Update time. I had to return the digi, so I had to use my camera phone today. I may be able to get it back in a few days. Im also gonna purchase one myself thats better come monday, so ill get pics eventually.
Before I say how much they've progressed, I have to say today was one of those god awful days where nothing goes right. Before going to tend to the plants, I culled the known male clones, that I should have done sooner. I obviously spilled multiple dixie cups of soil everywhere. Wee for cleaning up more soil...
Once I get over there to tend to the plants, I accidentally topped one of the purple females colas..
grrrrrr....Fuck me running. I took off about 3 nodes of budding growth
I examined the plants, and almost all had recovered from the bad over-watering. Some were actually showing signs of wilt from being underwatered, so I watered almost all of the plants except the TGA gear and Cloud Nine, who were still over-watered at this point. The JTR male is on his last leg..literally. He only has one main cola left and is heavily over-watered still. His root system is shot. I think my best chance to save him is to remove his main cola and clone it.
The Skunk Hazes and Chunky Cindies were the ones showing some wilt, so I gave them a healthy dose of water. Im sure they'll perk up by tomorrow.
Then I began to take measurements of my plants, and I started coming up one Skunk Haze female short. I could have sworn I had 4 skunk haze ladies. So I started freaking out(I was quite high at that time, and still am at this point). I thought about telling my buddy, who lives at the grow location, he had better find out who took the plant before my silent partner found out. Then I thought about just calling the partner to settle things. But the rational part of me said you had better check your notes at home online before jumping to conclusions. Im now thankful to realize that I only had 3 females and 4 males, instead of vice versa. I sure would have made myself look like a fucking piece of shit retard.
Now onto updates:
Chunky Cinderella
Day Twelve of flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- ChunkyA(f) 34 in. 15n ***
- ChunkB(f) 33.5 in. 14n **
- ChunkyD(f) 37 in. 15n ***
- ChunkyE(f) 32 in. 13n **
- ChunkyH(f) 34 in. 15.5n ****
Average Height: 34.1
Average Development: 14.5
Average Rating: 2.8
H/D Ratio: 2.35
Stretch/Day: .95
Day Seven of flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- ChunkyA(f) 30 in. 14 nodes ***
- ChunkyB(f) 30 in. 13 nodes **
- ChunkyD(f) 31 in. 13nodes ***
- ChunkyE(f) 28 in. 12 nodes **
- ChunkyH(f) 28.5 in. 13.5 nodes ****
Average Height: 29.33
Average Development: 13.25
Average Rating: 2.8
H/D Ratio: 2.21
Stretch/Day: 1.27
Day One of flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- ChunkyA(f) 25in. 11 nodes ***
- ChunkyB(f) 23in. 10 nodes **
- ChunkyD(f) 20in. 10 nodes ***
- ChunkyE(f) 23in. 10 nodes **
- ChunkyH(f) 22in. 12 nodes ****
Average Height:21.7
Average Development: 10.77
Average Rating: 2.8
H/D Ratio: 2.01
The ladies continue to stretch but at a slower rate than before, and nodal growth has been cut in half. Two Chunky Cindies are beginning to form buds now. Im sure the others are right behind their sisters. Here are a couple of pictures of them. These ladies were quite thirsty when I got there as you can see from the droopy leaves.

Cloud Nine
Day Twelve of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- C9(f) 38 in. 17 nodes *****
H/D Ratio: 2.235
Stretch/Day: .80
Day Seven of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- C9(f) 34 in. 16 nodes *****
H/D Ratio: 2.13
Stretch/Day: 1.5
First day of flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- C9(f) 25in. 14 nodes *****
H/D Ratio: 1.79
This ladies stretch is really starting to slow, so I expect some buds forming any day now. She needed no watering. Still a wee bit over-watered.
The 3rd Dimension
Day Twelve of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- 3rdA(f) 34 in. 16 nodes ***
H/D Ratio: 2.13
Stretch/Day: 0.9
Day Seven of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- 3rdA(f) 29.5 in. 14 nodes ***
H/D Ratio: 2.11
Stretch/Day: .91
First Day of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- 3rdA(f) 24 in. 12 nodes ***
H/D Ratio: 2.0
This lady required no water, and was still a fair bit over-watered. Some leaf loss and lower sideshoots turning brown and semimushy/very wimpy at the end. Ill remember this is a symptom of over-watering in the future. Everyone make a note of this

There is virtually no change in the stretch/day between measurings.
Jack The Ripper
Day Twelve of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- JTRB(f) 33 in. 17.5 nodes *****
- TRC(f) 31in. 18.5 nodes *****
Average Height: 32
Average Development: 18
Average Rating: 5
H/D Ratio: 1.77
Stretch/Day: .70
Day Seven of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- JTRB(f) 29 in. 16 nodes **** 1/2
- JTRC(f) 28 in. 15 nodes **** 1/2
Average Height: 28.5
Average Development: 15.5
Average Rating: 5
H/D Ratio: 1.84
Stretch/Day: .42
Day One of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- JTRB(f) 26in. 15 nodes *****
- JTRC(f) 26in. 15 nodes *****
Average Height: 26
Average Development: 15
Average Rating: 5
H/D Ratio: 1.733
These ladies were not watered either. They're still a bit under-watered, but still putting on lots of new nodal growth, and the stretch is moderate. Here are the pics of the male in all his sadness.

Original Haze x Skunk #1
Day Twelve of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- HSA(f) 45 in. 17 nodes *** 1/2
- HSB(f) 48.5 in. 17 nodes *** 1/2
- HSE(f) 45in. 15 nodes ** 1/2
Average Height: 46.17
Average Development: 16.33
Average Rating: 3.17
H/D Ratio: 2.83
Stretch/Day: .63
Day Seven of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- HSA(f) 43.5 in. 15 nodes *** 1/2
- HSB(f) 44.5 in. 15 nodes *** 1/2
- HSE(f) 41in. 14 nodes ** 1/2
Average Height: 43
Average Development: 14.66
Average Rating: 3.17
H/D Ratio: 2.93
Stretch/Day: 2.17
Day One of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- HSA(f) 31in. 12 nodes ***
- HSB(f) 32in. 13 nodes ***
- HSE(f) 33.5in. 12 nodes **
Average Height: 32.17
Average Development: 12.33
Average Rating: 2.66
H/D Ratio: 2.61
Looking at the numbers, you will see the 3 females have brought the stretching to a grinding halt. It went from over 2 inches a day to .6 inches in the last 5 days. They are continuing to pack on nodal growth. I didn't get any pictures of the Skunk Hazes. I was too busy freaking out thinking someone had taken one. The one who was being supported via fishing wire no longer needs it. She's formed a real nice knot where she was bent over, and is sticking that branch straight back up on her own. When I supercropped some sativas on my last grow, they would take two weeks to form a knot on even smaller breaks. This girl can heal herself real easily, and it'll make super-cropping an easy thing to do if I end up having to.
Day Twelve of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- SD(f) 26.5 in. 14 nodes *** 1/2
H/D Ratio: 1.89
Stretch/Day: 0.30
Day Seven of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- SD(f) 25.5 in. 13 nodes *** 1/2
H/D Ratio: 1.96
Stretch/Day: .91
Day One of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- SD(f) 20 in. 10 nodes *** 1/2
H/D Ratio: 2
This Satori female has barely stretched in any the last 5 days. When I was inspecting her, it looked like buds would be forming any day. She hasn't put much growth on either, but she's not in a great position in the tent right now, so that might be part of it. Im gonna put her back in the floor the next time I am there.
There are no pictures of her.
Purple Bagseed
Day Twelve of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- PurpA(f) 36 in. 16 nodes *****
- PurpB(f) 28.5 in. 17 nodes *****
- PurpC(f) 27 in. 12 nodes *****
Average Height: 30.5
Average Development: 15.00
Average Rating: 4.66
H/D Ratio: 2.03
Stretch/Day: 0.63
Day Seven of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- PurpA(f) 32 in. 15 nodes *****
- PurpB(f) 27 in. 15 nodes *****
- PurpC(f) 23 in. 11 nodes ****
Average Height: 27.33
Average Development: 13.66
Average Rating: 4.66
H/D Ratio: 2.00
Stretch/Day: 1.55
Day One of Flowering:
Name(sex) Height Development Rating
- PurpA(f) 20in. 12 nodes *****
- PurpB(f) 18 in. 12 nodes *****
- PurpC(f) 16 in. 9 nodes ***
Average Height: 18
Average Development: 11
Average Rating: 4.33
H/D Ratio: 1.63
Two of the purple females are on the cusps of budding with PurpA I believe is already forming little buds. I dont have any pictures of them unfortunately. These girls have actually overtaken the Chunky Cindies along side the lone Satori female. They've got alot of vigor in them. She's got great lateral branching fairly close to the tops of the colas, so I expect there is a fair amount of Sativa in these girls. They'd be great moms with all that branching out.
The Early Durbans are also looking quite a bit better after being moved into the flower chamber(3 females, 4males?). Before they were on a 24/0 schedule as I was out of timers. It looks like they really are enjoying the darkness. I did finally buy a timer for that tent they used to be in, and of course I buy one with only a two prong slot! Fucking shit
grrrr. Now, I have to make another trip to Home Depot. I also moved the rooted clones into there. Im going to take some more clone of the females I definitely dont have rooted clone for. Ill update how new clones do in a week or so. The other bagseeds are being moved outdoors tonight. I hope they'll pick up just like the Durbans did.
I hope everyone following along appreciates such detailed updates. It takes quite awhile to make these updates, but I want to have one of the most detailed grow journals here

and want all of you to be able to take something away from it in case you ever grow these strains, or anything else for that matter.
My fungus gnat problem is starting to become a thing of the past. I can now open the tent and not get assaulted by a wave of gnats. I can really get down and work with the plants without fear of swallowing a damned flying bug. Id suggest you all to try out some mosquito dunks if you ever need them.
I think thats all I can think of atm, but theres probably something I am forgetting.