What do you guys think of the new Anti-Immigrant Law SB 1070 in Arizona?

I hear you loud and clear Rob, and we are ALL basically doing just that.....taking a back seat to the foolish insanity.

This guy "anycolor" is the prime example of why they continue to be pandered to. The raw audacity of starting a thread to COMPLAIN about how hard it is to get legalized. It should NOT be easy. If America took the same stance legalizing immigrants as say Australia does, this nation would be SO MUCH better off. But we instead take it past the point of being "politically correct" by adhering to their every last demand, all while they use abusive approaches in obtaining whatever they wish to posess, for free---and not to mention at a tremendous cost to us ALL.

When I first enrolled my son in kindergarten, I observed that in his classroom, MOST EVERYTHING was covered with spanish words on the wall, and a mat that covered the ENTIRE FLOOR with uno,dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. ENOUGH!!! Let's try ENGLISH. This is STILL America, is it not?

Try calling any 800 number. Most often they give you the option of spanish PRIOR to the option of English. (while speaking in spanish)

MANY mexicans will never even take the first step to learn our language, and why should they? We have gone far and beyond to cater TO THEM.

Just to serve as a small example---I can't remember the last time I walked into my bank and didn't see mexicans flocking on Friday to have their paycheck cashed. Ms. Rodriquez is there eagerly awaiting to translate, as she herself is a mexican.
Furthermore, my bank offers them credit cards on the same premise as any LEGAL citizen.......with NO social security number at that.

The sad reality is that the mexican population will only get worse with their demands, up to and including an all out war. Look at how they threaten our politicians with their votes? Note how one claimed "mexican/American" has challenged another fellow RIU'er.

Why the hell do they even get to vote???

We are supposed to change our laws to "suit their needs".....I can't believe we even entertain the IDEA of allowing them to stay while they abuse our system.
This has become a nation of pansies. We cater to everyone else, but not OUR OWN PEOPLE.

My sister would probably still be alive to this day had this country not opted to take this route. The illegal I refer to as victimizing her is probably still floating around in this country.....likely receiving government aid at that.

The entire mentality is OBNOXIOUS.
And for "anycolor" to post this video was EXCEEDINGLY OBNOXIOUS.

They Took Our Jobs - Clips - South Park Studios
HAHAHAHAHAHH im still laughing at this one dude xD they toook our jooooooooobs!!

Do you see how much they appreciate it? He actually wishes for ANY sane person/American to empathize with him? YOU BET HE DOES.

Mine hasn't hit the eigth grade yet, but rest assured, if I see them even TRY to teach my child IN SPANISH, I WILL PROTEST. My child WILL be taken out if they choose to continue that course.

But, as you can see, most will just take the back seat and silently gripe amongst family/friends.

This is the most asinine demeanor to hold and actually SHOW OFF as an illegal, but hey.........THIS IS (now) AMERICA.:roll:
This is to Anycoloryoulike and other people in favor of amnesty...

Your argument is that getting citizenship is hard? Um.... So what? Nobody said you were entitled to US citizenship.

Nothing is going to be seriously done until the border is closed. And that will not happen with Obama as president.

I am sick of the excuses... *Well, that person has lived here for 10 years*... It is kind of like... Well, that person has killed 20 people so you should not go hard on him for the 21st...

It is the fault of the American Government where we are today. And until there is a serious administration willing to make major changes in immigration reform, border control and enforcement of the labor laws then all of this is just blah blah...
i use to work cleaning carpets for this guy in new jersey i worked for him for 2 years one moring i go to pick up the van and start my day and there a mexican there my boss tells me he my helper so i said fuck it good i could use the help 2 weeks later i get fired you know what he fucking tells me he can only afford to pay one of us and the mexican cheaper i fucking snapped got in a fight with his son it was horrible
just a little late but i say...go back to mexico.....you took my job years ago dick. secondly i used to live in Panama...and i am a white guy from Arizona...if you think panamanians fuck around with their immigration you would be wrong...get a job there and go to jail. to work there as an american you HAVE to start a company that employs at least 2 panamanians.....stfu and go landscape back in mexico ya worthless pos. i am sick and tired of watching illegals work for five dollars an hour and ruin peoples shit...their attitude is fuck it...it works...and half the time it doesnt even work. hard working my asshole....i own a remodeling company and let me tell you...times are tough in az with so many illegals working for nothing. no one has any right to come into my country illegaly and take what is not theirs. I have in my years worked along side many illegals and yes...as people in general...i like em...they are nice guys...but...they are breaking the law and sending tons of untaxed monies back to the homeland... in fact in 2009, money sent back to Mexico via Western Union or ACH transfers was 17 billion dollars. suck on that. and yeah...we have cracked down on immigration before....Hoover Truman and Eisenhower all cracked down on the illegals and had them deported to provide americans coming back from the war jobs. google operation wetback...i know you americans in the thread will love it. and yes...they even did random sweeps of neighborhoods to catch em...even deported their US tit sucking mexican babies too :). in my opinion it is not diversity if one group refuses to obey the same rules as everyone else....think about this shit for a minute too.... "It has been estimated that the average desert-walking immigrant leaves behind 8 pounds of trash during a journey that lasts one to three days if no major incidents occur. Assuming half a million people cross the border illegally into Arizona annually, that translates to 2,000 tons of trash that migrants dump each year." also Illegal immigrants trying to get to the United States via the Mexican border with southern Arizona are suspected of having caused eight major wildfires in 2002. The fires destroyed 68,413 acres (276.86 km2) and cost taxpayers $5.1 million to fight. I have more...ha.....A record 1,046,539 persons were naturalized as U.S. citizens in 2008. The leading countries of birth of the new citizens were Mexico, India and the Philippines. so...another stfu. The US cannot sustain at this rate of growth...all i know is...yall better pay your taxes this year cause there are about 12 million illegals needing welfare :). The Minutemen here in AZ...now they had the right idea...good old "undocumented border patrol agents".....fuck the ACLU I say...lets get this shit handled :)
The Minutemen here in AZ...now they had the right idea...good old "undocumented border patrol agents".....fuck the ACLU I say...lets get this shit handled :)

Right there with ya!

I've been wanting to go down to Falcon Lake in Texas, had some Mexican's chase a bass fisherman out there a few weeks back with weapons, figure they're cartel idiotas.

I sure wouldn't mind puttin a hole in their engine, and then a hole in their head if they don't surrender those weapons and get to swimming back to Meh-hee-co!
thats a horrible fishing report lol. hope he at least caught something before all the drama. I didnt even mention a few years ago my gf's little sister got hit by a group of illegals in a car...she imediatly called me...they took off...but i tracked em down less than a mile away broke down in a parking lot. called the cops and began to approach them....got a gun pulled on me....her little sis ended up in the hospital...totalled her car...she was 17 with only liability....great fun times. I usually try to wear my favorite hat whenever I can :)...its best at taco bell and any home depot parking lot mwahahaha
in that this bill has generated irrational hate mongering of an imaginary boogeyman, it is a complete success for its authors. especially when you consider what sarah pointed out, which is that this bill is impotent and redundant, it is just something to stir people up. if they truly wanted to end/ease border violence, a look at lifting prohibition would have been infinitely more effective

has anyone ever played the 'miracle question' game? i suggest trying it, it is a fun thought experiment. it goes like this...

suppose when you go to bed tonight a miracle happens. in this case, the miracle will be that all illegals are deported, which seems to be a popular sentiment. now, ecause you were sleeping at the time, you have no idea this miracle happened. what are the changes you will notice throughout the day which make you realize this miracle happened?

i am interested to see what people say.
what are the changes you will notice throughout the day which make you realize this miracle happen ed?

Are you saying the lack of "aesthetic" response to the deportation of illegals is something to look into? Most of the changes would not be aesthetic at all.

The changes don't happen overnight, but one change everyone would see is instead of illegals working where they don't belong, there would be American citizens working... as it is supposed to be.

I wouldn't see my country's flag being desecrated on National TV (they should've been shot on sight for doing that) and I won't see Border Patrol as much as I did... sooo...?
in that this bill has generated irrational hate mongering of an imaginary boogeyman, it is a complete success for its authors. especially when you consider what sarah pointed out, which is that this bill is impotent and redundant, it is just something to stir people up. if they truly wanted to end/ease border violence, a look at lifting prohibition would have been infinitely more effective

has anyone ever played the 'miracle question' game? i suggest trying it, it is a fun thought experiment. it goes like this...

suppose when you go to bed tonight a miracle happens. in this case, the miracle will be that all illegals are deported, which seems to be a popular sentiment. now, ecause you were sleeping at the time, you have no idea this miracle happened. what are the changes you will notice throughout the day which make you realize this miracle happened?

i am interested to see what people say.

I am not against hispanic people, I am not against temporary workers, I am against illegal immigrants.

Our government is at fault by creating laws that it will not enforce.

Until the border is secured (as I have said repeatedly before) the rest is just blah blah..
Are you saying the lack of "aesthetic" response to the deportation of illegals is something to look into?

no, just asking what differences you would see the next day that tipped you off. like going to the store and seeing produce costs a bit more, shit like that. good or bad, what would tip you off had a mass deportation happened in your sleep and no one told you? thanks for your contribution as well
oh i love this question....lets see...well first of all arizona's total unemployment as of 08-09 is 9.1....so i would imagine that citizens would have an easier time finding work. im certain my taxes would go down....actual citizens that needed govt assistance programs would most likely be able to qualify. all my signs would be in all english again....south phoenix would become a place that you dont have to fear walking down the street anymore. the hospitals in az wouldnt have to spend the $150 million annualy to provide care to illegals. Southeast Arizona Medical Center—has filed for bankruptcy and is in danger of closing due to uncompensated care for illegal aliens. we in az wouldnt have to worry so much about water conservation efforts. in arizona alone there are a projected 500000 illegals...so im sure my commute to work would be quicker costing me less in gas. our national parks in se az wouldnt be so trashed affecting our soil and water quality. 31 percent of arizona schools have immigrant parents...so tax dollars would go a lot further for education....and we all know an educated society is a happy society. illegal immigration cost each person living in cochise county...which shares 84 miles of border with mexico.....37 cents of every tax dollar they pay.....jails wouldnt be overcrowded....forcing the average blue and white collar who drank two beers and drove home to stay in an actual facility rather than those tents....if you think tent city is humane you are fuckin wrong....man i could go on and on and on and on...life would get better...fuck any of you who think illegal immigration does anything good for this country.....you are blind...ignorant...and no where near logical....read the facts bleeding heart pussies...more than 43% of all food stamps issued are to illegal aliens...more than 41% of all unemployment checks issued in the us are to illegal aliens...on average 12 americans a day are murdered by illegal aliens....13 people a day are killed by illegals driving under the influence...83 % of warrants for murder in AZ are for illegal aliens....More than 380,000 “anchor babies” born in the United States in 2005 were to parents who are illegal aliens; making those 380,000 babies automatically U.S. citizens. 97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayer. 40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally. More than 53% of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens. More than 71% of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California were stolen by illegal aliens or transport “coyotes.” The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has found that 22 percent of felonies in the county are committed by illegal immigrants......i mean cmon now...these are undisputable FACTS. case closed....you have zero argument as a proponent for illegal immigration. i hope all you supporters enjoy the fantasy world you live in
i would love to see where you get these statistics. citation?

how about the articles in the paper yoiu'd see about the enormous debt now facing states who chose to undertake the task of deporting 12 million or so people?

how about the number of businesses you would see close because they no longer had a workforce? sure, they could likely afford to hire a few legal replacements, bt only so many before bottom line started going in the rong direction

how about the enormous budget shortfall you'd read about because 12 million or so people paying into the system under false ss #'s suddenly vanish?

how about stopping by some local business only to find it is closed because so many of the patrons who spent money there got deported?

now mind you, this is not a positive argument for illegal immigration, these are consequences of actually deporting all the people living here illegally. of course there should be strict border enforcement (not by vigilantes) and lifing prohibition would also be a positive step in reducing border violence. but to actively pursue sending 12 million people back home would be a nightmare in many mnay ways. and a stupid solution, if you ask me.
you can pick up these statistics from just about any us immigration site...they are fact. they are un disputable. secondly...most of the businesses affected by deportation would be illegal run.....you dont see a lot of illegals shopping in parts of town that arent commonly referred to as little mexico. what you all fail to recognize...this is not just border violence due to drug trafficking. third.....yeah hah...that is laughable that you think these illegals have false ss#'s and are paying into the system. either way....i cant fathom how you see illegals helping this country.....you must have voted Democrat....no matter, history has shown that IT DOES boost the economy....seriously....go read something on it...education on issues is power. mass deportation has been done in this country three times...and it worked each time to stimulate jobs for americans...also...go talk to a legal immigrant...see how they feel about it. i cant wait till someone you know cant get a job at mcdonalds cause they dont speak spanish....i have seen it happen
negative rep for mentioning tent city...it isnt humane?...you spent one night? wow....way to be....try 15 days in july.....i do believe the thermometer i snuck in read 138 laying next to me on my bunk while we were on lock down for 3 hours in the middle of the day....people being taken out by paramedics EVERY day due to the heat. people not being given their meds on time. yeah bro...i watched a diabetic start having seizures....your one day is laughable whoever you are...and btw.....2 drinks will get you 1 day to 4 months depending on the city you are arrested in. but enough about the tents.....this whole thread is basically a bunch of illegals breaking the law and getting away with it...and costing you and me money. simple as that. im tellin ya man....try to illegaly immigrate to another country...your ass will be in jail and deported so fast your head will spin
oh i love this question....lets see...well first of all arizona's total unemployment as of 08-09 is 9.1....so i would imagine that citizens would have an easier time finding work. im certain my taxes would go down....actual citizens that needed govt assistance programs would most likely be able to qualify. all my signs would be in all english again....south phoenix would become a place that you dont have to fear walking down the street anymore. the hospitals in az wouldnt have to spend the $150 million annualy to provide care to illegals. Southeast Arizona Medical Center—has filed for bankruptcy and is in danger of closing due to uncompensated care for illegal aliens. we in az wouldnt have to worry so much about water conservation efforts. in arizona alone there are a projected 500000 illegals...so im sure my commute to work would be quicker costing me less in gas. our national parks in se az wouldnt be so trashed affecting our soil and water quality. 31 percent of arizona schools have immigrant parents...so tax dollars would go a lot further for education....and we all know an educated society is a happy society. illegal immigration cost each person living in cochise county...which shares 84 miles of border with mexico.....37 cents of every tax dollar they pay.....jails wouldnt be overcrowded....forcing the average blue and white collar who drank two beers and drove home to stay in an actual facility rather than those tents....if you think tent city is humane you are fuckin wrong....man i could go on and on and on and on...life would get better...fuck any of you who think illegal immigration does anything good for this country.....you are blind...ignorant...and no where near logical....read the facts bleeding heart pussies...more than 43% of all food stamps issued are to illegal aliens...more than 41% of all unemployment checks issued in the us are to illegal aliens...on average 12 americans a day are murdered by illegal aliens....13 people a day are killed by illegals driving under the influence...83 % of warrants for murder in AZ are for illegal aliens....More than 380,000 “anchor babies” born in the United States in 2005 were to parents who are illegal aliens; making those 380,000 babies automatically U.S. citizens. 97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayer. 40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally. More than 53% of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens. More than 71% of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California were stolen by illegal aliens or transport “coyotes.” The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has found that 22 percent of felonies in the county are committed by illegal immigrants......i mean cmon now...these are undisputable FACTS. case closed....you have zero argument as a proponent for illegal immigration. i hope all you supporters enjoy the fantasy world you live in

I agree completely. I think the worst part of this debate is not being able to actually have a debate without immediately being called a racist. It's like the modern day version of accusing someone of being a communist.
i'm too new to give you pos rep or neg rep. it is probably blue rep. i would've send a pm but it is easier and you deserved some rep for responding to my question. tent city is nothing. you can get tailors or rollies, plus any other drug of choice. dinner included meat, vegetales, and donut holes. you can get work release if you are there for 2 weeks or more. i am fully aware of the dui laws in az and the entire west for that matter, so there are states where i do not get behind the wheel if there is even a chance of blowing .001, deal with it.

now, about your indisputable statistics....the burden of proof is on you. i am not going to spend my days tracking down 40 separate statistics from 87 websites. you state they are true, so prove it. until then, i am just as true in asserting whatever i want whether it is based in fact or not. cite your numbers, show me they are not fake. until then, they might as well be since i dont randomly believe stuff i hear on the internet (not a good practice, fyi)

now as far as illegals having false ss #'s and paying into the system without receiving nything back, it is true because i witnessed it happening. i saw dozens of workers doing this. there are statistics on this that you won't find on your 'immigration websites', which seem to have biased your view a bit

sorry you're so bitter about your decision to drink 2 beers and drive home in a zero tolerance state. were you aware that the same lawyers promising to aggresively defend you against your dui are the same ones who lobby the state successfully for stiffer and stiffer dui laws? yet another fucked up aspect of that hideous cesspool of a state
no worries. did you not get to schedule your time in tent city? usually they let you schedule it anytime in the year. i even missed it and rescheduled it. mine was a rainy decmber night and cold as hell for az.

edit - the link you provided led me here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_immigration_to_the_United_States...lots

nothing on that page except links to other pages. i just want to know where you get these stats. also, you should know that to get entitlements, you need to provide your ss number, which contradicts your claim that illegals dont have them.