lol if u want 2 produce seeds you need 2 cut off the males '' balls'' when hes ripe. then u put the pollen on the females pistol. u might as well put it on every pistol on the plant as the plant will put soo much more effort to just makeing seeds. the bud quality will suffer heavely for it but ull have that strain of seeds. u will lose up to 90% of bud (off the femal u pollenate) by doing this but u will probly end up with alot of good seeds.
use a que tip to apply the pollen (wet the que tip first) u dont need alot of pollen, as u dont want it o float 2 ur other females and make them produce seeds also.
but males arent rly that good at all, they have alot less thc content in them. they dont rly produce buds at all, idk if they even do for sur. the best thing 2 use males for is 1 if u wanted seeds and 2 to put the leaves/steams in2 a mulch pile (clip off all the '' balls'' first).
happy grow^^