G13 White Widow with other strains unknown, soil & dwc


The set up...

small veg room
125w CFL
Small fan

Flower tent
600w HPS
Inline fan and carbon filter
10in fan

Other bits
GreenDream Grow
GreenDream Bloom
GreenDream Bud Storm
EC meter
PH testing kit
Air pump 20L min
4 x net pots
4 x airstones
20M airline
Temp & humidity tester
Cloning gel and root roit cubes

The Grow...
I have a g13 white widow that is 21 days old today, she has grown really well, i have taking 4 cuttings but if they dont take i will take more when she is a bit older. I need the 4 cuttings to go into dwc that is the main thing this plant has to do.
I have 3 other plants 2 are bagseed off a mate and the other is a free female seed. 2 are growing well, the free female is a bit behind.
7 clones none rooted yet. There are the 4 g13 white widow i said about and 3 northern lights that i will put in soil and veg in my veg room for a while.
I have give 1 plant a feed and when the rest dry out i will feed them, only had to water 2 or 3 times in the 3 weeks they have been in there and no nutes intill now.

All comments welcome and anyone got a idea whats up with that leaf. When could they handle going under the 600w, if there is one thing i have learnt that is not to rush things.



Well have had a few changes this week. i have got a 400w MH on the 4 plants now and the clones are under the 125w cfl.
All good this week no problems at all, i am hoping to have the dwc units running by the weekend. i got a couple more clones this weekend so will be choosing plants as soon as they root. Here are the pics of the soil ones enjoy.

Any tips welcome



looking good. what was the temperature of the MH? 4100k or was that with a hortilux blue or something?


looking good. what was the temperature of the MH? 4100k or was that with a hortilux blue or something?
The temperature with the MH running is 77 - 83df. I dont get the next part of your question might be me being stoned but could you explan a little more.


All 3 of my northern lights clones have rooted. They was in early flower how long will it take them to return to vegging??


Here i am with my weekly update.....

they are taking off now thinking i will have to flower these sooner rather then later. They are growing really well a little bit of nute burn but nothing to worry about at all. Then need watering every 3 days now since being under the 400w MH so i am doing 1 feed and then a ph'd water then 2 feeds and over again.


they are doing well i have a northern lights in soil and in a net pot for dwc. I also have a top 44 in a dwc net pot waiting for it to root before adding to a bucket.

hopefully bigger update next week



I have put them on 12/12 yesterday they are getting to a fair size now. I gave them half grow and half bloom today 0.78 EC it says 1.30EC on the bottle keeping them down at the mo. Pics friday hopefully some bud porn soon. Also changed my light to a 600w HPS.


Here i am with my weekly update, this week i am going to show the clones off. The main plants are doing well 2 defo females the others might be males giving them another day or 2 just to be sure. I am giving them 0.9 EC bloom now once they start to flower i will give them a little boost.
The clones i have G13 white widow, Northern lights, Topp44. I will be taking more cuttings of the G13 WW and of the FREE FEMALE this week and i will take 2 off the other plants if they are female. So i could end up with 8 cuttings but will have 4 what ever happens.

TOP 44
REVSERVA PRIVADA COLE TRAIN {tracked my order lol}

This is what i will be growing for a while till i decide one aint that good and replace it with something else. If the other 2 are female i will take cuttings and then flower them and decide if they are worth growing.




All good here they are growing well. All 4 are female so the fun begins, i have taken most fan leaves off to let as much light to the bud sites as possible. i have just finshed my second week of 12/12 and all have shown sex. The cole train will be the first to start off by the looks of her. The clones are doing well, i got a new top 44 2 days ago so have 6 cuttings going 3 x WW 2 x top44 1 x northern lights. i took 2 cuttings off all the big plants apart from WW as i have 3 off her already. Hopefully couple weeks they'll all be rooted so they can go into soil to see how the mum turns out and pick the best.



All are at very early stages of flower very happy with how the grow is going. I need a new EC meter not happy about that. I have also raised the White widow by a foot because she is that much shorter then the rest.


I have checked my dates so since i started it has been 8 weeks today. So that is 56 days so that works out to 37 days veg 19 days flowering. All is going well they are starting out real good, still got a good 6 weeks left so should turn out nice. I am not spending too much time with them really just letting them do what they need to do. I am giving them some bud storm and the red bottle thats the bloom. Here is some photos i took yesterday!




All is good 3 of them are filling out nicely not so happy with the cole train plant. looks a bit wierd to me but it has white hairs everywhere so i am not that worried. If any 1 could look at the photos of her and tell me what you think? Well here they are..

