My First Grow! (The Purps), 150 watt HPS, need walthrough plz...


Well-Known Member
yea, it easily could of been a clone off a green pheno, or a branch that particualarly didnt take much of the purple trait. if you take 10 clones off one plant they will all have diffrent characteristics depending on the part of the plant it was cut from.


Active Member
She hasnt been growing at all, she looks done, PM is getting annoying, bottom line...
She's getting chopped tomorrow morning, i gave her a flush this morning, it came up fast, so i didn't have any more time to prepare unfortunately, so a 1 day flush, and it will be 47 days flowering! almost 7 weeks, but when its done, its done...
ill post some more pics for u guys 2morrow


Active Member
maybe light intensity wasn't high enough to produce purple? i don't know it if works that way. i would try and flush again before her chop


Well-Known Member
yea bro, flush her in the morning, then chop her a few hours later in the day. your lungs and taste buds will thank you.... haha
should be a pretty good yeild tho =]
good job!


Active Member
so i didn't flush her a second time, but i cut her and trimmed her, and now i got some bud, how much do you guys think i got?



Active Member
nicely done, only time will tell what your yield is but that looks real good for a first grow. be proud


Really A 2 to 3 week Flush Wud Have Made A 100% Difference but ive done same in the past we all have lmao Looks Like About 50 grams dry


Active Member
nicely done, only time will tell what your yield is but that looks real good for a first grow. be proud

Really A 2 to 3 week Flush Wud Have Made A 100% Difference but ive done same in the past we all have lmao Looks Like About 50 grams dry
ya i wish i could have flushed more, but the day i trimmed her i took a little nug put it in an envelope on top of my ballast for a good hour, i smoked it, it didn't taste bad, actually it tasted pretty good, i didn't cought at all, and i could taste the fruit, but since i did a shitty dry method the high was pretty short


Active Member
Great success!! Looks good man... regardless of the weight, it was a good first grow! I still got about 1 week left on my baby...


Active Member
Great success!! Looks good man... regardless of the weight, it was a good first grow! I still got about 1 week left on my baby...
thanks bro, i hope yours is as good too, if not better, there's still room for improvement on my next grow, look forward to that, I'll be starting that around Christmas time... until thenbongsmilie


Active Member
so next time, will you be using the same strain with the same method? just make sure to get a good week or two flush in followed by a week of drought. the deficiency caused by flushing in the last few weeks can help to purple your plant and the drought can help stress the plant into defense mode for a little bit extra of that gooey goodness.

if you want to try your hand at some experimentation you could try adding some suppliments to your watering. phenylalanine or its precursor shikimic acid are known to occur naturually within plants, turning into polyphenols, particularly flavonoids. this is why high anti-oxidant fruits are usually dark purple or red. phenylalanine is known as an antidepressant and can be found on google shopping. though im not sure on its direct uptake, you could also try injection.

cytokinin and auxin, also available through google shopping, affect plant growth and can also help color your plants.

i would not recommend it as i have not experimented with it myself. there may be adverse effects such as increased flowering time as well as more subtle chemical changes that may or may not be worth the time and effort.


Active Member
so next time, will you be using the same strain with the same method? just make sure to get a good week or two flush in followed by a week of drought. the deficiency caused by flushing in the last few weeks can help to purple your plant and the drought can help stress the plant into defense mode for a little bit extra of that gooey goodness.
no i wont be using the same strain, but method may or may not change, but i will definitely be more aware of the flush, thanks


Active Member
week of drought? that doesn't sound very nice... I'm definately gonna flush and cut off nutes soon, but I don't know how I feel about the drought. I heard about 48 or 72 hours of darkness before chop time as well, which I might try.


Active Member
week of drought? that doesn't sound very nice... I'm definately gonna flush and cut off nutes soon, but I don't know how I feel about the drought. I heard about 48 or 72 hours of darkness before chop time as well, which I might try.
i heard that too, but i did some investigating and majority of the people say it doesn't work, one guy said the plant thinks its going to die in the darkness, so it just converts all of its resin to the buds, but that doesn't make any sense, so i didn't do it...


Active Member
in nature mj vegitates in the longer days of spring summer and fall, and blooms in teh shorter days in fall winter and spring. it spends its life growing as vigorously as it can in veg, then when it converts to bloom in the fall it starts preparing for the winter drought. as the days grow shorter and shorter, the plant responds by kicking in full force to protect its seeds from the cold dry air by producing resins.