Hurt Locker Downloaders being sued

Use a torrent application that supports proxies, And the Pirate bay. They don't give a fuck about no copyright laws. :D

the pirate bay watched by the companys as much as any other one, personally i use much less chance of them watching a russian torrent site ;)
Would it be stealing if you could do the exact same thing with material objects?

Say you could do it with a sports car, just copy/paste a brand new one. Would that be stealing?

Interesting question. I think so. What if you are an expert musician, and compose and record your own copy of all your favorite songs?

He Ginja, they can watch it all day, that isn't going to get them access to the swiss servers. Just like the feds that are most likely watching RIU don't have access to the canadian servers.

Then again I've lost alot of faith in that since they extradited Marc Emery.
Would it be stealing if you could do the exact same thing with material objects?

Say you could do it with a sports car, just copy/paste a brand new one. Would that be stealing?

wait till assembling nano bots are a feature in every home then ask that question again
I downloaded this movie but Im not really worried I own the movie now and long ago deleted the digital copy. They will never be able to tell if I have the pirated version or not, unless they supeona my HD which they wont.

They can't legally check your hard drive.

What they do do is figure out where the traffic is going, find your IP address, then contact your ISP who owns the IP address... Then you can figure where it goes from there. They just know that you uploaded the file, they don't know if you even still have it on your HDD.

Most of the time they tell the ISP, "Take action or we will sue you for facilitating illegal file sharing". The ISP usually disables the customers internet connection, then you gotta call and they tell you that illegal file sharing was going on, then you say pretty much anything and they say, "Oh, well, don't do that again. We're reinstating your service. If you do it again we might terminate your service"

Easiest to just say, "Oh, I don't know anything about file sharing. I do have an open wireless connection, could that be it?" Then they will just say, "Yes we recommend that you set up a secure wireless internet access-point"

I've heard of people getting their stuff shut down like 4 times, I've never heard of actual termination of service. The ISP's want you to pay them for internet, but they don't want to get sued either. So they take minimal 'action' and try to stay out of the heat.


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downloading should fall under the “fair use” provisions of copyright law, the same way listening to the radio does.
downloading should fall under the “fair use” provisions of copyright law, the same way listening to the radio does.

Radio is paid for by the advertisers whose commercials you hear while listening. How do you figure consuming content that you have not paid for is "fair use"?
Radio is paid for by the advertisers whose commercials you hear while listening. How do you figure consuming content that you have not paid for is "fair use"?

sharing content that you HAVE paid for IS fair use however. someone buys a CD and decides to share it, they make a hard copy for a friend on a CD. they bring this gift home and decide more people should hear it so he turns it into a torrent and shares it with people on the internet. Where is the theft? Unless you are contending that the peson who bought the CD only owned the CD and not the music that was on it, there never was a theft. The music was paid for already. Imagine a restriction on the number of people you were allowed to feed a pizza to. Or maybe a resrtiction on the total number of people you were allow to let view a DVD you bought. no. after i buy it, it's MY product.
sharing content that you HAVE paid for IS fair use however. someone buys a CD and decides to share it, they make a hard copy for a friend on a CD. they bring this gift home and decide more people should hear it so he turns it into a torrent and shares it with people on the internet. Where is the theft? Unless you are contending that the peson who bought the CD only owned the CD and not the music that was on it, there never was a theft. The music was paid for already. Imagine a restriction on the number of people you were allowed to feed a pizza to. Or maybe a resrtiction on the total number of people you were allow to let view a DVD you bought. no. after i buy it, it's MY product.

So, by your logic, the folks that created the content on the CD you bought are really only entitled to the proceeds from one CD, because once one person buys it, that person now owns the rights to it. Are you fucking kidding?

And yes, in case it's not obvious, I am absolutely contending that the person who bought the CD does not own the music on it.

You're fucking insane if you actually believe what you've just written.
And like I said earlier, I like me some torrents. And before torrents it was FTP dumps. We all do it, but you gotta call it what it is.

Don't mentally jerk yourself off into believing you have a right to free content, and that file sharing is somehow some noble Robin Hood sort of cause.
first off that movie was that good, im not sure how it won so many awards.

second, im not gonna pay 10+ dollars to go see a movie and now adays have a 75% chance it is terrible. Movie companies are spitting out shit just to get money.

third, if anyone should get in trouble, it should be the guy who works in the studios and got his hands on a screener and copied it. You cant blame the people who just got something free. If one of these big bailout banks had a hole in their safe and 800 billion dollars fell onto new york cities street and people started picking it up, how could you charge them?

they need to take their losses and cry. If you get into making a movie in this day and age and think people wont download or you wont have major losses from the internet then your smoking some damn good weed laced in crack.