datura stramonium; angel trumpet


Well-Known Member
was wondering what's a normal dosage for making tea? should I do it with leaves or flowers? did quite a bit of googling today, the seed dosage was from 12 - 500... so I'm pretty confused about the preperation.

Big P

Well-Known Member
you can thank me for saving your penis and your tongue:mrgreen:


Student Cuts Off Penis And Tongue

5:52pm UK, Tuesday September 23, 2003
A student cut off his penis and tongue with garden shears while tripping on an hallucinogenic drug.

The 18-year-old German went into his garden and set about severing his organs after downing a tea made with the plant Angels' Trumpet.

The plant is a powerful and dangerous hallucinogen.
Doctors were unable to re-attach either his penis or tongue.
The student has been named only as Andreas, from Halle.
His mother said: "Andreas was behaving normally the whole day until he left the house and disappeared into the garden for a couple of minutes."

When he returned to the house he was wearing a towel wrapped around him and was bleeding heavily from his mouth and between his legs.
Angels' Trumpet is the latest drugs craze to sweep Germany.
Doctors said the teenager would need years of support.
Dr Andreas Marneros, from the local psychiatric hospital where the student was admitted to, said: "Andreas will have to receive psychological help for years.
"Tea from Angels' Trumpets is extremely dangerous as the drug cannot be dosed."


Well-Known Member
well, of course people cut off their genitals and tongue without knowing shit about the plant and just going plucking off flowers and toking 'em up. I am going to try it, but I was wondering if I should make tea with the flowers or the leaves. starting with a little bit and building the dosage up, of course. or maybe roll a joint or somethin'. damn, when I searched for 'datura' in the forums, I didn't get any results, now I found lots of stuff on 'similar threads'. anyway, I was also wondering if I should dry the leaves or the flower and then make tea or smoke it?

Big P

Well-Known Member
cool man just wanted to let you know atleast just be carful and have a good friend around just incase you try to cut your nutts off:D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
lol .... perhaps he had them removed earlier ... so things like that do not happen.
Hey let us know how it went ... this is interesting indeed.

I always thought that the trumpet could be used for making poisons .... i had no idea it produced hallucinations ..... I have learned something from you dormeo.



Well-Known Member
I remeber a story in my local paper an entire school was tripping on the seeds the kids would crack open the pods and eat them fuckin funny shit when a whole school is trippin balls

Big P

Well-Known Member
i think its also called "devils trumpets" incase you havnt chased down that lead on google yet


Well-Known Member
guy,guys...im almost positive this is classified as delleriant and not hallucinagen. Be carefull and think about possible sitter just incase you try to do something dumb.


Well-Known Member
i know the names and all of that.. i just need more info on how to use, best n worst ways n scenarios, besides cutting my dick off...
hows the trip? length and strength, etc...
experiences would be great too!
For preparation you just boil fresh flowers in water for a while then strain but I would have to advise against it too man. When I was in high school a bunch of my friends were tripping on angels trumpet that they stole from the botanical gardens in town. No one I knew cut their nuts off or anything like that but one of my friends took them before he had to do some marching band thing after school and was tripping so hard instead of going to that he just wandered around for a few hours til the cops found him and took him home. He didnt remember much but he ended up losing his band instrument, uniform, and most of his clothes and he said when the cops were taking him home he asked them what kind of dog it was in the back seat with him, but there was no dog at all. He told the cops he had eaten some shrooms. Everyone I've known who has done it says that you don't feel like you're tripping too hard but you have extremely real-looking halucinations and wish they wouldn't have done it. But to each their own!

Big P

Well-Known Member
For preparation you just boil fresh flowers in water for a while then strain but I would have to advise against it too man. When I was in high school a bunch of my friends were tripping on angels trumpet that they stole from the botanical gardens in town. No one I knew cut their nuts off or anything like that but one of my friends took them before he had to do some marching band thing after school and was tripping so hard instead of going to that he just wandered around for a few hours til the cops found him and took him home. He didnt remember much but he ended up losing his band instrument, uniform, and most of his clothes and he said when the cops were taking him home he asked them what kind of dog it was in the back seat with him, but there was no dog at all. He told the cops he had eaten some shrooms. Everyone I've known who has done it says that you don't feel like you're tripping too hard but you have extremely real-looking halucinations and wish they wouldn't have done it. But to each their own!
freaky dude

theres some good info


Well-Known Member
Take it from me personally. Hallucinations that seem real (but really shouldn't) are the worst. Afterwords you know what it is like to be clinically insane.
Exactly, if you accidentally get a some strong seeds that contain high levels on the psychoactive (and toxic) alkaloids have fun living moments of reality having complete conversations and events with people and smoking "phantom" jacks (which are quite pleasant by the way as you always seem to have more haha) then realize your just sitting on your couch... I wouldn't even call it tripping I'd call it insanity more confusing and scary than a 4th platue DXM trip IMO. I would not recommend it!


New Member
If youre actually gonna do it all Ill say is be careful and do as much research on it as you can.

Ive personally never done it myself (out of choice) but have heard a lot of peoples stories and read probably 30 or so different trip reports on erowid and other sites. Its pretty common for people to wander miles away from where they started, even losing their sober sitters many times. The phantom cigarette thing Ive probably heard of in literally 3/4 of the stories, even in people who were never cigarette smokers.

I will say that I was always really curious about things like this, with reality vs hallucinations/"fake" things. How with Datura people have full blown hallucinations where they really believe people are there talking to them when theyre completely alone. I read one trip report where a guy thought his whole class from school was there and they were doing some project, so pretty much people hallucinate entire events/scenarios/moments. Like, are these things "real" in some sense? and what is "real"?, the human mind with this substance and interaction can create all these different things while being awake conscious on some level and in the real world, youre in another but you dont even know. A little like the Matrix. Just something that always amazes and interests me...


Active Member
i have been interested in this plant for a long time, i have found LOADS of this plant growing from, outside my house(suburbs) to outside a building in the city... I have chosen not to take this plant for fear that i will lose my mind, my sanity and my current perception of reality which i am happy with..

It also reminds me alot of the plant, Belladonna, which was used in witchs brews and such.... In my opinion, dont do it, these plants r just too unknown to use safely...


Well-Known Member
My grandmother has some of this growing in her garden.. I personally haven't tried "tripping" by eating the flowers or whatever your suppose to do.. I actually didn't even know that it was something that someone could use to "trip" on in the first place.

Interesting... but after hearing bout that guys friend cutting off his cock and cutting out his own tounge.. I think I'll pass on trying this one. Leave this one to the idiots. ;)

Good luck to who'm ever decides to try it though.. best of luck to ya. Your going to need all the luck you can get. ;)
