You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...

you know you smoke good weed when you take a hit off your pipe and put it on your lap then 10 seconds later when you want another hit you forget where you put it, cant find it, then stand up to find the tricky basterd and BAM you broke your pipe

Edit: OH ya and when you try and multi task and, you lose your lighter but it was realy just in your hand the whole time

Or your wearing sweats so you put the bowl in your waistband and go to take a leak and hear the damn thing shatter... :(
you know your smoking some good shit when you cough like hell and have to put whatever you just hit DOWN. SOMEWHERE. IMMEDIATELY. and you impulsively try to get away by throwing yourself backwards while coughing

Just happened to me I cleaned my volcano for the first time after running like 20g through it. I scraped this piece for resin and tried to smoke a bowl of it. I didnt feel it going into my mouth so I wasnt sure if it lit but them BAM I cough out a cloud thats fogging up the lights.

Volcano resin is basically hash, because its THC vapor that has collected into a dark brown sticky substance. It was a HUGE glob of it too oh my god
you know your smoking some good shit when you cough like hell and have to put whatever you just hit DOWN. SOMEWHERE. IMMEDIATELY. and you impulsively try to get away by throwing yourself backwards while coughing

Just happened to me I cleaned my volcano for the first time after running like 20g through it. I scraped this piece for resin and tried to smoke a bowl of it. I didnt feel it going into my mouth so I wasnt sure if it lit but them BAM I cough out a cloud thats fogging up the lights.

Volcano resin is basically hash, because its THC vapor that has collected into a dark brown sticky substance. It was a HUGE glob of it too oh my god
Learn and grow with me

NICE. i wish i had a volcano, if they weren't so spendy i probably would. maybe after i get a few crops under my belt i'll invest in one, sounds bomb though i love hash and hash like substances haha ;)
you know your smoking some good shit when you cough like hell and have to put whatever you just hit DOWN. SOMEWHERE. IMMEDIATELY. and you impulsively try to get away by throwing yourself backwards while coughing

Just happened to me I cleaned my volcano for the first time after running like 20g through it. I scraped this piece for resin and tried to smoke a bowl of it. I didnt feel it going into my mouth so I wasnt sure if it lit but them BAM I cough out a cloud thats fogging up the lights.

Volcano resin is basically hash, because its THC vapor that has collected into a dark brown sticky substance. It was a HUGE glob of it too oh my god
Learn and grow with me

NICE. i wish i had a volcano, if they weren't so spendy i probably would. maybe after i get a few crops under my belt i'll invest in one, sounds bomb though i love hash and hash like substances haha ;)

They save bud dude! Produces almost twice the THC as a joint. Really easy on the lungs, and your higher for longer. No nasty taste in the mouth either so munching on food is even better

edit: just took more rips off the volcano goo.

shits wild. out of a chillum it goes straight to the DOME.

I have another one to add

You know your smoking on some good shit when: Mid-hit you cant tell if your squinting or wide eyed. And you cant tell if your heart is beating fast, slow, or at all!

Then after the hit it takes you 30 seconds or so to come back to reality.

Pure ecstasy man. feel great.
you know your smoking some good shit when you cough like hell and have to put whatever you just hit DOWN. SOMEWHERE. IMMEDIATELY. and you impulsively try to get away by throwing yourself backwards while coughing

Just happened to me I cleaned my volcano for the first time after running like 20g through it. I scraped this piece for resin and tried to smoke a bowl of it. I didnt feel it going into my mouth so I wasnt sure if it lit but them BAM I cough out a cloud thats fogging up the lights.

Volcano resin is basically hash, because its THC vapor that has collected into a dark brown sticky substance. It was a HUGE glob of it too oh my god
Learn and grow with me

NICE. i wish i had a volcano, if they weren't so spendy i probably would. maybe after i get a few crops under my belt i'll invest in one, sounds bomb though i love hash and hash like substances haha ;)

I ve never even seen a volcano in use, I really want to hit one though, the closest Ive got are some lightbulb vapes and a vape bros which just aint the same without the bag :/
i definately would love to get one. i've smoked out of one. smooth hits. different kind of high and they are legit i just dont have the finances right now spending money on my med card and different things im only 23 and just started growing and i kinda went all out for being on some what of a budget with little help. ahha i would love to have one after a few crops under my belt though probably will end up making the investment
When you ask for a quarter pounder at burger king

Dude once no joke me and my buddy went to Burger King and were so blazed we we're convinced it was McDonalds. Well McDonalds was a few blocks away.

So we're standing there debating about what to get, and were so baked it's hard to focus enough to read.

Finally like 5 minutes after looking at the board my buddy calmly says to the cashier, "Uhh. I'll have two big macs, and a large french fry"

So the cashiers like, "uhh we can't do that"

And I'm like why?? And she says, "This is burger king."

me and my boy almost shit outselves

we got two whoppers instead :hump:
When you put on a Hawaiian t shirt and combat shorts to go out in...thinking you look badass. (ahh what i'd give to be 15 again..)
When you turn on the ps3 and turn on the TV but the TV is on Cable and you start watching an infomercial about these HD SUNGLASSES that are only 10$!!!! " Other sun glasses sell for 100,200 EVEN 300$!!!! AND THEY DONT EVEN HAVE HD VISION!!!" lol Watched this shit for 15 mintues.
LOL so DID i. vansstoner, but then i went into high school pharmacy and they had them. so i looked through them and i was SADLY dissapointed stupid fucking infomercials making shit look all good when your baked. FUCKERS.
You put the potato chips in the fridge instead of the cabinet and your girl finds 'em 30 mins later and laughs at you all night.
when you have drivin to a job for 2 days and on the third day you look at the employee in the passenger seat and say,,,,Where are we werkin again?