Hurt Locker Downloaders being sued

no, technically it's not stealing.

technically, it's copying a file, thus sharing.

stealing is where the original owner loses possession of the item entirely . . . on the internet, it is only shared; copied . . .

but back to the point of the thread, hella bs that they actually tracked down the people who /downloaded/ it and not the people distributing it at a massive data rate...
no, technically it's not stealing.

technically, it's copying a file, thus sharing.

stealing is where the original owner loses possession of the item entirely . . . on the internet, it is only shared; copied . . .

but back to the point of the thread, hella bs that they actually tracked down the people who /downloaded/ it and not the people distributing it at a massive data rate...

Why would they want to do that? Those people actually have lawyers. :(
no, technically it's not stealing.

technically, it's copying a file, thus sharing.

You can play with semantics all you want, but at the end of the day it's still theft. You know it as well as I do.

I've always got the latest Photoshop, but I don't kid myself with notions of how 'information wants to be free' or any of that shit.
uh it isn't 'theft'

you need to think of a different word for it . . because I"m not gonna accept 'call it what you want' when the actual definition of theft is relieving someone of that property...

you are NOT relieving that person of that property with file sharing, period.

and the essential concept here, is that computers are built to copy things. why make it illegal to do a function entirely natural to a computer?

it is only the people who had pre-established ways of making money who don't like it.

perhaps they should figure out ANOTHER way to make money rather than working against the waterfall of current?
Computers are built to copy things. I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with me using my computer to copy your Social Security or Visa card numbers if I found them on the Internet. Computers are built to paste, too, so I'm sure you wouldn't mind that shit being pasted all over the place.

Stands to reason, right?
No. It's still pretty much theft.

Intellectual property theft.

But only a tiny amount of the money in the music industry actually goes to the musicians, who are the only ones that really deserve it. They're rich anyways, so I consider myself like robin hood. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. (My broke ass)
uh it isn't 'theft'

you need to think of a different word for it . . because I"m not gonna accept 'call it what you want' when the actual definition of theft is relieving someone of that property...

you are NOT relieving that person of that property with file sharing, period.

Semantics again? Okay, what's the word for stealing content?
No. It's still pretty much theft.

Intellectual property theft.

But only a tiny amount of the money in the music industry actually goes to the musicians, who are the only ones that really deserve it. They're rich anyways, so I consider myself like robin hood. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. (My broke ass)

Hahaha, I really like that robin hood comment, funniest thing I've read all day +rep
I think they covered the theaft part by saying no copying of any form. if you have a copy in any form that you didn't buy it's theaft.
I think it's ridiculous that they admittedly can not and will not try to single out every downloader of the film, yet still proceed. You can't take Group A, containing 5,000 people, put them on trial and sue and make an example of them, while group B, MILLIONS strong, remains actively downloading the same shit non-stop. This entire fight about "illegal" downloading is just as much of a waste, if not more than, the "war on drugs." How long were people doing this before the big-wigs even found out? How many people still don't give a shit whether they may or may not be infringing on copyright laws? How much of a loss is there, if any, from people using the internet for what it is ment for in the first place? What, if anything, is prosecuting these small batches of downloaders going to accomplish for the industry? Can we ACTUALLY stop people from watching and listening to who/what they want over the internet?
Use a torrent application that supports proxies, And the Pirate bay. They don't give a fuck about no copyright laws. :D

I downloaded this movie but Im not really worried I own the movie now and long ago deleted the digital copy. They will never be able to tell if I have the pirated version or not, unless they supeona my HD which they wont.
I consider downloading stealing.Do I give a fuck?Nope.

I seen the movie but I didn't really like it and thought it was overrated.
Would it be stealing if you could do the exact same thing with material objects?

Say you could do it with a sports car, just copy/paste a brand new one. Would that be stealing?