The cardboard box


Well-Known Member
so here is my newest box, finally got all the ventilation and everything goin good, that was the problem with alot of my other attempts was no good vents, anyway its lined with milar, i just used spray adhesive to apply it, and the lights are hanging from a little peice of wood, nice thing is u can use screws and stuff and the cardboard gives a decent amount of support, and i can easily cut new holes / make modifications since i can just cut into it with a knife, heres some pics....1 is just inside, 2 is exhaust fan, 3 is the lights from the plants view, and 4 is the exhaust for the lights( i have a sheet of plexi glass seperatin the plants and the lights)...

so i was wonderin if everything is lined with mylar is it ok the the plants when theyre small are about 2 ft below the cfls? i have 12 x 1600 lumens right now



Well-Known Member
Nice job, looks good!

Can you move the lights closer to the plants? Should help them grow better.


Well-Known Member
ghettoooooo but i like it haha

plants are just going to stretch some like they already are. why don't you put something under your plants to lift them up?

how loud is that setup? that big fan and cardboard can't be too sound deadening


Well-Known Member
ya its all pretty quiet, and last night is when i finally got it running, befor the plants were just under 4 4ft floros so they havnt grown really inside the box yet, but ill raise the plants up since the lights and glass arnt adjustable at all, this is a sweet setup, sockets were like 3bucks each, plus splitters at 2each, the big fan is only like 10inch fan from walmart for like iono10-15 bucks, and the little computer fan was like 10bucks at radio shack, the mylar i had already, and the plexiglass was like under 10 bucks too, and then whatever the lights were...30$ all in all maybe 85$ for a full setup putting out aboot 16,000 lumens


Well-Known Member
ace hardware, have em cut it for you too to the proper size, ive tried doin it myself and its a pain in the ass


Well-Known Member
you have plexi glass between the lights and the plants?

that'll block out some of the rays that are getting to your plants.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with clear plexiglass? i never heard that it blocks light before, is it any kind of substantial amount?


Well-Known Member
you want your plants like 2" away from the cfls. They will get all stretched and leggy if you dont get real close to the light.


Well-Known Member
well the light bulb itself blocks out (not all obviously) some of the rays to plants and the plexi glass would block more (but not all) of those rays... in MH and HPS the bulbs do the same...

see for a plants photosynthesis to work you would need light obviously, but not because light is bright because in "light" there are particles that travel with it that the plants use to make the plant material along with co2 and nitrogen and all that good stuff... when sun light reaches the earth it carries thos particles all the way from the sun to the plants here on earth... isn't that amazing? but thos particles are apart of triggering photosynthesis and the more that are allowed to reach the plant the better... studies have shown that even glass and plexi glass greenhouses block out enough of those particles from the sun to make a difference in say a greenhouse made of ____(i cant remember what they used in place of plexi glass at the moment) but yea if your using cfl's that puts out far less than the sun in a square foot, adding plexi glass reduces how many of thos particles are reaching your plants and you'd be better without the plexi glass if you feel it isn't neccessary for your grow box


Well-Known Member
ok well i need something there to keep the box cool, is there much difference between plexi and normal glass?


Active Member
ok well i need something there to keep the box cool, is there much difference between plexi and normal glass?
Im not sure about the glass but i have a similar setup (plastic cabinet though) and to keep it cool I use a 4.75 inch pc fan for intake and another 4.75 inch pc fan for exausht, and I exauhst right next to the lights... seems 2 work 4 me


Well-Known Member
so here is my newest box, finally got all the ventilation and everything goin good, that was the problem with alot of my other attempts was no good vents, anyway its lined with milar, i just used spray adhesive to apply it, and the lights are hanging from a little peice of wood, nice thing is u can use screws and stuff and the cardboard gives a decent amount of support, and i can easily cut new holes / make modifications since i can just cut into it with a knife, heres some pics....1 is just inside, 2 is exhaust fan, 3 is the lights from the plants view, and 4 is the exhaust for the lights( i have a sheet of plexi glass seperatin the plants and the lights)...

so i was wonderin if everything is lined with mylar is it ok the the plants when theyre small are about 2 ft below the cfls? i have 12 x 1600 lumens right now

How is your big fan exhaust working? Is it noisy? Just wondering, cause if not noisy that's a good idea man! let me know?


Well-Known Member
i used that same setup with cfl's and a metal halide. it was just a bitch to properly position the cfl's 2 inches from the plant all the time. looks good though.


Well-Known Member
i cant believe noones told you yet ,you need to seperate those plants while you still can and put them in seperate containers.or they will choke eachother and if one turns out to be a male you might damage the others roots trying to remove it becasue they will be interlocked by then. fuck the glass get a chicken wire screen for scrog. does the glass build up humidity in your box like a greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
nice set up, but i would take out the plexi glass out so the plants can get the full effect of your lights.


Well-Known Member
ok well i need something there to keep the box cool, is there much difference between plexi and normal glass?

fuck the glass, If you want to continue with your ghetto-ness you can always freeze some two liters of water rock hard.. and switch um out.. Put one in front of the fan and it will actually help a lot.