So whats the story with bagseeds


Active Member
Its so exciting:lol: not knowing what they are or whether they're male or female
well anyone taking bets out of my 4 how many do you reckon will be female,I chose the best looking plants for me but that doesn't mean shit right?:dunce:
So ,not to worry hopefully the 2 Special kush no.1 will grow like motherfuckers:bigjoint:
Anyway here's the pics I promised :eyesmoke: as you can see I move the grow space from the attic as I was pissed off not having full control of the last grow as it being fucking hard being an attic stealth grower when your mother is standing at the bottom of the ladder :lol:
So now my wardrobe is the sacred shrine of weed ,my clothes are everywhere but fuck it my plants have a stable home :bigjoint:



Active Member
Yes shrigpiece no longer in the loft the plants are just behind my head when i sleep helps me dream of whats to come ,between myself and yourself (and anyone who reads this) I have another 4 people starting their own small grows under my supervision and any plants I have I will be cloning and spreading the love and hopefully I need never pay for weed again
I transplanted all my 4 today and the 2 Special Kush No.1 seeds have cracked open I will pot them tomorrow I'm gonna save the Cheese till I find out how many females I have in the unknown 4 to save space
Will post pics tomorrow ,Got another loan of the 200w 6500k CFL and just plugged it in and fuck it anyway 1 of the U tubes was cracked and only half of it works ,do you know if this is dangerous ?and fuck it if I have money to get a replacement ,was planning on getting myself a 125w but I may knock that on the head now
Anyway thanks for dropping by shrigpiece you must have had a good 420 don't celebrate that here


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing like supervising other peoples grow is there, iv got 2 myself.
As for the cfl being dangerous i could'nt tell ya if it was of not, personally i would'nt use it. ya never know!
I will be back im a little curious as to what the kushs look like,
cheers dude


Active Member
Right the bagseed are doing well and the 2 S K no.1 are sprouted and already on the second leaves
I'm gonna top the bagseed plants tomorrow and clone the cutting wait for them to root and flower the clones to see what I got ,I will have to make a separate flowering box for the clones or I might have someone flowering and I can throw them in with theirs
If not do you (anybody) think that one 85w 2700K would be enough to flower the clones just enough to see what sex they are and if not would two be enough?
Anyway here is the pics of the plants



Active Member
Theres nothing like supervising other peoples grow is there, iv got 2 myself.
As for the cfl being dangerous i could'nt tell ya if it was of not, personally i would'nt use it. ya never know!
I will be back im a little curious as to what the kushs look like,
cheers dude
I stopped using that CFL back to the 250w 2700k ,
Well I topped all 4 plants today and planted the clone of each 1 ,I made a half-assed propagator which I had on the wardrobe shelf but I moved on top of the light for the heat off it to help the clones root, this is my first time cloning hope all goes well :dunce:
The 2 Special Kush No.1 are doing well so a total of 10 plants ,I am going to give 1 Sp K away to 1 of the other grows they have a 600w HPS and room to grow so spreading as much love as I can :weed: so at least I will get some tight nugs if all mine fuck up :joint:
Any way here is a few pics of the grow



Active Member
Right so here is the update ,the 4 plants I topped are doing well,well I kinda went crazy with the snips and I think I have my first Fuck I Missed:dunce: as the pics will show and also the leaves are curling upwards I don't know if this is to do with all the cutting or a heat issue in the wardrobe,I'm thinking of getting a small extractor fan for this.
The Upgrade is a heated six tray propagator(20 yoyo's Lidl);-) and since putting the 2 Special Kush no.1 in the thing they are growing like motherfuckers and the 4 clones are looking better ,I hope at least 1 of the 4 bagseed are female so is not all a waste of time but who knows I might get all 4:eyesmoke: but I doubt it:sad:
I started to turn the lights off for 5 hours during the night ,a question should clones be kept under 24 hr light or is a few hours darkness ok?:dunce:
here's the pics:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Thats cory and trevor from the trailer park boys.
I fimed mine, to be honest i don't rate my grow this time round.
All my plants are ghs strains. i used to grow sensi's strains which were better. If your clones are rooted you can go on 24 hours with no issues
lookin good bro!


Active Member
Thats cory and trevor from the trailer park boys.
I fimed mine, to be honest i don't rate my grow this time round.
All my plants are ghs strains. i used to grow sensi's strains which were better. If your clones are rooted you can go on 24 hours with no issues
lookin good bro!
I only ever seen their movie which I thought was hilarious ,I don't remember them 2 in it but then again I don't remember much about the movie except Julian always with the glass in the hand and the big hair chap growing weed in wheelie bins :lol: might watch it later
What GHS strains are you growing I know a fella growing White Rhino I might ask him for a cutting :mrgreen:
How do you know that the clones have rooted :dunce: I cut the fans leaves smaller on the clones and they seem better still green and not wilted I will put pics up tomorrow
The 2 Kush are flying ,that heated propagator was a great investment


Well-Known Member
Bag seed is cool and it depends on "where"your bagseed comes from. My bagseed comes from a farm of Indica Strains. So I know when I plant those seeds I'm getting the same genetics from the parent plant of the bag seed. I usually plant a male and cross my own strains over and over every season so I stretch possibilities and have plenty of nice potent females.


Active Member
Bag seed is cool and it depends on "where"your bagseed comes from. My bagseed comes from a farm of Indica Strains. So I know when I plant those seeds I'm getting the same genetics from the parent plant of the bag seed. I usually plant a male and cross my own strains over and over every season so I stretch possibilities and have plenty of nice potent females.
The bag of Weed I got the seeds from was ok got me stoned so can't be bad genetics,I also have 2 Special Kush no.1 growing and I've Big Buddha Cheese waiting for room when I find out what sex my 4 clones are then I can cull the males


i dont know if anyone's said this yet but people use bagseed because its cheap
its sometimes effective
you can get some dank shit
and people like mystery
the downsides are
theres a higher chance of herminitus as i like to call it
you cant asure that its going to be female
it sucks putting your time and effort to figure out that its some crappy weed
you cant asure high yeilds

there ya go :bigjoint:


Active Member
i dont know if anyone's said this yet but people use bagseed because its cheap
its sometimes effective
you can get some dank shit
and people like mystery
the downsides are
theres a higher chance of herminitus as i like to call it
you cant asure that its going to be female
it sucks putting your time and effort to figure out that its some crappy weed
you cant asure high yeilds

there ya go :bigjoint:
Yeah I was thinking this myself if I get all males all the time I've wasted growing them but on the other hand I've been able to try cloning and see if it works and to practice topping cropping and fimming without paying for the seeds and if all goes good Happy Fucking Days if not I still have my fem seeds to grow


Active Member
Just another update ,the 4 bagseed are growing well all that topping worked wonders ,as for the clone I'm not too sure if they are doing well they look shriveled but still green how many days before there should be new growth I assume this is the only way to know a clone has rooted
The 2 Special kush were doing great till I just opened the door and seen the 35w sitting on top of 1 of them and 1 of the leaves is crispified :shock: but still looks ok
well heres the pics just a few



Active Member
Another update of my second grow:clap:,well where do I start ,cloning seems to be harder than it looks:wall: ,only 1 of the 4 clones took ,2 were fucked the other 1 I recut and repotted in the hope to salvage it ,and I cut another 2 clones off their parent plant ,otherwise my plan won't work and I will have to flower all the plants to sex them which I didn't want to do so I hope these clones take
The 2 Special Kush no.1 are doing well , I might repot them next week
And also I took a clipping off a GHS white rhino:weed: and have that in the propagator with the rest ,I hope this bitch takes its from a female plant and the more the better:-P
will post pics tomorrow


Active Member
I'm doing something wrong when cloning they all but 1 seem to be dying :sad: I have them in heated propagator with near 100% humidity is this my problem ? :dunce:
Well the 4 plants are doing well after topping twice most of them have 4 main shoots so I hope at least 1 is female :weed:
I gave 1 special kush away and the 1 left is doing very well
here's the pics any input about care after cutting clones is appreciated :hug:



Well-Known Member
i don't personally pot my clones untill i see roots popping out of the root cube. Try to keep the clones moist not wet.
make sure the clones don't recieve direct light as it slows or stops root development, i use 50% shade netting over the propogater.
Try to keep the temps at no less than 22c and no more than 30c. Also make sure the clones can breath!
Hope this helps!