A lot of these people posting on here have really good points. Dirt free made a really good point with mentioning that its your first go. The first time you start growing weed is like the first time you have sex ... you really have no idea what your doing , and you fuck up. okay , maybe that was a bad analogy. but you def make mistakes the first time around. it would be a real task to take care of that many plants your first time around , and if you fucked up with the feeding, they could all die : / . id say 5 would be good in your space , gives just over 5 square feet per plant and if you train a bit you can make it so your canopy is just boomin with buds. i am growing 3 plants under my 600 right now , week 4 and its already becoming difficult to keep the light trained on all of them. grow 3-5 and learn as much as you can. 3 weeks in you will + rep me for telling you to grow less. lol.
oh and are you growing from seed or clone?