• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Plug the hole!!!!


I'm all about free enterprise but.....what type of half ass, crap for brains person and or company do you have to be, to put a hole in 5000' of water and not have a plan to deal with a disaster. What the hell ? That is the dumbest crap I have ever heard.

Sorry but I will never step foot in a BP station again. I know it is not the fault of the store owners but this is something that should sit rotten with all Americans. I'm for drilling on and off shore as well as finding a real long term solution but the amount of half ass here is unbelievable.

I know someone is going to say " but that's where they half to drill or they shouldn't be drilling at all." It is more then that, they built a well that if it failed they had no way to control it. They had / have no way to shut it off and they had to know.

They " BP and the Goverment" had to know that if they had a total failure BP would have no way to shut the thing off. You can't tell me they built it and no one said what happens if we have a complete failure and someone replied " well the thing will leak in the Gulf of Mexico until we find a way to stop it ! " and everyone thought that it was a swell idea. Also what did the Goverment really know about the rig ? Some federal regulator had to approve the thing. right ?

Really this is the best we got, all the stuff we can do. We have the most advanced technology on the plant and this is the best we got ?

It really looks as if BP and the new cast for next seasons show " Lost " the Obama administration are just completely lost on this one. Obama is in the dark, not a light on in the room on this one. Today he tries to cuss to look tuff. lol nice Both are more worried about their images then stopping the leak.

What have we become?

I love rollitup.org
Stewie :fire:


Well-Known Member
Also what did the Goverment really know about the rig ? Some federal regulator had to approve the thing. right ?

I love rollitup.org
Stewie :fire:
the thing I have become aware of recently is that the regulators are often intermingled or in bed with the private companies. it makes sense because really, who else would know what regulations were needed unless they came from the industry to be regulated? it is the fox gaurding the henhouse, not surprisingly. i have no idea exactly how we fix i either

nice post


Active Member
Well you have to give them some credit they did try and shove leaves and twigs in it : /


the thing I have become aware of recently is that the regulators are often intermingled or in bed with the private companies. it makes sense because really, who else would know what regulations were needed unless they came from the industry to be regulated? it is the fox gaurding the henhouse, not surprisingly. i have no idea exactly how we fix i either

nice post

I guess it just shows that we need to get rid of all current elected officials and remind them it is we the people that elect them to do as we ask, not as they feel.
These politicians have gotten way out have hand. They act as if they know better, or we should listen to them. They are sadly mistaken, we are so far off course as who we are and what has made us so great it hurts.



Well-Known Member
BP doesn't give a fuck about the environment, about the american public's opinion, or about anything that doesn't affect it's bottom line.

the simplest way to clean up oil in water is to drop dry hay in it and scoop it up. it wouldn't be too hard to provide fishermen with hay, they have the fishing nets to scoop it up. no specialized engineering knowledge is necessary and it doesn't hide the oil under the surface in huge plumes, as does the dispersant...

this approach is expensive, and BP is ignoring it.

it was also expensive to keep a blow-preventer that worked on the well. but it was cheaper to install the one in place now, that doesn't work, and we have this disaster..... to bp: :finger:


Well-Known Member
I'm all about free enterprise but.....what type of half ass, crap for brains person and or company do you have to be, to put a hole in 5000' of water and not have a plan to deal with a disaster. What the hell ? That is the dumbest crap I have ever heard.

Sorry but I will never step foot in a BP station again. I know it is not the fault of the store owners but this is something that should sit rotten with all Americans. I'm for drilling on and off shore as well as finding a real long term solution but the amount of half ass here is unbelievable.

I know someone is going to say " but that's where they half to drill or they shouldn't be drilling at all." It is more then that, they built a well that if it failed they had no way to control it. They had / have no way to shut it off and they had to know.

They " BP and the Goverment" had to know that if they had a total failure BP would have no way to shut the thing off. You can't tell me they built it and no one said what happens if we have a complete failure and someone replied " well the thing will leak in the Gulf of Mexico until we find a way to stop it ! " and everyone thought that it was a swell idea. Also what did the Goverment really know about the rig ? Some federal regulator had to approve the thing. right ?

Really this is the best we got, all the stuff we can do. We have the most advanced technology on the plant and this is the best we got ?

It really looks as if BP and the new cast for next seasons show " Lost " the Obama administration are just completely lost on this one. Obama is in the dark, not a light on in the room on this one. Today he tries to cuss to look tuff. lol nice Both are more worried about their images then stopping the leak.

What have we become?

I love rollitup.org
Stewie :fire:
This is a tragedy to be sure. The effects of this on the environment won't be known for years or even decades.:-(

I like your passion but it's unfortunately misplaced. BP only owns about 100 gas stations. The rest are franchises. A boycott on BP will have little to no effect on their bottom line. Petroleum/gasoline are commodities. When you go to any given station, BP for example, you aren't necessarily purchasing BP gasoline. Petroleum is piped or delivered to refineries where it is all mixed up and refined. That gasoline is then piped or trucked to big holding facilities where trucks come and fill up. They add whatever station's additives are used based on the station they are delivering to. Gasoline is gasoline. Most of the corporate BP stations are probably operated at a loss or very narrow profit margin at best. BP is essentially untouchable and this disaster may be enough to hurt them in the pocket book big time! I'm sure their profits will be hurt but they will probably recover in a couple of years when this whole things is forgotten.:cuss:

As for regulators being in bed with the industries they regulate; it's absolutely true. The Minerals Management Service is the agency tasked with overseeing oil drilling is comprised of many people who go back and forth between the petroleum industry and the MMS. We have to make sure that these regulatory bodies are acting in the best interest of "We the people", period!:blsmoke:


New Member
The smart money is buying PUT options on BP, I have made quite a good chunk of change from doing so. Right before the accident their stock sold for $60 a share, now its down to $30, doubling my money so far.


This is a tragedy to be sure. The effects of this on the environment won't be known for years or even decades.:-(

I like your passion but it's unfortunately misplaced. BP only owns about 100 gas stations. The rest are franchises. A boycott on BP will have little to no effect on their bottom line. Petroleum/gasoline are commodities. When you go to any given station, BP for example, you aren't necessarily purchasing BP gasoline. Petroleum is piped or delivered to refineries where it is all mixed up and refined. That gasoline is then piped or trucked to big holding facilities where trucks come and fill up. They add whatever station's additives are used based on the station they are delivering to. Gasoline is gasoline. Most of the corporate BP stations are probably operated at a loss or very narrow profit margin at best. BP is essentially untouchable and this disaster may be enough to hurt them in the pocket book big time! I'm sure their profits will be hurt but they will probably recover in a couple of years when this whole things is forgotten.:cuss:

As for regulators being in bed with the industries they regulate; it's absolutely true. The Minerals Management Service is the agency tasked with overseeing oil drilling is comprised of many people who go back and forth between the petroleum industry and the MMS. We have to make sure that these regulatory bodies are acting in the best interest of "We the people", period!:blsmoke:

Right, but if We the people don't stand united on this and truly punish all parties that are involved then we are going to keep getting the short end of the stick. I understand that the local stations are independently owned but still are a part of the BP enterprise. It is like all of the catholic churches and leadership are responsible for the sexual abuse that took place. It may not have happened at every parish, but it is every parishes responsibility to make sure it is not happening as well as the Vatican. I'm just tired of all the finger pointing and passing the buck.

We need to hold all accountable at the root level of these issues and stop the finger pointing. At the root level of this issue the well should have never been built if they did not have a way to plug it in case of total failure. I would love to hear the BP and Government side as to why to was built. Those who signed off on this thing need to rot. Once again how stupid do you have to be to drill in 5000' of water and have no plan to shut the thing off other then dig relief wells. It is going to take months to drill them and still no proof that it will also work.

What happens if BP goes belly up and can't plug the hole ? What if they go belly up and can't afford to clean up the mess ? It will be just one more bill we get shoved up our ass because we don't hold people accountable.

Enough is enough our problems are not that bad it's just the dumb ass people we have put in place that put their best interests first instead of ours as they were elected to do. Most people feel the same way about our major issues but our politicians use these issues to keep us all on the hook.



Well-Known Member
Boycotting the stations is stupid.

It is an industrial accident that BP is responsible for paying for. Would you like them to go bankrupt? Then we the taxpayer would have to foot the bill.


Boycotting the stations is stupid.

It is an industrial accident that BP is responsible for paying for. Would you like them to go bankrupt? Then we the taxpayer would have to foot the bill.

While yes this might be a industrial accident. It did not have to happen. Why do you want to support them ? Once again I am all for big business but why support companies that do not care about it's customers. If needed they have holdings that can be sold to fund the clean up. If that means BP selling off bits of it's self to come up with the cash to clean up the mess then so be it that's what BP needs to do. That does not mean a government takeover of BP also. If that was to happen they would never stop the thing lol.

Why should you, the next guy or I give BP a penny after this ? Someone also commented that boycotting the stations would not hurt them. That is was low margin business for them. They sure as hell as not going to give us a discount for the screwing we are going to take so I'm confused as to why anyone would want to support them. I really don't think boycotting the local stores will hurt them but at them sometime when are we going to take a stand.

Right is right and wrong is wrong.

I truly am not trying to fight or piss anyone off. But at what point are we as a people going to stop looking the other way while we all get the short end of the stick.

Let's all remember it does not matter your political stand or where you live we all want our land and water clean to enjoy. I have never met anyone that enjoyed living in a shit hole. We sometimes have to do things like drilling to live. But we do not have to do it in a way the is just plain reckless or stupid and companies that are going to operate in reckless fashion need to be punished.

Once again I am all for off shore drilling but this is just crazy.



New Member
The smart money is buying PUT options on BP, I have made quite a good chunk of change from doing so. Right before the accident their stock sold for $60 a share, now its down to $30, doubling my money so far.
So, did you have ESP or did you short BP on the day the news broke? It's kinda funny how Goldman Sachs knew how to sell 49% of their shares right before the disaster happened.


Well-Known Member
Right, but if We the people don't stand united on this and truly punish all parties that are involved then we are going to keep getting the short end of the stick. I understand that the local stations are independently owned but still are a part of the BP enterprise. It is like all of the catholic churches and leadership are responsible for the sexual abuse that took place. It may not have happened at every parish, but it is every parishes responsibility to make sure it is not happening as well as the Vatican. I'm just tired of all the finger pointing and passing the buck.

We need to hold all accountable at the root level of these issues and stop the finger pointing. At the root level of this issue the well should have never been built if they did not have a way to plug it in case of total failure. I would love to hear the BP and Government side as to why to was built. Those who signed off on this thing need to rot. Once again how stupid do you have to be to drill in 5000' of water and have no plan to shut the thing off other then dig relief wells. It is going to take months to drill them and still no proof that it will also work.

What happens if BP goes belly up and can't plug the hole ? What if they go belly up and can't afford to clean up the mess ? It will be just one more bill we get shoved up our ass because we don't hold people accountable.

Enough is enough our problems are not that bad it's just the dumb ass people we have put in place that put their best interests first instead of ours as they were elected to do. Most people feel the same way about our major issues but our politicians use these issues to keep us all on the hook.

Ok, so vote your representatives and senators out in the coming election. I think that's a great start personally. We all recognize that there is something rotten in Washington yet we continually keep re-electing the same pricks that are at least partially responsible for the mess we're in now. There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW for action. If a strong enough message is sent, our politicians might start behaving like there are actual consequences for corrupt behavior. Talk to everyone you know and anybody else who will listen to vote for a third party candidate or at least get the current crooks out of office. The BP gas station boycott is misplaced frustration as it will have virtually no effect on them. It will have an effect on station owners who are simply small businessmen and women trying to survive like the rest of us. Those stations operate on very narrow profit margins as is. The real crooks are in Washington, not at the corner gas station. :fire:


Well-Known Member
So, did you have ESP or did you short BP on the day the news broke? It's kinda funny how Goldman Sachs knew how to sell 49% of their shares right before the disaster happened.
What are you getting at? You think that someone might have had prior knowledge of this disaster? And so another conspiracy is born.:roll:


Active Member
What are you getting at? You think that someone might have had prior knowledge of this disaster? And so another conspiracy is born.:roll:
I don't think its too far of a stretch to say that something broke, they knew it was bad, called the boss, and the boss contacted some of his rich friends ie: goldman Sachs.... then they reported to the media

oh and....
Plug the hole!!!!
That's what she said, haha


Well-Known Member

This was an accident, not a terrorist attack. BP had no intention of creating this, it is costing them tens of millions of dollars a day if not hundreds, their stock is in the tank and they are facing criminal penalties.

I am not going to treat them like they purposely murdered my family.

BP only owns a few oil stations, I dont feel the need to take my anger out on the shop owners who are just trying to make a living.

You want to make a difference? Sell your car and buy a bike. That will show them!!


New Member
So, did you have ESP or did you short BP on the day the news broke? It's kinda funny how Goldman Sachs knew how to sell 49% of their shares right before the disaster happened.
Started my Shorts on April 26.

Goldman Sachs IS Prescient though. they NEVER LOSE. Look at their record for the last year, not a SINGLE DAY of losses, not one. They are on the winning side of almost every large financial transaction taking place, hmmmmm.

lookee here: https://www.rollitup.org/politics/336874-golman-sachs-sells-largest-ever.html



This was an accident, not a terrorist attack. BP had no intention of creating this, it is costing them tens of millions of dollars a day if not hundreds, their stock is in the tank and they are facing criminal penalties.

I am not going to treat them like they purposely murdered my family.

BP only owns a few oil stations, I dont feel the need to take my anger out on the shop owners who are just trying to make a living.

You want to make a difference? Sell your car and buy a bike. That will show them!!

I understand this is costing them and that they are going to take a hard hit. This is going to cost billions to clean.

I said I am for drilling, but really, they drill a well so deep if it fails they have no way to stop it!!!! and you still build it!!!!! :wall: and we should be supportive or understanding?? :wall:

It is this whole careless act that will be affecting many people of the gulf shore.



Well-Known Member
from what i gather, there are techtonic plates shifting under the gulf of mexico. BP (or whoever they decided was fit to do the underground scans) knew that there was volcanic and techtonic activity going on near the massive oil well they found. im not sure what caused the pipe to puncture, i can guess it was shifting plates, but BP would have to be stupid or evil not to have foreseen something like this happening.

also the rig that blew up had gotten cited for safety issues many times before the explosion. IMO BP sat on their hands while the clowns on that rig contiued to cut corners and risked safety

i also believe that BP has taken so long to act because they want to somehow salvage the oil rather than clean it up

have you guys heard about the other offshore oil pump spill thats been going on, um 4-5 weeks i think, but the public only just learned of it

and what about how BP is trying to infringe on our right of freedom of the press by keeping reporters to take pictures of the results of the oil spill?

BP ARE CRIMINALS AND (i dont know how you would imprison a corporation but...) THEY MUST GO!!! to hell, to jail, to swim in their own oil spill; i dont care but they must pay!! i dont think suing them into bankruptcy would be effective, because obama would prob just bail them out


Well-Known Member
It is this whole careless act that will be affecting many people of the gulf shore.
more like the whole east coast of the US and S america and west coast of africa and england, but eventually the entire world

how many little villages survive off their fish markets
how many tourist spots and beaches will be vacant this summer