I'm all about free enterprise but.....what type of half ass, crap for brains person and or company do you have to be, to put a hole in 5000' of water and not have a plan to deal with a disaster. What the hell ? That is the dumbest crap I have ever heard.
Sorry but I will never step foot in a BP station again. I know it is not the fault of the store owners but this is something that should sit rotten with all Americans. I'm for drilling on and off shore as well as finding a real long term solution but the amount of half ass here is unbelievable.
I know someone is going to say " but that's where they half to drill or they shouldn't be drilling at all." It is more then that, they built a well that if it failed they had no way to control it. They had / have no way to shut it off and they had to know.
They " BP and the Goverment" had to know that if they had a total failure BP would have no way to shut the thing off. You can't tell me they built it and no one said what happens if we have a complete failure and someone replied " well the thing will leak in the Gulf of Mexico until we find a way to stop it ! " and everyone thought that it was a swell idea. Also what did the Goverment really know about the rig ? Some federal regulator had to approve the thing. right ?
Really this is the best we got, all the stuff we can do. We have the most advanced technology on the plant and this is the best we got ?
It really looks as if BP and the new cast for next seasons show " Lost " the Obama administration are just completely lost on this one. Obama is in the dark, not a light on in the room on this one. Today he tries to cuss to look tuff. lol nice Both are more worried about their images then stopping the leak.
What have we become?
I love
Sorry but I will never step foot in a BP station again. I know it is not the fault of the store owners but this is something that should sit rotten with all Americans. I'm for drilling on and off shore as well as finding a real long term solution but the amount of half ass here is unbelievable.
I know someone is going to say " but that's where they half to drill or they shouldn't be drilling at all." It is more then that, they built a well that if it failed they had no way to control it. They had / have no way to shut it off and they had to know.
They " BP and the Goverment" had to know that if they had a total failure BP would have no way to shut the thing off. You can't tell me they built it and no one said what happens if we have a complete failure and someone replied " well the thing will leak in the Gulf of Mexico until we find a way to stop it ! " and everyone thought that it was a swell idea. Also what did the Goverment really know about the rig ? Some federal regulator had to approve the thing. right ?
Really this is the best we got, all the stuff we can do. We have the most advanced technology on the plant and this is the best we got ?
It really looks as if BP and the new cast for next seasons show " Lost " the Obama administration are just completely lost on this one. Obama is in the dark, not a light on in the room on this one. Today he tries to cuss to look tuff. lol nice Both are more worried about their images then stopping the leak.
What have we become?
I love