Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie


Well-Known Member
Alright guys just got a budshot real quick of the permafrost. MAD TRICH'S! It's just a tester bud, the rest is hanging in my dry box 2 feet to my left. lol. I'll get some better pix after the weekend's over. Untill then ENJOY!

EDIT: BTW, I did a VERY poor trim job on this tester bud! lol, I'll do better on the rest. I just needed some smoke, and man..... It's treating me good!



Well-Known Member
Idk about you but i like when the smaller buds have that leaf cover. acts as a protector to the trichs under.
yummy permafrost. Glad to hear she smokes good!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Really nice work for CFLs good call on maximizing your yields with LST.Where the PE hiding at? Sub'd!


Well-Known Member
Really nice work for CFLs good call on maximizing your yields with LST.Where the PE hiding at? Sub'd!
Thanks man, much appreciated! I do what I can with what money I haved so..... No HID's yet, someday though.

Alright so tossing up some pix of the Pineapple Express (put into flower yesterday) and the girls in veg.

~The first 4 pix are of the PE. It's kind of a weird plant, very long and 'stringy' sort of. I dunno if it's just a weird pheno or what, but the mother plant (My buddie grew) was the same way, long and stringy, and he couldn't do anything to stop it and now I see what he was talking about... weird...

~First 4 pix are of PE

~Next 2 pix are of the flower room

~Last 4 pix are of the Veg room, cuttings, and Purple Napalm plants. Now I've got a question for you guys. My 2 purple Napalm have had basically the exact same life since I've had them. Feeding the same way I feed ALL my plants, and the weird thing is, only ONE of them is showing signs of some possible nute burn? Anyways if you might have an idea as to what this is (Nute burn, toxicity, deficiency, ect)... go ahead and throw some info my way! lol, it'll be appreciated! I'm headed to pick my sis up from the airport cuz she's gonna be in town for the week. So I'll try and figure out on my own what's goin on whenever I get a chance. Thanks again guys.



Well-Known Member
hey hookd,
Holy fat buds on those plants!!!!:leaf:
For the nute burn problem,i would flush her a good. then give her some molasses, it helps suck up unused nutes in the soil. but hopefully the flush would get rid of the salt deposits. But if that doesnt work. It looks like im gonna lean more to the nitrogen def..... but as of right now doesnt look like it. Well hopefully i helpd, hope you get your babies recoverd asap.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look hungry not burned. I have that same problem when i try to run my clones on too low of nutes babying them, then I get those minor def, bump it up a touch and it goes away on the new growth.

As for your PE, it's definiatly a stretchy, 'bushy' plant compared to some, but it should fill in more than yours has. I'm not sure if that's due to lighting or the pheno you got though.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look hungry not burned. I have that same problem when i try to run my clones on too low of nutes babying them, then I get those minor def, bump it up a touch and it goes away on the new growth..
Thanks Someguy,
my plant has the same features.... so bump up the nutes. gotcha.


Well-Known Member
hey hooked man. sorry i havent been by i was banned for awhile. but dam the permafrost looks good. looks like mine except mine has a lil more purp to it, but like i said could be differnt phenos or breeders. i really like your lil bubble cloner to and the new flower chamber u got. and as for the vegging plant with the small leaf prob i would give it only plain water every time it needs water but not a huge flush or nothin but just the usal amount of plain water if it gets worse its most likely a def, if it gets better then just give it water a lil longer before u start the nutes again


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I threw the permafrost on the scale over the weekend out of curiosity. So my final weigh in and total harvest for the Permafrost came out to 42g's. My set up and techniques that I'm using seem to be yielding me just about the same amount per plant each time. I'm averaging 40g's per plant, on a 3 plan/312W CFL setup.

So that's about 1 gram per 2.6 watts of light that I'm using, OR .38 grams per watt (if my math's correct.) Nothing super fantastic but hey, I'm doing what I can with these CFL's... HID is in my future... Someday my friends, someday!


Well-Known Member
you do great for cfls. i just looked at your permafrost buds again and on pipc 2 and 3 i can see a nanner,dont know if u knew. and i wouldnt post that u sell. thats just me thoug. im paranoid. been raided to many times


Well-Known Member
you do great for cfls. i just looked at your permafrost buds again and on pipc 2 and 3 i can see a nanner,dont know if u knew.
Yea I noticed that, and thanks for the heads up MC. I'm pretty sure that I chopped before anything could come of it though. Since it's summer I started to have some severe heat issues and I'm almost posative that's what it's from. My buddie that I got the permafrost from said to watch out for nanners reguarding heat issues. Because apparentally Permafrost does not do well at ALL in heat. BUT no seeds anywhere yet. So I'm not TOO concerned with it. I just need to find a way to control my HEAT damnit!


Well-Known Member
Buds look really good hookd! 312w cfl setup for 3 plants, with 40g yield. I'll take that all day lol..
I know I'm comming in late but do you have some side lighting going on too or is that all top lighting, nice looking lst too!!

Come by and check out my grow, if you get a chance. Nothin special but I'm happy with it!

I can only imagine what you will do with that hps when you get it!!


Well-Known Member
Yea I noticed that, and thanks for the heads up MC. I'm pretty sure that I chopped before anything could come of it though. Since it's summer I started to have some severe heat issues and I'm almost posative that's what it's from. My buddie that I got the permafrost from said to watch out for nanners reguarding heat issues. Because apparentally Permafrost does not do well at ALL in heat. BUT no seeds anywhere yet. So I'm not TOO concerned with it. I just need to find a way to control my HEAT damnit!
ya i also think your fine on seeds, it looks like a late nanner. and when my room got to hot indoors i would place milk jug filled with water frozen behind the intake fan so it cools the right before it goes in. it only drops the temp a few degrees though but its better then nothin


Well-Known Member
hey hooked i know the pots u are usin are ones with small holes around them like a basket right? you think you canshow me a pic of the root ball on one of the plants to see how those work with all the extra air