
Well-Known Member
I want you to flower now. . . . . . but for absolute awesome I'd let them come up a tiny bit more.

yeah, well my plan was to tie 'em open tonight and hope for them to be looking up by this weekend but the gf and I decided to take an over nighter to rehobeth beach today. I'm actulaay typing this on my ps3 right now, lol

so since thats the case and I wont be home til tomorrow late night I'll most likely end up tying 'em up saturday and flowerig in a week....
Damn you and your sound logic Grizz, lol


Well-Known Member
What are ur measurements at now MK, and how long u been veggin? They look superb by the way.
Not sure of te exact heights right now cause I'm not home or at my grow but they're both peeking out of the top of 18 gallon tote!!!!

lets see the seeds were planted on the 28th of april so that would make them...(busts out the calendar on my phone)....6 weeks and 2 days old now. Hopefuly be flowering by the 7th week give (wish I could say or take) a day or 2.


Active Member
Not sure of te exact heights right now cause I'm not home or at my grow but they're both peeking out of the top of 18 gallon tote!!!!

lets see the seeds were planted on the 28th of april so that would make them...(busts out the calendar on my phone)....6 weeks and 2 days old now. Hopefuly be flowering by the 7th week give (wish I could say or take) a day or 2.
Thanks man, I just wanted to compare mine to urs, I wanted to see if mine are where they should be for their age. Lookin good man!


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to find out how much yield you get, I'm already thinking about my next setup :D

how many ounces you predicting? I hope you get a butt load!

Thanks guy i can't wait to find out either!!! The thing is these are bagseed and I'm still just hoping I get a female. I only got 2 plants of unknown origin not femenized seeds so all I can do is hope.
How much do you guys think I could get if one or both do end up being a fem?
I would have no idea, this is the first time I've ever even been around a growing weed plant, lol.
Just learned everything along the way and man is it far. There's just so much info out there it's almost too much for one person to know everything or every trick of the trade.
Anyway let me know what you guys (and anyone else for that matter) think I could yeild. I'd love to have an idea of what's possible with what I have going on so far.


Active Member
Mary Jane is in the pic.


Can you find her?​

Here is my Purple Gem


Planted seed Monday.
Pic is from Thursday.​


Here is a pic from today.​

Your plants are still doing well. 1 gram of flower per watt of light is Jammin. Grizz could probaly do it +. I'm thinking 150 grams with no problems and a fan.​


Well-Known Member
Let us Pray...

Dear Mr. Sticky Thumbs "God of Cannabis",

I know you are probably busy with the other millions of other growers and there prayers. But if you could make time for mk'srequest, we would greatly apprecieate it. We come to you humbly asking for your guidance into how we may pull 400 elbows off of his two plants (I assume you would make them both females). If you do this for us, I promise to stop using Miracle Grow and we will never ask you for anything else
Thank you so much!!


Well-Known Member
Let us Pray...

Dear Mr. Sticky Thumbs "God of Cannabis",

I know you are probably busy with the other millions of other growers and there prayers. But if you could make time for mk'srequest, we would greatly apprecieate it. We come to you humbly asking for your guidance into how we may pull 400 elbows off of his two plants (I assume you would make them both females). If you do this for us, I promise to stop using Miracle Grow and we will never ask you for anything else
Thank you so much!!
Too funny Natty, I laughed for a good 10 minutes!!


Well-Known Member
Im Blitzed right now... I seem to be funny when I'm high... OH I KNOW! Ill stay high for the rest of my life! yes!, why hasn't no one else thought of this!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys here's what we got. :-?
So I looked at a lot of lst'd plants and what not and was gonna go and tie back my main colas so the bushy undergrowth could kick in.
Then i got to thinking my plants are pretty far along. I did a lot of work to get them where they are. And they look good!!
Might as well go ahead and start to flower them so we can see what we got.
Then my mind wandered again and I thought hmm well since I did work so hard I might as well get as much yeild as I can out of them
so I'm gonna go ahead and tie the colas back.
Then as i was stretching the stem out for their tying I got to thinking yet another time and I figured that since these colas are so nice and thick they're gonna produce some nice buds if she's a she so I wanna just go ahead and let them grow so I'm not gonna tie 'em back.
you see my innner struggle here... :roll:
so my final decision was to stretch out the limbs real good (pre watering of course) and I pulled them apart without tying them back...
so I did that and then watered them and set 'em up so the lights were getting the new growth as well as the old. Decided to let 'em veg this way til at least next wednesday to see where they come to on their 7th week bday. Set my timer back up for 18/6 and left them alone to recover from all my man handling of them when it occured to me that it's been 3 friggin days and I needed to take another video. So I took a quick little 30 second clip cause my girls aren't too much to look at right this second. but I am trying to do these videos through the rest of the grow without skipping any so I gotta do something. So please I don't wanna hear any new members to the site saying how my plants look like shit and they need water or light or fert or whatever. They're healing and we're all coping with the loss of time here. :-(
So anyway here's that video...

as always comments welcome


Well-Known Member
Congrats brother!!!! I was so torn today but decided to give 'em 4 more days to see what pops. I can't wait bro.
Was it as fulfilling a feeling as you'd hoped?? lol