A grow journal, nuff said.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've weighed it and i'm very pleasantly surprised, i knew the buds were dense but i didn't think they would be that dense. Its totally dry even the thick stems snap.
drum roll please............. 6oz and 5g and thats not counting the bits i took early.
I'm gutted coz i can't smoke any til the end of june FFS its buried up the woods curing in the hole until then lol
sweet baby jebus and the orphans 6 oscars Oscar!?!?!?! :clap: :clap: :clap:

how many under the light? im trying to get an idea of what im looking at yeildwise for 4 plants under me 600


Well-Known Member
She took about the same as cheese, i overdid it in week 6 and burnt her a bit. I gave her 9 weeeks and she was easily ready at 8. I think it lost something in the last few days like the cheese did when i let that go 11 weeks. IMHO its ripe at 8 and a half weeks. I think its a corking strain, 8 week flower, hefty yeild and it friggin reeks 9.99 out of 10. If you leave a bud out in a room it stinks that room out lol
She was the only one under my 600, i reckon you could just about get 4 that size in a 1.2 tent under a 600
It was my 2nd best single plant yeild, my best was a 7 and a bit off a Jack Flash but that took 12 weeks.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i got around 4.5 of the lemon donski! pretty dam nice 2, scrogged is the way forwards for me in any way lol.

loving the yeald though osc nice one bro


Well-Known Member
I'm not a believer in all that heat sig getting you busted. Maybe if you've got 4000 watts in an uninsultated loft but not with a 600 in a tent. You've just gotta use ya loaf and not put a tent in front of a window that can be seen from the street and if it can put a blind up. it aint rocket science lol an emersion heater in an airing cupboard would give the same heat sig or even a shower cubicle. I could be wrong though.
I went round my mates last night and i just wanted to sit in his room for an hour, god i miss it

mr west

Well-Known Member
do u miss collecting up all the dead leafs and lose coco or wotever, having bags of dead plant matter that u needc to get rid of sneekyly?


Well-Known Member
i dont know why everyone worrys about gettin rid of there plant waste. just put it in a bag then in your wheely bin. the bin men dont check the bins, especially if you live on a rough estate......fear of gettin a needle in ya hand. trust me on this one.