Well-Known Member
I hear you loud and clear Rob, and we are ALL basically doing just that.....taking a back seat to the foolish insanity.
This guy "anycolor" is the prime example of why they continue to be pandered to. The raw audacity of starting a thread to COMPLAIN about how hard it is to get legalized. It should NOT be easy. If America took the same stance legalizing immigrants as say Australia does, this nation would be SO MUCH better off. But we instead take it past the point of being "politically correct" by adhering to their every last demand, all while they use abusive approaches in obtaining whatever they wish to posess, for free---and not to mention at a tremendous cost to us ALL.
When I first enrolled my son in kindergarten, I observed that in his classroom, MOST EVERYTHING was covered with spanish words on the wall, and a mat that covered the ENTIRE FLOOR with uno,dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. ENOUGH!!! Let's try ENGLISH. This is STILL America, is it not?
Try calling any 800 number. Most often they give you the option of spanish PRIOR to the option of English. (while speaking in spanish)
MANY mexicans will never even take the first step to learn our language, and why should they? We have gone far and beyond to cater TO THEM.
Just to serve as a small example---I can't remember the last time I walked into my bank and didn't see mexicans flocking on Friday to have their paycheck cashed. Ms. Rodriquez is there eagerly awaiting to translate, as she herself is a mexican.
Furthermore, my bank offers them credit cards on the same premise as any LEGAL citizen.......with NO social security number at that.
The sad reality is that the mexican population will only get worse with their demands, up to and including an all out war. Look at how they threaten our politicians with their votes? Note how one claimed "mexican/American" has challenged another fellow RIU'er.
Why the hell do they even get to vote???
We are supposed to change our laws to "suit their needs".....I can't believe we even entertain the IDEA of allowing them to stay while they abuse our system.
This has become a nation of pansies. We cater to everyone else, but not OUR OWN PEOPLE.
My sister would probably still be alive to this day had this country not opted to take this route. The illegal I refer to as victimizing her is probably still floating around in this country.....likely receiving government aid at that.
The entire mentality is OBNOXIOUS.
And for "anycolor" to post this video was EXCEEDINGLY OBNOXIOUS.
They Took Our Jobs - Clips - South Park Studios
HAHAHAHAHAHH im still laughing at this one dude xD they toook our jooooooooobs!!
Do you see how much they appreciate it? He actually wishes for ANY sane person/American to empathize with him? YOU BET HE DOES.
Mine hasn't hit the eigth grade yet, but rest assured, if I see them even TRY to teach my child IN SPANISH, I WILL PROTEST. My child WILL be taken out if they choose to continue that course.
But, as you can see, most will just take the back seat and silently gripe amongst family/friends.
This is the most asinine demeanor to hold and actually SHOW OFF as an illegal, but hey.........THIS IS (now) AMERICA.
This guy "anycolor" is the prime example of why they continue to be pandered to. The raw audacity of starting a thread to COMPLAIN about how hard it is to get legalized. It should NOT be easy. If America took the same stance legalizing immigrants as say Australia does, this nation would be SO MUCH better off. But we instead take it past the point of being "politically correct" by adhering to their every last demand, all while they use abusive approaches in obtaining whatever they wish to posess, for free---and not to mention at a tremendous cost to us ALL.
When I first enrolled my son in kindergarten, I observed that in his classroom, MOST EVERYTHING was covered with spanish words on the wall, and a mat that covered the ENTIRE FLOOR with uno,dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. ENOUGH!!! Let's try ENGLISH. This is STILL America, is it not?
Try calling any 800 number. Most often they give you the option of spanish PRIOR to the option of English. (while speaking in spanish)
MANY mexicans will never even take the first step to learn our language, and why should they? We have gone far and beyond to cater TO THEM.
Just to serve as a small example---I can't remember the last time I walked into my bank and didn't see mexicans flocking on Friday to have their paycheck cashed. Ms. Rodriquez is there eagerly awaiting to translate, as she herself is a mexican.
Furthermore, my bank offers them credit cards on the same premise as any LEGAL citizen.......with NO social security number at that.
The sad reality is that the mexican population will only get worse with their demands, up to and including an all out war. Look at how they threaten our politicians with their votes? Note how one claimed "mexican/American" has challenged another fellow RIU'er.
Why the hell do they even get to vote???
We are supposed to change our laws to "suit their needs".....I can't believe we even entertain the IDEA of allowing them to stay while they abuse our system.
This has become a nation of pansies. We cater to everyone else, but not OUR OWN PEOPLE.
My sister would probably still be alive to this day had this country not opted to take this route. The illegal I refer to as victimizing her is probably still floating around in this country.....likely receiving government aid at that.
The entire mentality is OBNOXIOUS.
And for "anycolor" to post this video was EXCEEDINGLY OBNOXIOUS.
They Took Our Jobs - Clips - South Park Studios
HAHAHAHAHAHH im still laughing at this one dude xD they toook our jooooooooobs!!
Do you see how much they appreciate it? He actually wishes for ANY sane person/American to empathize with him? YOU BET HE DOES.
Mine hasn't hit the eigth grade yet, but rest assured, if I see them even TRY to teach my child IN SPANISH, I WILL PROTEST. My child WILL be taken out if they choose to continue that course.
But, as you can see, most will just take the back seat and silently gripe amongst family/friends.
This is the most asinine demeanor to hold and actually SHOW OFF as an illegal, but hey.........THIS IS (now) AMERICA.