Hey guys i was thinking of doing my first real outdoor grow this season,
me and a mate are planning a GG this season and we found this awesome spot but the only problem is we found wombat holes in the same area.
anyone had any experiences with them or got any suggestions on what we should do?
i agree. dont poison our native wildlife you monsters.Do not lay any poison at all down,wombats are very unlikely to eat ur plants,even if they do its too bad for u, ur plantin in their habitat.Don't lay any poison thats likely to kill any native animal.
well looks like no bang bang for you and your father and law
i agree. dont poison our native wildlife you monsters.
Do not lay any poison at all down,wombats are very unlikely to eat ur plants,even if they do its too bad for u, ur plantin in their habitat.Don't lay any poison thats likely to kill any native animal.
Yeah fuck you QLD. Dont kill the wombats!!! I am going to sneak off for a cone. Hehehe. I was beginning to wonder where you were BB. The origin on and all. How are the dogs doing??? EDIT: the bulldogs that is. Not your animals.
i agree. dont poison our native wildlife you monsters.
I also agree. Those timid little native creatures are important (for some reason) and should be protected. My gf's cat started bringing home ring tails and eating their heads off, on the back porch. I now regularly cut the little fuckers claws to reduce my cats murderous footprint. Now that he can't climb trees he has to catch rabbits instead. At least I hope they're rabbits. Its hard to tell without their heads.