Am I the only person who thinks marijuana gradually diminishes a person's personalit

Nope, its not from smoking cannabis my man.... its just what comes with age.

once again, I agree with 90% of the people in this thread.. Mind over matter.. if your weak minded.. you won't have a chance. But, if your strong minded.. you'll be just fine.

I could quit smoking bud right now.. and never smoke it again and be just fine. Why? Because I have control over myself.. I don't rely on
cannabis to make me happy or anything else for that matter.

It's all about controlling yourself... using your mind.

its simple.


Bang on the money ganjaluvr, its all in your state of mind and reasons for doing it.
Honestly I think this fact isn't stressed enough on some people. They start smoking in the wrong environment and get the wrong idea. Blinded from the bigger picture. I personally have strong Buddhist believes at heart. And to see some people develop this toxic mentality makes me sad, it will only lead to suffering in the end. Really it's not THAT big of a problem. But we as a society should focus on looking at tomorrow. Making it brighter and happier, but that will never happen if we just ignore the problems instead admitting them and fixing them. Cannabis will always be my drug of choice(more love for it than I can put in words) but in the end it's only a drug. IMO I think you can't really tell if someone "abuses" pot by their consumption rate more so their mindfulness on their habit. Ive cut back to a few times every 6 months/special occations for occupational purposes but can only come of being a daily toker as a positive experience in my life. No serious long term physical effects, physiologically could be a dif story but i seem to improve everyday.
As I've said before, I'm glad weed came into my life when it did. It was gradual but now I love it, and I love learning as much as I can about it...

I'm a better person for the herb and I truly love it :)

Weed just REALLY shows you who people are, greedy, cheap, lazy, dependable, undependable etc.

It's like how Freud(sp.) said how a persons true character comes out in sex, how they are in bed directly reflects them as a person in their life.

Well, when dealing with weed, peoples true characters come out. They're pinching your sack, stealing bowls, not paying you back for a blunt you smoked, never smoking YOU out, that just shows they are either a theif, a cheap ass, or a greedy asshole.

If you don't like WHO YOU ARE when you smoke you should seriously re-evaluate your life.
Nope, its not from smoking cannabis my man.... its just what comes with age.

once again, I agree with 90% of the people in this thread.. Mind over matter.. if your weak minded.. you won't have a chance. But, if your strong minded.. you'll be just fine.

I could quit smoking bud right now.. and never smoke it again and be just fine. Why? Because I have control over myself.. I don't rely on
cannabis to make me happy or anything else for that matter

It's all about controlling yourself... using your mind.

Well I'm deffinatly not a weak minded person, if I want something I can get it, also I can manipulate ppl pretty well.
I also have no problem quitting, some days I don't even have the urge to smoke, so there's no problem there either.
It's just like Johnny said, "For me it makes me socialy awkward which is why i dont like smoking if im going out."
but it also depends on the weed I'm smoking as well.....
Nope, its not from smoking cannabis my man.... its just what comes with age.

once again, I agree with 90% of the people in this thread.. Mind over matter.. if your weak minded.. you won't have a chance. But, if your strong minded.. you'll be just fine.

I could quit smoking bud right now.. and never smoke it again and be just fine. Why? Because I have control over myself.. I don't rely on
cannabis to make me happy or anything else for that matter

It's all about controlling yourself... using your mind.

Well I'm deffinatly not a weak minded person, if I want something I can get it, also I can manipulate ppl pretty well.
I also have no problem quitting, some days I don't even have the urge to smoke, so there's no problem there either.
It's just like Johnny said, "For me it makes me socialy awkward which is why i dont like smoking if im going out."
but it also depends on the weed I'm smoking as well.....

Even i get abit like that,a bit less chatty and comfortable in social scenes. im fine to go out for a walk or go into a public area...if im in a group of people i feel more awkward.

I use my marijuana as my personal relaxation time, after a long hard day of work (in a high paced sales environment, where i need my wits about me and work hard for my monies).i find i actually work harder during my day so i can go home and detatch myself from the world for a few hours in comfort and relaxation. sometimes i go out and socialize, often on weekends i will go out for a drink or 2 with friends and mary jane stays at home in her drawer :weed:

Its a matter of people finding the balance that suits them.with all the weed hype on the tv and all the things we already know about weed, its safe to say that no 2 individuals are affected in the same way. I like to think of it as it as a tailor made gift for each man and woman on earth, not a dangerous drug that causes a negative reaction in a small percentage. I maintain that the small percentage are simply doing it wrong
you know, since i started smoking constantly, ive noticed im more relaxed so im somewhat of a zombie, but i actually love going to do things. im currently in college and love learning as much as i can. almost nerdy, but im far from a dork. i actually really think of myself as be very intellectual as i do get straight A's in all of my courses i have taken with the excepetions of my math courses. i am able to get b's on every math test, although this last class ive gotten all a's on exams and one b.I even plan on getting my PHd one day. weed makes me have a bit more of an imagination and limits my vocabulary during on spot replies, so i speak punctually. i don't follow the stoner lifestyle like most. i have no weed posters, pictures, clothing or anything like that. i stay very very low key and i never talk to anyone about weed except for the few close friends i have. im all for promoting cannabis, but you won't see my face endorsing it unless im rich and famous or its way more widely accepted. The acceptance in todays society is fairly wide in the bay area of california, but until the point where we see commercials and campaign advertisements about weed everywhere, im forced into a life of cannabis seclusion. this all coming from someone who smokes between .8 grams to 3.5 grams+ a day. i don't recall the last time i went a day without.
i really do believe cannabis has made me the best that a person can be. from controlling anger to having compassion to having major goals an objectives in life. even has made me more philosophical, if that makes sense. it helps me write and/or come up with amazing ideas for papers. im somewhat actually thinking about writing books, and maybe a book or two on the good stuff about weed, but mostly just ideas to think about for living your life successfully.
Even i get abit like that,a bit less chatty and comfortable in social scenes. im fine to go out for a walk or go into a public area...if im in a group of people i feel more awkward.

I use my marijuana as my personal relaxation time, after a long hard day of work (in a high paced sales environment, where i need my wits about me and work hard for my monies).i find i actually work harder during my day so i can go home and detatch myself from the world for a few hours in comfort and relaxation. sometimes i go out and socialize, often on weekends i will go out for a drink or 2 with friends

That right there is me to a "T"
you know, since i started smoking constantly, ive noticed im more relaxed so im somewhat of a zombie, but i actually love going to do things. im currently in college and love learning as much as i can. almost nerdy, but im far from a dork. i actually really think of myself as be very intellectual as i do get straight A's in all of my courses i have taken with the excepetions of my math courses. i am able to get b's on every math test, although this last class ive gotten all a's on exams and one b.I even plan on getting my PHd one day. weed makes me have a bit more of an imagination and limits my vocabulary during on spot replies, so i speak punctually. i don't follow the stoner lifestyle like most. i have no weed posters, pictures, clothing or anything like that. i stay very very low key and i never talk to anyone about weed except for the few close friends i have. im all for promoting cannabis, but you won't see my face endorsing it unless im rich and famous or its way more widely accepted. The acceptance in todays society is fairly wide in the bay area of california, but until the point where we see commercials and campaign advertisements about weed everywhere, im forced into a life of cannabis seclusion. this all coming from someone who smokes between .8 grams to 3.5 grams+ a day. i don't recall the last time i went a day without.
i really do believe cannabis has made me the best that a person can be. from controlling anger to having compassion to having major goals an objectives in life. even has made me more philosophical, if that makes sense. it helps me write and/or come up with amazing ideas for papers. im somewhat actually thinking about writing books, and maybe a book or two on the good stuff about weed, but mostly just ideas to think about for living your life successfully.

That is a very interesting insight coming from a student, orgnlmrwiggles !
Thank you for commenting.
P.S If you don't mind me asking ... what are you studying at the moment ??

For all who have mentioned about social anxieties while stoned in public.
And or being reclusive as a product of such.

Do you think this is due to the Cannabinoids within MJ, hence, chemically induced?
Or perhaps .... triggered by the cultural/social view of pot (aka being illegal and not widely popular) producing this anxiety ??
In reference to being able to quit: Do you folks experience any psychological withdrawals ... with symptoms like for example anger (edginess) ?
And if so ... how do you deal with such around friends ?? Do you medicate with something else ??
Your thoughts are welcome !!
That is a very interesting insight coming from a student, orgnlmrwiggles !
Thank you for commenting.
P.S If you don't mind me asking ... what are you studying at the moment ??

For all who have mentioned about social anxieties while stoned in public.
And or being reclusive as a product of such.

Do you think this is due to the Cannabinoids within MJ, hence, chemically induced?
Or perhaps .... triggered by the cultural/social view of pot (aka being illegal and not widely popular) producing this anxiety ??
In reference to being able to quit: Do you folks experience any psychological withdrawals ... with symptoms like for example anger (edginess) ?
And if so ... how do you deal with such around friends ?? Do you medicate with something else ??
Your thoughts are welcome !!

Business administration. I want to get into stocks and bonds possibly, maybe run some mutual funds, become a financial analyst or controller. something related until i get my mba, then work in an executive office with hopes of become ceo one day.:twisted:
i think its probably 20% chemically induced, and 80% socially induced. i say this because there are plenty of retired and successful people ive known that drink a beer throughout the day, they dont get sloshed, but they just do it kinda like we smoke a joint or bowl through the day. they are completely normal with people and everything unlike you would imagine a bunch of drunks at a bar. clear analogy?

when i go about 3 days without, which has proven rare, i do get edgier about stupid things i shouldnt worry about. such as your girl continuously missing your calls so you might not get mad at her normally or just smoke a bowl, say fuck it and forget about it, you think about it and think about it until you break and go off on them. or maybe a friend keeps doing something you find annoying, you'll get pissed off way quicker. this i think only lasts about a week though, from my experience.. just keep yourself kind of secluded, happy and busy. go to the park, go on a walk and keep yourself active, go work out.. etc..
I do think it has to do with the cannabinoids, and I'll tell ya why, because some weed does it and some weed don't, some makes me energetic and laughy, and I can laugh and chat it up, like sativa's will do this for me, but indica's is almost like a downer for me....just all couch locked, which I don't mind for an after supper smoke or a before bed toke. Then I can just relax with my girl. But to smoke a strong indica, I don't mind going out somewhere like the mall or anything, but just sitting around with a group of ppl, I just tend to listen and don't say very much.
I really don't have any anxiety because of legality, I don't care if it's illeagal or not, I do what I want. So that's a big no for me there.
I also smoke to help control my temper, I'm quite a hot head, but since I've picked up the habbit fully again, I'm much more calm and the little things don't bother me like they usually would.
I wouldn't say I have any withdrawls, but I can notice that, when I don't smoke, I feel back to my high strung self.
I don't really have to deal with it around my friends lol, they've known me forever so they know me really well.
I don't medicate with anything else, maybe smoke more cigs.
I don't drink, because of my anger issues, I'm a REALLY BAD DRUNK, life of the party at first but by the end of the night I'm making an ass of myself, fighting, breaking shit, falling over, just a mess.
it's all about how you use those cannabinoids buddy.

I never get paranoid. sometimes I'll feel anxious, but then I'll realize this feeling is unfounded so I wont feel like that anymore.

just gotta think rationally and you shouldn't feel paranoid . . . . as long as you truly believe in your rationality that is . . . . .

also it is very true that levels of cannabinoids and different strains have different effects . . . . but all these effects can be stretched based on your current mentality. especially with sativa (the strain that is most likely to make someone paranoid . . . .)
Well it's funny cause my girl gets the same way with indica's, The Orange Mass I grow, is CRAZY strong, she smokes a few and either gets on the paro side or puts her to sleep, but when we smoke the Super Lemon Haze or Cheese, it's all shits and giggles
For all the ppl saying it's my mentality.....WRONG, I have a VERY strong mentality, alot of ppl wouldn't be able to handle the positions I've been placed or placed myself in to. I'm very strong headed and strong willed, so it has nothing to do with that, the only problem I have is, that I'm a hot head, but weed helps me out alot with that.
There is nothing wrong with my mentality, I just feel awkward around some ppl when I'm high, and if you say that you haven't ever felt that, you're a damn liar or you just smoked yourself retarted
I said it's how you use it.

mentality matters . . . a lot though.

for instance . . . I can smoke a sativa and go work all day . . . or I can smoke a sativa and watch some funny shit and laugh..

I can smoke an indica and chill with friends, or I can smoke an indica and sleep.

that is NOT mentality, that is simply how you use it.
Quite frankly i couldent give a crap if any1 knows i'm stoned so it must simply be the fact that i am stoned that makes me feel a little more awkward in the social side of things, although i must say i dont feel as bad as i used to in social scenes if i am out and stoned. In fact in my country a police officer cant arrest you if you've done a "drug" only if you're in posession of one (not that i consider weed a drug, more of a life enhancer) so i've even told a police officer to his face that i was stoned - that doesent bother me at all haha
Taking these comments into consideration,
But also looking at it from a chemical perspective, as different cannabinoids (from indica/sativa) are introduced to the system at different quantities and rates ...

At a chemical synapse



it is fair to say that we are sort of ...short circuiting our thought process ....aka deviation from normal function.
With that at hand ... symptoms like anxiety/paranoia ... and other ... giggling ... joy ...etc ... are experienced.
As different connabanoids block the receptors ... we are in a sense rewiring the transmission of information. Which in turn impacts out perception. We are high.
To which degree do you think, you could control this chemical reaction ... mentally ?
As in short, u are actually ... short circuiting your mental faculty.

Comments welcome.
Taking these comments into consideration,
But also looking at it from a chemical perspective, as different cannabinoids (from indica/sativa) are introduced to the system at different quantities and rates ...

At a chemical synapse

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it is fair to say that we are sort of ...short circuiting our thought process ....aka deviation from normal function.
With that at hand ... symptoms like anxiety/paranoia ... and other ... giggling ... joy ...etc ... are experienced.
As different connabanoids block the receptors ... we are in a sense rewiring the transmission of information. Which in turn impacts out perception. We are high.
To which degree do you think, you could control this chemical reaction ... mentally ?
As in short, u are actually ... short circuiting your mental faculty.

Comments welcome.

Quite the contrary my inquisitive friend, the neurons in the brain are in fact designed to incorporate cannabinoids into their system. in the vast majority of the human brain (in fact the vast majority of all species brains) there are cannabinoid receptors. most mammals have in fact evolved to incorporate cannabinoids into their brains. we do not "short circuit" our brain functions, we simply have 2 settings : stoned and not stoned the control switch being a joint :D
Oh sir, I agree with you ! Please don't get me wrong. The transmitters incorporate many many other compounds, cannabinoids included.
The term short circuit is used here to describe a state of mental functioning under influence as to marry such, with the idea of mental function and control of. As to pose a question ... how can you have mental control over a chemical reaction as per synapse/receptor when a substance is introduced ? I am not sure if this makes sense .... please let me know if I am not being clear.
I would also like to add that the term 'short circuit' as I use it, has no negative meaning as per technical use ... aka in hardware short circuit.
I just don't want to get to technical as that is not the scope of the discussion.

I could use something like manipulation of bridges used by transmitters as these carry information to the brain ... developing ones reality at a given time. But that might sound to scientific/fucked up/trippy for some folks here.
Oh sir, I agree with you ! Please don't get me wrong. The transmitters incorporate many many other compounds, cannabinoids included.
The term short circuit is used here to describe a state of mental functioning under influence as to marry such, with the idea of mental function and control of. As to pose a question ... how can you have mental control over a chemical reaction as per synapse/receptor when a substance is introduced ? I am not sure if this makes sense .... please let me know if I am not being clear.
I would also like to add that the term 'short circuit' as I use it, has no negative meaning as per technical use ... aka in hardware short circuit.
I just don't want to get to technical as that is not the scope of the discussion.

I could use something like manipulation of bridges used by transmitters as these carry information to the brain ... developing ones reality at a given time. But that might sound to scientific/fucked up/trippy for some folks here.

ok, i'll play that game .... "can your state of mind affect the chemical reaction" - i strongly believe it can.

i'm sure you're aware that fear promotes adrenaline, dopamine promotes euphoria and all sorts of other chemical transmitters play a part in the human brain the vast majority of which we may not have even discovered yet. so my answer to you is yes i do believe that.

Every emotion you experience brings forth a myriad of chemicals and neurotransmitters. so potentially for every state of mind there is a different reaction. im no brain specialist but with all those variables involved i think its safe to say that if i already feel insecure... cannabis will magnify that. If i already feel happy ... i will feel happier etc etc etc