Well, I had kind of suspected but wasn't sure until just a little while ago _ ball sac's.
So, my lovely little Barbara, who I had so much high hope for turn out to be Bob

, lucky I didn't kiss her/him....
Here's the root autopsy. There was approx 4.75" of soil the balance was pearlite. 1.5 liter (5.5") pot.
IMHO, the roots seemed pretty happy, one got his way to the bottom and was making like a snake, but the majority seemed pretty content in the soil.

maybe, just maybe, when the tap root encounters the 1" or so bed of pearlite at the bottom of the pot, it says to itself.... "self, that nice Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil was a heck of a lot nicer than this, ewwww, pearlite, so, I'm gonna head back up into that nice soil and make myself at home there.
*This is my opinion and I'm probably wrong.