The cardboard box

home grown 420

Active Member
i cant believe noones told you yet ,you need to seperate those plants while you still can and put them in seperate containers.or they will choke eachother and if one turns out to be a male you might damage the others roots trying to remove it becasue they will be interlocked by then. fuck the glass get a chicken wire screen for scrog. does the glass build up humidity in your box like a greenhouse?

i hope you didnt overlook what jesse said here. get them into separate pots asap. you can probably put em into 3 gal pots, maybe bigger. youll be kicking yourself in the ass later if you dont transplant soon!!


Well-Known Member
the plexi is the wrong thing. You have only 6 of those shouldnt have a heat problem at all. I have a 150 watt HPS and 6 of those buls and have no problems with heat at all. You have a huge exaust need a fan on the inside and you need to repot those plants in seperate pots...or like the guy above said...your plants will fight each other for root space. You dont want that happening at all...

what is your height limit and give dimensions of the box.