really have anything to go one, but I just wanted to throw that out there to see what you guys thought. MH or HPS for my autoflower, while still vegging the other girls on 18/6
i dont know where you read tha MH makes more buds but that is NOT true. HPS is more intense and provides the light spectrum that your plant craves during flowering. MH will help prevent stretching during veg. if you only have the 1 diesel ryder then i would just keep the MH on for the benefit for the rest of the crop.

how long are you planning on vegging the other plants for ? i ask because autos are done in 70 days most of the time but need atleast 18/6 the entire grow and if you veg the others for 70 days then youre going to have some monster plants by the end of it all .


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Yeah, I know they are going to be some beasts... But thats fine, I plan on taking more clones off of them... Im keeping them in veg because I dont want to move them in the middle of flowering... Ill be moving at the beginning of August. So it should be almost time for the Dieselryder to finish... This is going to extend my grow time some, but I think it will pay off in the end.

Yeah I thought that sounded kinda weird about the mh vs. hps but thats just some rant someone went on in another thread. They were talking about doing MH the whole grow vs HPS the whole grow...


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Todays pics, thankfully they are a little bit better due to a better camera, but still has some nasty interference...



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yeah even though its my first grow, im really liking the autoflowering, I may pick up 10 or so for the next go around, ide like some auto NL I would enjoy that... might even try them outside...


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Weeeeeelll I did a nute change for the Dieselryder... and while in the process I saw that the pineapple express seemed to have small little yellow dots on the leaves so Im wondering if thats mag deficiency, the bottom leaves seem to be wilting and dying off and feeding the newer ones... so I was thinking hmmm maybe I over fed them and caused some nute lockout... which is very possible considering I put pretty strong concentration of nutes on them early on... but they've grown pretty well so far... and then I was wondering... I havent been checking the pH of my water... just assuming its been ok since ive been using a Reverse Osmosis Deionization system for my water... leaves my water at like 2ppm so I decided to do some reading and I know that your supposed to test the pH of your water so you can adjust it but then I read this... and it kinda has me freaked out like I wont even be able to tell what the pH of my water really is? Ill probably end up buying the stuff anyways trying to do whats best for my plants but it kinda surprised me...

1. The pH of totally pure water is around 7 (with the exact value depending on temperature). As carbon dioxide from the atmosphere enters the water, the pH drops into the 6’s and even into the 5’s, depending on the amount of CO[SIZE=-1]2[/SIZE]. At saturation with the level of CO[SIZE=-1]2[/SIZE] in normal (outside) air, the pH would be about 5.66. Indoor air often has even more CO[SIZE=-1]2[/SIZE], and the pH can drop a bit lower, into the 5’s. Consequently, the pH of highly purified water coming from an RO/DI unit is expected to be in the pH 5-7 range.

2. The pH of highly purified water is not accurately measured by test kits, or by pH meters. There are several different reasons for this, including the fact that highly purified water has very little buffering capacity, so its pH is easily changed. Even the acidity or basicity of a pH test kit’s indicator dye is enough to alter pure water’s measured pH. As for pH meters, the probes themselves do not function well in the very low ionic strength of pure freshwater, and trace impurities on them can swing the pH around quite a bit.

3. The pH of the combination of two solutions does not necessarily reflect the average (not even a weighted average) of their two pH values. The final pH of a mixture may actually not even be between the pH’s of the two solutions when combined. Consequently, adding pH 7 pure water to pH 8.2 seawater may not even result in a pH below 8.2, but rather might be higher than 8.2"


Active Member
i got the auto AK47 . theyre supposed to be one of the highest yeilding autos. well see how that works out .
Yeah ive always heard great things about the auto ak47, I know how popular it is, if you keep a journal on that im def following to see it develop...


Active Member
*sigh*.... well I checked the clones today... and they sure do look healthy... BUT... the res temp is really warm... and I just read that, that is bad... will promote brown algae... yeah they have some... I honestly didnt think that pump I put in there would produce that much heat... I should have known better... Im gonna try switching it over to airstones instead of a pump with a venturi on it... atleast the clones still look healthy... for now atleast...

Im also lst'ing the dieselryder so that some of the lower buds can get some more light...


Active Member
Yeah ive always heard great things about the auto ak47, I know how popular it is, if you keep a journal on that im def following to see it develop...
yea its gonna be awhile still but i plan 2 autos and maybe 1 of my quadruple thunder freebies. my current journal isnt that popular so if it doesnt start pickin up i probably wont do another.

hmm. yeah if your pump is gettin your res hot get your air pump and air stone. i was just at the aquarium store today and you should be able to get both for under 20$


Active Member
yeah I already have one or two laying around, I just dont know if its gonna be able to put out enough air... When I get the chance and after I move and theres a little money to move im going to invest in some nice Hydroponic air pumps... they are way nice than anything ive seen at pet stores... and not that much more... Im talking like atleast triple if not more air output for like 5-10$ more... So Im gonna try and get some of those along with the nice 8" round airstones... Also next time around im definitely attaching the airstones to the bottom of the res... right now they just float, which is kind of annoying... I guess you really do learn alot on your first grow, but thats what its about.


Active Member
yea its gonna be awhile still but i plan 2 autos and maybe 1 of my quadruple thunder freebies. my current journal isnt that popular so if it doesnt start pickin up i probably wont do another.
Yeah I understand what ya mean, You put alot of work into keeping a journal and you almost have to beg to get any input in them... But like many others ive read seems everyone pours in and chimes in when the girls start to really flower... other than that they just say its another vegging plant... at any rate Ide love to see some pics even If you just throw some up after harvest.


Active Member
Well I was really concerned about my pH... so I went to the hydro store and got a pH pen... pH up and down... get home... lol and my pH was fine... the Bubba Kush was sitting the lowest at 5.8... and the rest were right around 6.5 and 6.8... you think I should throw a dash of pH down into the 6.8 ones?


Active Member
Yeah I understand what ya mean, You put alot of work into keeping a journal and you almost have to beg to get any input in them... But like many others ive read seems everyone pours in and chimes in when the girls start to really flower... other than that they just say its another vegging plant... at any rate Ide love to see some pics even If you just throw some up after harvest.
yea thats why i dint start it till the first signs of flowering. im sure ill post some pics but just not at planned points.