Rastafarian Beliefs and Values


Well-Known Member
it does matter. the rastafari religion is a pro black religion. they believe blacks are gods chosen people. white rastafaris are very confused people.... and they look hilarious with dreadlocks.
Please do not assume that someone who wears red/gold/green, and fake dreadlocks is also someone who praises Haile Selassie I as their God and King. White people do look hilarious with dreadlocks but Rastafari is for ANYONE who comes with clean hands and pure heart because he is KINGS of KINGS and LORD of LORDS.


Well-Known Member
Rasta is Black Power? Must be Black power? No. Some early rastafarians believed in that movement. It was in the 60's when racial tensions were high and yes Marcus Garvey did preach a Back-to-Africa movement for all blacks to go to the motherland, but that got shot down when H.I.M., as you put it, gave that speach I spoke of to the United Nations. Bob Marley took from that speech and gave a positive message through song to fight for EQUALITY. Not to fight for it through division. You listened to a song and made an assumption. This is a direct quote from the speech that Haile Selassie gave the UN. Here is where Bob took his lyrics from but as you can see if you read it in context, Selassie is absolutely condemning rascism and promoting a oneness of people, a "human comminuty":
"Last May, in Addis Ababa, I convened a meeting of Heads of African States and Governments. In three days, the thirty-two nations represented at that Conference demonstrated to the world that when the will and the determination exist, nations and peoples of diverse backgrounds can and will work together. In unity, to the achievement of common goals and the assurance of that equality and brotherhood which we desire.On the question of racial discrimination, the Addis Ababa Conference taught, to those who will learn, this further lesson: That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; That until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil."
He concluded this speech with the words, "We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community."

Garvey was black power not Rasta. Ras Tafari as in Haile Selassie as in H.I.M., was about human power, overcoming babylon, wickedness and corruption in the system and One Love.

So I'll continue to "spout a "One Love" mentality", overcoming petty prejudices.



Well-Known Member
Please do not assume that someone who wears red/gold/green, and fake dreadlocks is also someone who praises Haile Selassie I as their God and King. White people do look hilarious with dreadlocks but Rastafari is for ANYONE who comes with clean hands and pure heart because he is KINGS of KINGS and LORD of LORDS.
I interpret the words of H.I.M from this part of the "war" speach like this: He says " Until" at the begenning of every line. Meaning that 'UNTIL' the day that the people of the world are in unity and love....we must fight for it. "One Love" is the ultimate goal but we must not fool ourselves into thinking that work does not need to be done to obtain this goal. Also for a caucasion to spout a "One Love" mentality without first recognizing our white benefits in society and working tirelessly for reparations and emancipations for Africans is to ignore and forget the past injustices our people have done, and how it still effects today. This is why Rasta is and MUST be black-power.
Now you just seem like you like to type. These are two completely conflicting posts. One says Rasta is for Black power and the other says Rasta is for ANYONE. So which do you mean?


Well-Known Member
Also for a caucasion to spout a "One Love" mentality without first recognizing our white benefits in society and working tirelessly for reparations and emancipations for Africans is to ignore and forget the past injustices...blah blah blah.

Oh and Africans were emancipated in 1863. FYI.


Well-Known Member
I will come back when I have more time and explain to you. Confusion like yours is common in this matter. I'll try and put it all simply right now though. Rastafari is for EVERYBODY, regardless of color/race. The liberation of black people should be one of the main tenents of not just Rastafari, but of any person who is truly concerned with "one love" and right-ness. "Black Power" does not mean holding blacks in any higher regard than any other humans..it is about them regaining the proper position in the world which all humans should be guaranteed. I will be back later.....


Well-Known Member
Oh and Africans were emancipated in 1863. FYI.
Ok, this is why you are confused and dont understand my statements. What was/is the state of affairs like for blacks/africans from 1863 until now?? Again, I'll come back to address this more....


Well-Known Member
"You listened to a song and made an assumption."
I have not listened to Bob Marley in probably over a decade and I read the speeches of H.I.M daily. This is why I understand that his majesty was not supporting "racism" or in-equality...but striving to eliminate it.


Well-Known Member
Also...while you keep on spouting that "one love" mentality....I am actually going to get down and dirty and work for it. No apologies.


Well-Known Member
Also...while you keep on spouting that "one love" mentality....I am actually going to get down and dirty and work for it. No apologies.

Before turning this into a big pissing contest let me just say you're basically saying the same things I am. But you made it seem that you were agreeing with Andar who was making no sense on here. But you clarified so I'm good with it. Yes blacks are treated with inequality in the world but I don't pretend to be a rasta so I don't pretend it's my job to find equality for them. I am not caucasian. My fathers family is black west indian, not unlike jamaicans, and my mothers family comes from Italy, long after the abolisment of slavery. Myself or my ancestors have never dealt injustice to blacks, half of my family is black and has been dealt this injustice. So because my skin is Tan and not black I owe reparations or should make it my struggle? I disagree. I agree with one love and one people and one world but I believe that life it what you make it. If your parents or grand parents or great great grandparents as is most likely the case these days were enslaved or a victim of inequal treatment that really sucks but how does that effect you. I don't disagree that people with black skin have it fairly harder than those with white skin but what about gays? or Arabs? These are 2 groups of people also unjustly pursecuted yet I don't see the world rallying to their causes. No your life is what you make it and anyone who says differently is looking for a handout. I was trying to clarify for Andar there, seems you took personal offense to that. Or maybe you just feel the need to over compensate. And I mean that with no disrespect. People with white skin who identify with a minority race just tend be a bit overzealous. I commend you for making it your mission to deal a fair hand to africans. I'm happy just living a happy life and treating everyone fairly. I'm not striving for one world, I'm just trying to love it the best I can.


Well-Known Member
You know, after my responses I concluded the same. We are both coming from a very similar standpoint of wanting some love and peace on this world..and that is the most important thing. I appreciate your response and sometimes some clarification is needed from me. We disagree on our views slightly, but that is ok...and I give thanks for your interaction...because human interaction always helps me learn. I know that I come off rude sometimes, I apologise if I seemed too aggresive or took offense. BLessed love-


Well-Known Member
As do I and I know what you mean man. I come off cocky a lot too and I'm anything but. I try to stay laid back and chill. Good to see some people out here acutally know their shit. Do you grow too?


Well-Known Member
As do I and I know what you mean man. I come off cocky a lot too and I'm anything but. I try to stay laid back and chill. Good to see some people out here acutally know their shit. Do you grow too?
Yes I am usually over on Subcool's organic forum just reading and learning...haven't done much posting yet though. I am a patient in CO.....Anyway, yea man sometimes the tightest of friendships start with interactions like this. Respect-


Well-Known Member
This is true. At the very least I know and respect the fact that you know your shit and stand by your beliefs, as do I. And I find those traits to be very commendable. It's when people pawn off assumption, based on very little research, as fact, that I have issues with. Especially when those assumptions spread misunderstanding and the possibility of discrimmination against peaceful people.

If you feel like it check out my grow. Started with modest means....well it's still pretty modest but fixed it up a bit and it's working, which is all I care about. It's my first time growing so the fact that they're going so well is enough to keep me excited.


Well-Known Member
Checked out the grow really quick. Lookin' good for a 1st grow! I'd say the most important thing is you are having fun and learning. Getting one harvest under your belt will definately give you confidence for future grows...and the best part of growing (besides the medicine of course:) is trying to learn from each grow and increase your production/quality each time. I feel like it has taken me a few years and several dozen harvests to feel like I really know what I am doing now....but I was yielding smokeable (sometime nicer than others) medicine from the very begenning:) I'll be watching them for sure! Bless-


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Appreciate the kind words. Gonna keep plugging away, see what happens. Starting flower tomorrow so it's an exciting time for me. Definitely having fun and learning more everyday. I'm on this damn site all night trolling through thread after thread trying to pull out valid and good info and all the tips and tricks I can. The biggest 2 things i've learned from this grow are 1) having a basic understanding of how the plant works, what it needs, what it can take as far as stresses go and what not REALLY help a grow along and 2) if it's not fun then you're doing something wrong! lol
I've lucked out alot this grow and didn't make too many mistakes, but when I did man I felt it, like watching your kid scrape his knee or something. But when I open that lid and am greeted with nothing but smiling happy greeness man it lifts my spirits right up!!
I'm hooked now!


Well-Known Member
Time for school buddy:

Ok Rastafarians are not the racist white devil hating, dread wearing, pot smoking tribe of bigots you're making them out to be.

Here are some lyrics to a Bob Marley(huge public rastafarian, spread the word of rastafarianism through his music) song called "WAR"

The lyrics are take DIRECTLY from a speech given by Emporer Haile Selassie as he addressed the United Nations in 1963

"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned...everywhere is WAR"

"Until there's no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation..."

"Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance then the color of his eyes...WAR"

"Until the basic human right are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race..."
can you guess it??

"Until THAT day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship and the rule of internaional morality will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued but never obtained"

Now here's where we get a little bit of "Africa" talk

"Until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers captive in Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa, in sub-human bondage, have been toppled, utterly destroyed...WAR"

Then there's this bit about Africa

"Until that day the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, we find it necessary. And we know we shall win as we are confident in the victory of good over evil"

Doesn't say anything in there about hatin whitey, lol

Seriously man Rasta is about peace and love and oneness not at all about hate for white people or superiority for black people. Just an over all oneness of PEOPLE. ONE PEOPLE.

its time for you to go to school , buddy. you should read what people write before you try to school someone. I NEVER SAID THAT RASTAS ARE RACIST, OR HATE WHITE PEOPLE!. I SAID IT WAS A PRO BLACK RELIGION AND IT IS. A LOT FELT LIKE THEY WERE BEING OPPRESSED BY PEOPLE WHO HAPPENED TO BE WHITE. BUT THEY ARE GENERALLY ACCEPTIVE TOWARDS EVERYONE. i hate when people dont even understand something and try to respond with some smartass comment.
and this quote
"Until there's no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation..."

"Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance then the color of his eyes...WAR"
is about them not liking white people......... in the first line the second class citizens are black people who are being oppresed by first class who happen to be white. and hes saying he doesnt want that in his country or anywhere.
the second line untill the color of a mans skin...... he wouldnt say that unless there were raciall tensions and it sure wasnt the rastas who were oppressing white people. so yes he is talking about white people. hes not saying he hates them but he is acknowledging that they are not treating them right. and wants black people to be equal to everyone else (once again thats why they are pro black, being pro black doesnt mean hating whitey. and being pro black doesnt neccessarily mean they want black superiority they wanted to become equal so they stood up for themselves hence them becoming pro black.)

i really hope you are not a dreadlock white suburban kid trying to explain rasta to me or anybody.
you need to go to school and learn some history about how white people treated blacks and what the black people thought about it.


Well-Known Member
Dude you just proved to me you're an idiot and not worth my time. Enjoy this thread man, it's all yours. Continue to spread misunderstanding and bad information to people who are just as stupid as you.

And I really hope your not some suburban kid who found his daddy's head stash and collection of Bob Marley Cd's and now thinks he's enlightened.
Instead of learning everything from books and tv get some real world experience.
Keep fighting the good fight brother!


Well-Known Member
your a moron. im not worth your time because you cant prove me wrong. i actually know rastas who are black, not just white boys with dreads like you. im not fighting any fight , brother. just keep believing whatever you want.. whatever makes you sleep better knowing your a white boy with dreads.


Well-Known Member
your a moron. im not worth your time because you cant prove me wrong. i actually know rastas who are black, not just white boys with dreads like you. im not fighting any fight , brother. just keep believing whatever you want.. whatever makes you sleep better knowing your a white boy with dreads.
wow... what a dickhead! WOW!

to clear this matter up; Rastafari is NOT a Black Religion. and who better to make my point than His Imperial Majesty HIMself:
"I MUST SAY THAT BLACK AND WHITE, AS FORMS OF SPEECH, AND AS A MEANS OF JUDGING MANKIND, SHOULD BE ELIMINATED FROM HUMAN SOCIETY. Human beings are precisely the same whatever colour, race, creed or national origin they may be." Haile Selassie the First.

sorry about the ancient thread dig up, but this upset me.