Ok, so since moving my girls into new ,more spacious pots they have MORE THAN doubled in size ( this also could be attributed to nutes theyve recieved half strength nutes once since being repotted and they seem to love it

) so once again ....
I did start making it rain for one of my girls thismorning and shes sucking up the water like she's never seen the stuff before

soon as i get my other girl into a bigger pot with some drainage it will start raining for her aswell

. I will say the first plant i have started this technique with was already slightly bigger than the rest but not my much.
I dont think there is much more to say , just compare the girls to my last lot of pics on day 15 and see how fast theyre growing

PIC 1 - The first subject of my "Making It Rain" Experiment
PIC 2 - The Next in line for the treatment, once i get her in a pot that has drainage.
PIC 3 - one of the girls in her new pot
PIC 4 - another girl in her new pot
PIC 5 - Family Photo