So whats the story with bagseeds


Active Member
i don't personally pot my clones untill i see roots popping out of the root cube. Try to keep the clones moist not wet.
make sure the clones don't recieve direct light as it slows or stops root development, i use 50% shade netting over the propogater.
Try to keep the temps at no less than 22c and no more than 30c. Also make sure the clones can breath!
Hope this helps!
Thanks shrigpiece that answers everything I was actually talking to 1 of my mates who's growing about his temps in the propagator he said he had it at 30*c and I thought that was high but there you are he was bang on :clap:
I don't think any of the fucked clones are going to pull thru :sad: so I thinking of just flowering all 4 and keeping a close eye for sacs and pulling but I was hoping to find that out before I flowered the main plants to free up room for more ,I will just have to see I might give the cloning 1 more go plenty of branches to choose from
Also I thinking of purchasing a 250w HPS do you think that would do better flowering then my 450w of CFL in my wardrobe its only an extra 10 yoyos for a 400w but I'm thinking that would be way too hot for my wardrobe ,what do you think :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I prefer hids to cfls. The 250 watt hid would be your limit in that box. Unless you can afford good extraction where you could install a 400 watt cooltube. that would grow you some nice buds. If you train a small fan on a 250 hid i think it will be fine.


Active Member
I prefer hids to cfls. The 250 watt hid would be your limit in that box. Unless you can afford good extraction where you could install a 400 watt cooltube. that would grow you some nice buds. If you train a small fan on a 250 hid i think it will be fine.
Yeah I was thinking that 250w HID would suit that wardrobe but a 400w would be too much but I'm also thinking that I won't be growing here next time so should I invest in a 400w but then I'm thinking that with a 250w Hid and my 250w CFL I could have a veg and flower always on the go at only a total of 500w = 1 Kw every 2 hrs @ 30hrs a day =15kw @ 14c 1kw = $2.10 a day :shock: but I should have a constant flow instead of cropping every 2-3 months maybe a plant every 2 weeks
And I am going to put a small bathroom extractor fan on the top of the wardrobe blowing the hot air into my room where I always have the window open and if need be I will scrub the air in the wardrobe with a small carbon filter, I seen some in a local hardware store


Well-Known Member
Sounds good bro, extraction is just as important as everything else. Have ya sorted ya new clones yet?
having a Veg, bloom rooms is the way to go constant weed dude.


Active Member
Sounds good bro, extraction is just as important as everything else. Have ya sorted ya new clones yet?
having a Veg, bloom rooms is the way to go constant weed dude.
Fuck the clones:lol: ,still just the 1 that took and I was stoned doing it so memory isn't the best :dunce: but I think the only clone that took was the first I cut and I'm nearly sure I didn't dip it in the rooting hormone and the rest and I did ,and now I'm thinking the rooting hormone is bad, its out of date ,so I'm thinking mold was in it because when I pull the failed clones out the bottom of them are all moldy ,so I will wait till I get some new rooting hormone before trying again
I took pics earlier but I can't find my mini Sd adaptor or the usb card reader:wall: I'll upload them tomorrow I'm fucked ,out all day earning yoyo's for my new light:grin: but at the rate I'm smoking I'll have nothing left for the light :sad: :bigjoint: :eyesmoke:
They all healed lovely they have about 6 main branches each I might re-pot them tomorrow into the final pots ,which reminds me do you know anything about sulphate of potash ,can I mix it into the soil when transplanting
I got a few feeds of sensi grow off a friend thats what I've been using the past few days and I don't notice any improvement to what I have been using but it was free so who cares
And the Special kush is looking good but not as good as the bagseed did at that age and the only difference is I was putting the bagseed out in the sun during the day
I'll stop now or I'll just keep typing and then I will go way off subject


Active Member
Well its been a while and a lot has changed ,I still haven't flowered yet but tonight it begins :hump:I.m fed up waiting for the kush to grow to a decent size so fuck it it all gets flowered as is
I still don't know what sexes I have as only 1 clone made it so its gonna get flowered too ,the other day I done a little bit of LST on all the bagseed using wire to pull the branches down
As for the other grow they got 1 female out of the 2 bagseed plants I gave them its looking very healthy twice the size of any of mine
Anyway here is the pics of the plants some were taken last week ,the Special Kush no.1 is the taller of the 2 in small pots



Active Member
Well RIU its been a while since the last update and there has been a big cull of males the bastards :lol: so out of the 4 I had and the 1 clone that survived I have 2 plants left,It was on the clone that I noticed the pistils first so I knew I had at least 1 other female but because I fucked up when repotting I didn't know what plant the clone came from so I had to wait a few days to check the others ,2 days later I definitely had 2 males and unsure about another 1 but by day 3 I cut all 3 bastards down but the 1 left was the worst looking plant because 2 branches broke off it due to stonedness while feeding:dunce::lol:
So now I have 3 girls ,2 unknown and the 1 special kush No. 1 which was growing tall so I snapped the stem now it all healed and bending back to the light looks cool:-P
So here's pics I just took middle of week 2 flowering I will take close up pics of the pistils tomorrow



Active Member
Thanks shrigpiece ,no not figured out just got 1 to work but the other female that was giving to the other grow is 5 weeks in flower and looking class with 4 main colas


Active Member
post a pic dude!
Took a few pics of the other flowering plant and fuck me does it put my girls to shame :eyesmoke: I'm defo getting me a HPS makes hell of a difference that plant is on week 5 and mine are only week 2 I think but I'm not going to get as much as I got last grow I don't think
Anyway took some pics of my bitches too


Brick Top

New Member
nothing is wrong with bagseeds
I never agree with the use bagseed first theory.

First off herb grown to be smoked is not grow to assure viable beans, beans that are at some stage of development are just an unwanted byproduct of lower priced herb. It takes between 14 to 35 days for beans to grow and mature and become viable beans. If it was due to an unintended late pollination or in some strains an early harvest or a combination of later pollination and earlier than normal harvest and you have non-viable beans or barely viable beans that lack vigor.

The above can cause low germ rates to fewer popped beans breaking the surface to very slow growth rates to various different problems and the grower can go nuts tying to figure out what they are doing wrong and the only thing they did do wrong was to pick bagseed.

The next thing is unless you know the guy who grew the herb your bagseed came from and know he is telling you the truth if he tells you what strain it is then you end up like all the rest who almost daily ask people the same questions … I am growing from bagseed, here is a few pics, what strain is it? They don’t know what they are growing so they do not know its flowering time they do not know if it is a tall plant or a medium plant or a short plant. They do not know if it is a light feeder or a heavy feeder. Being that it is a first or second grow attempt sort of scenario unless the person did more research than the average new grower does they likely will not even know to be able to look at the leaves and nodal spacing and bud-sites and know if it is predominantly indica or predominantly sativa let alone a pure strain, which I think could be totally excluded happening in the case of a sativa.

The point is you are growing the unknown-plant. Other than the very most general most basic things you know nothing that applies and anything you are told is really nothing more than a possibly useful tip.

Then some argue why pay for “high priced” breeder genetics when you can grow “free” seeds instead? Well if someone gave you beans from their bag or you just slipped a few out then I guess the beans would be free. But if they came from a bag you already paid for or you then buy to get the seeds from regardless of you smoking the herb you still paid for those seeds. When you look at how many seeds you may get in a bag, depending on size of course, and how many you use and how many germ and how many turn out to be females and of those how many turn out to be healthy females in the end what you attribute the percentage of cost of the bag to the seeds alone that is what you paid for the number seeds you got whatever number of healthy females from.

If you pick your beans right you can find some very good values for reasonable prices. It will not be the ultimate pot in the world but it will be damn good and you will avoid all the unnecessary and avoidable problems that can go along with bagseed and that includes learning on something that is viable and reliable and doesn’t have you chasing your tail trying to figure out what you did wrong or are doing wrong when it is not you but instead the results of growing a less than 100% viable bean from bagseed.

There are more arguments to be made but I think that gives someone at least more or less the idea.

It really isn’t logical to pick bagseed over breeder genetics when you consider the pros and cons.


Active Member
Thanks for that brick top ,the only reason I bothered with the bagseed was to practice different growing techniques(topping,fimming,LST and cloning) without the worry of wasting breeders seeds I payed for ,now I know the limits of what I can grow in the space I have,and also I gave away some of the plants after the seeds germed and the pics above the big plant is 1 of the plants I gave away ,Also my last grow I used female seeds and I didn't know what a male looks like when flowering ,only from pics on RIU,but now I know so I might buy some regular seeds in the future ,but as of now I have Big Buddha Cheese waiting for the bagseed to finish
And anyway I think its a little bit exciting not knowing what the weed is going to turn out like or how good but its all good right?


Well-Known Member
Took a few pics of the other flowering plant and fuck me does it put my girls to shame :eyesmoke: I'm defo getting me a HPS makes hell of a difference that plant is on week 5 and mine are only week 2 I think but I'm not going to get as much as I got last grow I don't think
Anyway took some pics of my bitches too
Are the one with the big buds are the ones grown under the HPS?


Active Member
Are the one with the big buds are the ones grown under the HPS?
Yes they were veg under a 30w 6500k CFL using sensi grow for 2 weeks then flowered under a 400w HPS using sensi grow they make mine look shit but mind you I broke the 2 main branches off my best plant but I'm definitely getting at least a 250w HPS as it is I have 450w of CFL

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks for that brick top ,the only reason I bothered with the bagseed was to practice different growing techniques(topping,fimming,LST and cloning) without the worry of wasting breeders seeds I payed for ,now I know the limits of what I can grow in the space I have,and also I gave away some of the plants after the seeds germed and the pics above the big plant is 1 of the plants I gave away ,Also my last grow I used female seeds and I didn't know what a male looks like when flowering ,only from pics on RIU,but now I know so I might buy some regular seeds in the future ,but as of now I have Big Buddha Cheese waiting for the bagseed to finish
And anyway I think its a little bit exciting not knowing what the weed is going to turn out like or how good but its all good right?

I guess that would depend on how someone defines "all good." Myself I do not care for 'adventure growin', I like knowing more rather than knowing less. Part of becoming a better grower is knowing how to grow proactively, to avoid problems before they begin and the less someone knows the more difficult it will be to avoid problems. Then you add the problems that can come from beans that are not fully mature and to me it just does not make sense to grow mystery genetics.

It is not like I have never grown from bagseed. When I started growing in 1972 no one had ever even dreamed of seedbanks selling professional genetics ... plus real true professional genetics did not exist at the time, or at least not in a way where the public could purchase them. The biggest difference then though was we smoked land-race strains and they were all sativas so while there were still some questions and you could find immature beans there was at least fewer questions about what someone was growing.

Some people see things differently than others do and in their minds bagseed is the way to go, at least for the first grow or three, something to learn and practice on. I just see breeder genetics being better for that since the person is not totally in the dark about what they are growing and only in the dark about how to grow in general.

If someone purchases breeder genetics they have a better chance of receiving accurate advice if they have problems since it is likely that there will be others who grew the same breeder's strain and can tell them what it needs and what it likes and what it does not like etc.

That sure beats someone saying they have a mystery plant and asking if anyone has a clue what strain it is and what in the wide, wide world of sports is wrong with it or asking how many weeks it will need to flower ... like we see asked by people here so very often.