4 plants from seed experiment


Well-Known Member
thnx for the help bonzi.

this will definately be getting tested later, got my chains ready to suspend it up high.



Well-Known Member
HI all

so here we go.

As per Bonzi LIghthouse's recommendations i have now chained the RVK up high inside the closet with it running straight into the cooltube and straight out into the attic space.

As you can see at the moment there is no carbon filter attached as i didnt want to buy one if this scenario didnt work.

testing time again.

the reason for this change so soon is that my ambiet temp has been creaping up and this morning just before lights out the ambient room temp was 28C canopy level was still around the same but i would still like it a little cooler.

Here are the pics of what i have just done to see if temps are better.




Well-Known Member
HI all

So preliminary testing seems good wth the RVK mounted inside the room seems to holding temp at 26.5C

I have also now decided that the ladies are N dificient rather than nute burn as they have barely had any nutes so far and they are now in week 4 from seed. So after they all had their flush yesterday and the day before i have now given them a feed today rather than let them dry out. The feed which i gave them was an ec of 1.4 i will up this on the next feed to 1.6/1.7.

I also now realise that not having an EC meter on my first grow was the reason the monster which i had looked so pale. There is no way that i was giving her enough Grow Nutes. I realise this now by how much ionic coco grow i have had to put in to make the feed 1.4.

I will try and update with pics later but if not later then it will be tomorrow.

Thanks for taking the time to read through my thread,


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
HI all

so here we go.

As per Bonzi LIghthouse's recommendations i have now chained the RVK up high inside the closet with it running straight into the cooltube and straight out into the attic space.

As you can see at the moment there is no carbon filter attached as i didnt want to buy one if this scenario didnt work.

testing time again.

the reason for this change so soon is that my ambiet temp has been creaping up and this morning just before lights out the ambient room temp was 28C canopy level was still around the same but i would still like it a little cooler.

Here are the pics of what i have just done to see if temps are better.

Suck don't blow. (It will work the way you have it but IMO it is not ideal) Suck air through your light and out to the attic. I actually have my fan mounted out side my room. (fans generate BTUs also)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this Bonzi

The setup seems to be working as it is. If i feel uncomfortable with temps over the next few days then i will mount this in the attic and suck rather than blow.

Sorry for the misunderstanding from your diagram it looked like i should have the fan in the grow room and blow it all through the cooltube.

I'll keep you all updated with the results.

So far ambient room temp is stable at 26.4C canopy level is still comfortable with my hand underneath.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Thanks for this Bonzi

The setup seems to be working as it is. If i feel uncomfortable with temps over the next few days then i will mount this in the attic and suck rather than blow.

Sorry for the misunderstanding from your diagram it looked like i should have the fan in the grow room and blow it all through the cooltube.

I'll keep you all updated with the results.

So far ambient room temp is stable at 26.4C canopy level is still comfortable with my hand underneath.

My Bad i drew that pic backwards.


Well-Known Member
Hi all

after a full 18hours the ambient room temp is still stable at 26.4C and canopy level is still not uncomfortable with my hand between lamp and plant.

The new setup all be it a little confused seems to be working well.
IF i get chance i may run it for a hole cycle with the fan up in the attic to see if there is any difference.

The ladies seem to be taking to their feed with an EC of 1.4 well. THey seem to have had a little growth spurt since yesterday,

I will update with pics later today when lights come back on.



Well-Known Member
HI everyone

Here is the picture update as promised

picture 1 and 2 are an unknown seed it was the plant that had the 2 bladed leaf
Picture 3 and 4 are also an unknown seed
picture 5 and 6 are the sativa seed
picture 7 and 8 are the POT OF GOLD seed.

I plan on giving these a week or so to veg a little longer and then i plan on taking a single clone from each of them and propagating them for 10 days and then turning everything to flower to see what happens to the clones.

I am doing this because i want to try my hand at cloning before i grow a mother plant.





Well-Known Member
thnx bonzi

i've just been out to buy some rockwool cubes coco pucks clonex and some bud clean scissors .

i plan on trying my hand at some cloning in the next week or so.

only trying a single clone from each of the plants to see how it works etc before i grow my greenhouseseeds white widow mother.

thnx for stopping by



Well-Known Member
HI all

thought i would show you what i have for cloning

As mentioned above.

i have found a 1 litre bottle of mineral water that i have cut for a humidity dome that fits perfectly over the Rockwool cubes. Check it out.




Well-Known Member
HI All

Just thought i would check in and let everyone know that all the plants are responding really well to the 1.4EC feed i gave them. I plan on giving them another feed when they dry out a little more with an EC of 1.6.

Once they have had this feed i plan on cutting just a single clone off each of them to try and root it.

I will update again with pics either tomorrrow or wednesday.

thanks for stopping by


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
thnx bonzi

i've just been out to buy some rockwool cubes coco pucks clonex and some bud clean scissors .

i plan on trying my hand at some cloning in the next week or so.

only trying a single clone from each of the plants to see how it works etc before i grow my greenhouseseeds white widow mother.

thnx for stopping by

LOL you wuss, i did 8 my first time, 2 were males 2 i killed, I have 4 left for next crop.This little cloner worked like a charm.




Well-Known Member

Thanks for the tip.

I just want to try my hand at it and see if i can do it before i grow my mother Greenhouseseeds White widow.

thanks for popping in and yet again posting a pic in my thread lol lol

You picture whore lol


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member

Thanks for the tip.

I just want to try my hand at it and see if i can do it before i grow my mother Greenhouseseeds White widow.

thanks for popping in and yet again posting a pic in my thread lol lol

You picture whore lol

Sod off (Thats what Charlie said on lost) :-)


Well-Known Member
HI All

PIcture update for you and also my attempt at cloning.
I started by completely soaking my rockwool for a few hours in ph6 water and pouring some warm water over my COCO pellets to make them puff up.
Once my rockwool was ready i poured some ph6 plain water through my coco pellets to make them ph'd at 6.

I then poured out a little CLONEX onto a plate.

I then selected a lower node on each of my plants and made a 45degree cut across the node. I done this individually and cleaned my scissors between cuts. Once the node was cut off i dipped it in the CLONEX and planted it into my coco pellets and placed my coco pellets into the rockwool and placed my bottle humidity domes ontop.

Hope you enjoy.




Well-Known Member
HI all

PIcture update.

I have also given the 4 big plants a feed today with an EC of 1.8.
the runoff seemed a little low at an EC of 1.4, I am going to monitor this and if needs be increase the EC. Added into my nutrient feed today i mixed in some more trichoderma powder as the flush they went through the other day could have washed some of it out.

the clones have had a Spray of Ph6 water twice a day so far.
I have also been reading about transplanting and cloning etc in URBAN GARDEN MAGAZINE and based on some facts related to tomatoe plant growing i have also given then a pinch of Mychorizol fungi and watered it in with some EC 0.8 with trichoderma mixed into it.
This shoot aid in the root development of my little babies.

Hope you all enjoy the pics

1st pic is all the clones in their home
The next 4 pics are a little blurry but they are the clones.

the pic of all the plants comes next.
Top left POT OF GOLD
Top Right is the UKNOWN 2 (called it this for clones ID)
Bottom Left is the SATIVA
Bottom Right is the UNKNOWN 1 (again called for clone ID)




Well-Known Member
HI Everyone.

OK so here is the latest update about the 4 plants from seed.

All plants seem to have reacted really well to the 1.8EC feed i gave them the other day.

Enjoy the pics

With these pics i have tried to capture a decent side picture and if you look you can see that 2 of the 4 plants are showing signs of maturity. "the alternating node structure"

PIC 1 and 2 are of the POT OF GOLD
PIC 3 and 4 are of the SATIVA
PIC 5 and 6 are of the UNKNOWN 1
PIC 7 and 8 are of the UNKNOWN 2

the other 4 pics are of my max and min levels of my grow room. I have captured a pic of both C and F and the RH.




Well-Known Member
INcase anyone is wondering i have not been able to stop the burnt looking leaves underneath from yellowing as the N difficiency was a bit worse than i thought. Thank god ive got my EC meter now. lol

all new growth as you can see is coming out sweet.

I am going to carry on with the 1.8 EC feed next time and see how they respond.

Once all the clones are rooted i am going to give them a week under 18/6 and then flower everything.

Keep your eyes peeled for more pics on Monday or Tuesday evening.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
lookng strong. don't worry about those bottom leafs, just let them fall off on their own.

and you know what a picture whore I am so this buds for you:

DSCF2788 Bud.jpg